- class halotools.empirical_models.AnalyticDensityProf(cosmology, redshift, mdef, halo_boundary_key=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Container class for any analytical radial profile model.
See Source code notes on AnalyticDensityProf for a review of the mathematics of halo profiles, and a thorough description of how the relevant equations are implemented in the
source code.Notes
The primary behavior of the
class is governed by thedimensionless_mass_density
method. TheAnalyticDensityProf
class has no implementation of its own ofdimensionless_mass_density
, but does implement all other behaviors that derive fromdimensionless_mass_density
. Thus for users who wish to define their own profile class, defining thedimensionless_mass_density
of the profile is the necessary and sufficient ingredient.- Parameters:
- cosmologyobject
Instance of an
object.- redshift: array_like
Can be a scalar or a numpy array.
- mdef: str
String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., ‘vir’ or ‘200m’.
- halo_boundary_keystr, optional
Default behavior is to use the column associated with the input mdef.
Methods Summary
(radius, total_mass, ...)The circular velocity, \(V_{\rm cir} \equiv \sqrt{GM(<r)/r}\), as a function of halo-centric distance r.
(scaled_radius, *prof_params)The fraction of the total mass enclosed within dimensionless radius,
Circular velocity scaled by the virial velocity, \(V_{\rm cir}(x) / V_{\rm vir}\), as a function of dimensionless position \(\tilde{r} = r / R_{\rm vir}\).
(scaled_radius, ...)Physical density of the halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition:
(radius, total_mass, *prof_params)The mass enclosed within the input radius.
(total_mass)Spherical overdensity radius as a function of the input mass.
(radius)Spherical overdensity mass as a function of the input radius.
(radius, mass, *prof_params)Physical density of the halo at the input radius, given in units of \(h^{3}/{\rm Mpc}^{3}\).
(total_mass, *prof_params)Radius at which the halo attains its maximum circular velocity.
(total_mass)The circular velocity evaluated at the halo boundary, \(V_{\rm vir} \equiv \sqrt{GM_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm halo}}\).
(total_mass, *prof_params)Maximum circular velocity of the halo profile.
Methods Documentation
- circular_velocity(radius, total_mass, *prof_params)[source]¶
The circular velocity, \(V_{\rm cir} \equiv \sqrt{GM(<r)/r}\), as a function of halo-centric distance r.
- Parameters:
- radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array
- total_massarray_like
Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input
.- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- vc: array_like
The circular velocity in km/s; has the same dimensions as the input
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, *prof_params)[source]¶
The fraction of the total mass enclosed within dimensionless radius,
\(P_{\rm prof}(<\tilde{r}) \equiv M_{\Delta}(<\tilde{r}) / M_{\Delta},\) where \(\tilde{r} \equiv r / R_{\Delta}\).
- Parameters:
- scaled_radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance r scaled by the halo boundary \(R_{\Delta}\), so that \(0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1\). Can be a scalar or numpy array.
- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- p: array_like
The fraction of the total mass enclosed within radius x, in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as the input
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- dimensionless_circular_velocity(scaled_radius, *prof_params)[source]¶
Circular velocity scaled by the virial velocity, \(V_{\rm cir}(x) / V_{\rm vir}\), as a function of dimensionless position \(\tilde{r} = r / R_{\rm vir}\).
- Parameters:
- scaled_radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance r scaled by the halo boundary \(R_{\Delta}\), so that \(0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1\). Can be a scalar or numpy array.
- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- vcirarray_like
Circular velocity scaled by the virial velocity, \(V_{\rm cir}(x) / V_{\rm vir}\).
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- dimensionless_mass_density(scaled_radius, *prof_params)[source]¶
Physical density of the halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition:
is defined as \(\tilde{\rho}_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) \equiv \rho_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) / \rho_{\rm thresh}\), where \(\tilde{r}\equiv r/R_{\Delta}\). The quantity \(\rho_{\rm thresh}\) is a function of the halo mass definition, cosmology and redshift, and is computed via thedensity_threshold
function. The quantity \(\rho_{\rm prof}\) is the physical mass density of the halo profile and is computed via themass_density
function.See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- Parameters:
- scaled_radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance r scaled by the halo boundary \(R_{\Delta}\), so that \(0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1\). Can be a scalar or numpy array.
- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array or sequence of arrays necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- dimensionless_density: array_like
Dimensionless density of a dark matter halo at the input
, normalized by thedensity_threshold
\(\rho_{\rm thresh}\) for the halo mass definition, cosmology, and redshift. Result is an array of the dimension as the inputscaled_radius
All of the behavior of a subclass of
is determined bydimensionless_mass_density
. This is numerically convenient, because mass densities in physical units are astronomically large numbers, whereasdimensionless_mass_density
is of order \(\mathcal{O}(1-100)\). This also saves users writing their own subclass from having to worry over factors of little h, how profile normalization scales with the mass definition, etc. Once a model’sdimensionless_mass_density
is specified, all the other functionality is derived from this definition.See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- enclosed_mass(radius, total_mass, *prof_params)[source]¶
The mass enclosed within the input radius.
\(M(<r) = 4\pi\int_{0}^{r}dr'r'^{2}\rho(r)\).
- Parameters:
- radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array
- total_massarray_like
Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input
.- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- enclosed_mass: array_like
The mass enclosed within radius r, in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as the input
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass)[source]¶
Spherical overdensity radius as a function of the input mass.
Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile.
- Parameters:
- total_mass: array_like
Total halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array.
- Returns:
- radiusarray_like
Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units. Will have the same dimension as the input
The behavior of this function derives from
- halo_radius_to_halo_mass(radius)[source]¶
Spherical overdensity mass as a function of the input radius.
Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile.
- Parameters:
- radiusarray_like
Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units; can be a number or a numpy array.
- Returns:
- total_mass: array_like
Total halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\). Will have the same dimension as the input
The behavior of this function derives from
- mass_density(radius, mass, *prof_params)[source]¶
Physical density of the halo at the input radius, given in units of \(h^{3}/{\rm Mpc}^{3}\).
- Parameters:
- radiusarray_like
Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array
- massarray_like
Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input
.- *prof_paramsarray_like, optional
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- density: array_like
Physical density of a dark matter halo of the input
at the inputradius
. Result is an array of the dimension as the inputradius
, reported in units of \(h^{3}/Mpc^{3}\).
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- rmax(total_mass, *prof_params)[source]¶
Radius at which the halo attains its maximum circular velocity.
- Parameters:
- total_mass: array_like
Total halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array.
- *prof_paramsarray_like
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- rmaxarray_like
\(R_{\rm max}\) in Mpc/h.
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- virial_velocity(total_mass)[source]¶
The circular velocity evaluated at the halo boundary, \(V_{\rm vir} \equiv \sqrt{GM_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm halo}}\).
- Parameters:
- total_massarray_like
Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array.
- Returns:
- vvirarray_like
Virial velocity in km/s.
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.
- vmax(total_mass, *prof_params)[source]¶
Maximum circular velocity of the halo profile.
- Parameters:
- total_mass: array_like
Total halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array.
- *prof_paramsarray_like
Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration.
- Returns:
- vmaxarray_like
\(V_{\rm max}\) in km/s.
See Spatial Profiles of Halos for derivations and implementation details.