Source code for halotools.empirical_models.phase_space_models.analytic_models.profile_model_template

This module contains the `AnalyticalDensityProf` class,
a container class for the distribution of mass and/or galaxies
within dark matter halos.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad as quad_integration
from scipy.optimize import minimize as scipy_minimize
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import G

from . import halo_boundary_functions

from ... import model_defaults

newtonG = * * u.Mpc / (u.Msun * u.s * u.s))

__author__ = ["Andrew Hearin", "Benedikt Diemer"]

__all__ = ["AnalyticDensityProf"]

[docs] class AnalyticDensityProf(object): r"""Container class for any analytical radial profile model. See :ref:`profile_template_tutorial` for a review of the mathematics of halo profiles, and a thorough description of how the relevant equations are implemented in the `AnalyticDensityProf` source code. Notes ----- The primary behavior of the `AnalyticDensityProf` class is governed by the `dimensionless_mass_density` method. The `AnalyticDensityProf` class has no implementation of its own of `dimensionless_mass_density`, but does implement all other behaviors that derive from `dimensionless_mass_density`. Thus for users who wish to define their own profile class, defining the `dimensionless_mass_density` of the profile is the necessary and sufficient ingredient. """ def __init__(self, cosmology, redshift, mdef, halo_boundary_key=None, **kwargs): r""" Parameters ----------- cosmology : object Instance of an `~astropy.cosmology` object. redshift: array_like Can be a scalar or a numpy array. mdef: str String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., 'vir' or '200m'. halo_boundary_key : str, optional Default behavior is to use the column associated with the input mdef. """ self.cosmology = cosmology self.redshift = redshift self.mdef = mdef # The following four attributes are derived quantities from the above, # so that self-consistency between them is ensured self.density_threshold = halo_boundary_functions.density_threshold( cosmology=self.cosmology, redshift=self.redshift, mdef=self.mdef ) if halo_boundary_key is None: self.halo_boundary_key = model_defaults.get_halo_boundary_key(self.mdef) else: self.halo_boundary_key = halo_boundary_key self.prim_haloprop_key = model_defaults.get_halo_mass_key(self.mdef) self.gal_prof_param_keys = [] self.halo_prof_param_keys = [] self.publications = [] self.param_dict = {}
[docs] def dimensionless_mass_density(self, scaled_radius, *prof_params): r""" Physical density of the halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition: The `dimensionless_mass_density` is defined as :math:`\tilde{\rho}_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) \equiv \rho_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) / \rho_{\rm thresh}`, where :math:`\tilde{r}\equiv r/R_{\Delta}`. The quantity :math:`\rho_{\rm thresh}` is a function of the halo mass definition, cosmology and redshift, and is computed via the `~halotools.empirical_models.halo_boundary_functions.density_threshold` function. The quantity :math:`\rho_{\rm prof}` is the physical mass density of the halo profile and is computed via the `mass_density` function. See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. Parameters ----------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array or sequence of arrays necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ------- dimensionless_density: array_like Dimensionless density of a dark matter halo at the input ``scaled_radius``, normalized by the `~halotools.empirical_models.halo_boundary_functions.density_threshold` :math:`\rho_{\rm thresh}` for the halo mass definition, cosmology, and redshift. Result is an array of the dimension as the input ``scaled_radius``. Notes ----- All of the behavior of a subclass of `AnalyticDensityProf` is determined by `dimensionless_mass_density`. This is numerically convenient, because mass densities in physical units are astronomically large numbers, whereas `dimensionless_mass_density` is of order :math:`\mathcal{O}(1-100)`. This also saves users writing their own subclass from having to worry over factors of little h, how profile normalization scales with the mass definition, etc. Once a model's `dimensionless_mass_density` is specified, all the other functionality is derived from this definition. See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ pass
[docs] def mass_density(self, radius, mass, *prof_params): r""" Physical density of the halo at the input radius, given in units of :math:`h^{3}/{\rm Mpc}^{3}`. Parameters ----------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ------- density: array_like Physical density of a dark matter halo of the input ``mass`` at the input ``radius``. Result is an array of the dimension as the input ``radius``, reported in units of :math:`h^{3}/Mpc^{3}`. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ halo_radius = self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(mass) scaled_radius = radius / halo_radius dimensionless_mass = self.dimensionless_mass_density( scaled_radius, *prof_params ) density = self.density_threshold * dimensionless_mass return density
def _enclosed_dimensionless_mass_integrand(self, scaled_radius, *prof_params): r""" Integrand used when computing `cumulative_mass_PDF`. Parameters ----------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ------- integrand: array_like function to be integrated to yield the amount of enclosed mass. """ dimensionless_density = self.dimensionless_mass_density( scaled_radius, *prof_params ) return dimensionless_density * 4 * np.pi * scaled_radius**2
