
class halotools.empirical_models.TrivialProfile(cosmology=FlatLambdaCDM(name='WMAP5', H0=<Quantity 70.2 km / (Mpc s)>, Om0=0.277, Tcmb0=<Quantity 2.725 K>, Neff=3.04, m_nu=<Quantity [0., 0., 0.] eV>, Ob0=0.0459), redshift=0.0, mdef='vir', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AnalyticDensityProf

Profile of dark matter halos with all their mass concentrated at exactly the halo center.

cosmologyobject, optional

Astropy cosmology object. Default is set in sim_defaults.

redshiftfloat, optional

Default is set in sim_defaults.

mdef: str, optional

String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., ‘vir’ or ‘200m’. Default is set in model_defaults.


You can load a trivial profile model with the default settings simply by calling the class constructor with no arguments:

>>> trivial_halo_prof_model = TrivialProfile()

Methods Summary

dimensionless_mass_density(scaled_radius, ...)

Physical density of the halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition.

enclosed_mass(radius, total_mass)

The mass enclosed within the input radius, \(M(<r) = 4\pi\int_{0}^{r}dr'r'^{2}\rho(r)\).

Methods Documentation

dimensionless_mass_density(scaled_radius, total_mass)[source]

Physical density of the halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition.

The dimensionless_mass_density is defined as \(\tilde{\rho}_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) \equiv \rho_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) / \rho_{\rm thresh}\), where \(\tilde{r}\equiv r/R_{\Delta}\).


Halo-centric distance r scaled by the halo boundary \(R_{\Delta}\), so that \(0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1\). Can be a scalar or numpy array.

total_mass: array_like

Total halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array.

dimensionless_density: array_like

Dimensionless density of a dark matter halo at the input scaled_radius, normalized by the density_threshold \(\rho_{\rm thresh}\) for the halo mass definition, cosmology, and redshift. Result is an array of the dimension as the input scaled_radius.

enclosed_mass(radius, total_mass)[source]

The mass enclosed within the input radius, \(M(<r) = 4\pi\int_{0}^{r}dr'r'^{2}\rho(r)\).

For the TrivialProfile, this is equal to the total mass of the halo for all non-zero radii.


Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array


Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input radius.

enclosed_mass: array_like

The mass enclosed within radius r, in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as the input radius.