[docs] def cumulative_mass_PDF(self, scaled_radius, *prof_params): r""" The fraction of the total mass enclosed within dimensionless radius, :math:`P_{\rm prof}(<\tilde{r}) \equiv M_{\Delta}(<\tilde{r}) / M_{\Delta},` where :math:`\tilde{r} \equiv r / R_{\Delta}`. Parameters ----------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ------------- p: array_like The fraction of the total mass enclosed within radius x, in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; has the same dimensions as the input ``x``. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ x = np.atleast_1d(scaled_radius).astype(np.float64) enclosed_mass = np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(len(x)): enclosed_mass[i], _ = quad_integration( self._enclosed_dimensionless_mass_integrand, 0.0, x[i], epsrel=1e-5, args=prof_params, ) total, _ = quad_integration( self._enclosed_dimensionless_mass_integrand, 0.0, 1.0, epsrel=1e-5, args=prof_params, ) return enclosed_mass / total
[docs] def enclosed_mass(self, radius, total_mass, *prof_params): r""" The mass enclosed within the input radius. :math:`M(<r) = 4\pi\int_{0}^{r}dr'r'^{2}\rho(r)`. Parameters ----------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ---------- enclosed_mass: array_like The mass enclosed within radius r, in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; has the same dimensions as the input ``radius``. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ radius = np.atleast_1d(radius).astype(np.float64) scaled_radius = radius / self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass) mass = self.cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, *prof_params) * total_mass return mass
[docs] def dimensionless_circular_velocity(self, scaled_radius, *prof_params): r"""Circular velocity scaled by the virial velocity, :math:`V_{\rm cir}(x) / V_{\rm vir}`, as a function of dimensionless position :math:`\tilde{r} = r / R_{\rm vir}`. Parameters ----------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ------- vcir : array_like Circular velocity scaled by the virial velocity, :math:`V_{\rm cir}(x) / V_{\rm vir}`. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return np.sqrt( self.cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, *prof_params) / scaled_radius )
[docs] def virial_velocity(self, total_mass): r"""The circular velocity evaluated at the halo boundary, :math:`V_{\rm vir} \equiv \sqrt{GM_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm halo}}`. Parameters -------------- total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array. Returns -------- vvir : array_like Virial velocity in km/s. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return halo_boundary_functions.halo_mass_to_virial_velocity( total_mass, self.cosmology, self.redshift, self.mdef )
[docs] def circular_velocity(self, radius, total_mass, *prof_params): r""" The circular velocity, :math:`V_{\rm cir} \equiv \sqrt{GM(<r)/r}`, as a function of halo-centric distance r. Parameters -------------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. *prof_params : array_like, optional Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns ---------- vc: array_like The circular velocity in km/s; has the same dimensions as the input ``radius``. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ halo_radius = self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass) scaled_radius = np.atleast_1d(radius) / halo_radius return self.dimensionless_circular_velocity( scaled_radius, *prof_params ) * self.virial_velocity(total_mass)
def _vmax_helper(self, scaled_radius, *prof_params): """Helper function used to calculate `vmax` and `rmax`.""" encl = self.cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, *prof_params) return -1.0 * encl / scaled_radius
[docs] def rmax(self, total_mass, *prof_params): r"""Radius at which the halo attains its maximum circular velocity. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. *prof_params : array_like Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns -------- rmax : array_like :math:`R_{\rm max}` in Mpc/h. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ halo_radius = self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass) guess = 0.25 result = scipy_minimize(self._vmax_helper, guess, args=prof_params) return result.x[0] * halo_radius
[docs] def vmax(self, total_mass, *prof_params): r"""Maximum circular velocity of the halo profile. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. *prof_params : array_like Any additional array(s) necessary to specify the shape of the radial profile, e.g., halo concentration. Returns -------- vmax : array_like :math:`V_{\rm max}` in km/s. Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ guess = 0.25 result = scipy_minimize(self._vmax_helper, guess, args=prof_params) halo_radius = self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass) return self.circular_velocity( result.x[0] * halo_radius, total_mass, *prof_params )
[docs] def halo_mass_to_halo_radius(self, total_mass): r""" Spherical overdensity radius as a function of the input mass. Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. Returns ------- radius : array_like Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units. Will have the same dimension as the input ``total_mass``. Notes ------ The behavior of this function derives from `~halotools.empirical_models.halo_mass_to_halo_radius`. """ return halo_boundary_functions.halo_mass_to_halo_radius( total_mass, cosmology=self.cosmology, redshift=self.redshift, mdef=self.mdef )
[docs] def halo_radius_to_halo_mass(self, radius): r""" Spherical overdensity mass as a function of the input radius. Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile. Parameters ------------ radius : array_like Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units; can be a number or a numpy array. Returns ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`. Will have the same dimension as the input ``radius``. Notes ------ The behavior of this function derives from `~halotools.empirical_models.halo_radius_to_halo_mass`. """ return halo_boundary_functions.halo_radius_to_halo_mass( radius, cosmology=self.cosmology, redshift=self.redshift, mdef=self.mdef )