
class halotools.empirical_models.DimrothWatson(momtype=1, a=None, b=None, xtol=1e-14, badvalue=None, name=None, longname=None, shapes=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: rv_continuous

A Dimroth-Watson distribution of :math:`cos(theta)’


shape paramater


The Dimroth-Watson distribution is defined as:

\[p(\cos(\theta)) = B(k)\exp[-k\cos(\theta)^2]\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta)\]


\[B(k) = \frac{1}{2}int_0^1\exp(-k t^2)\mathrm{d}t\]

We assume the ISO convention for spherical coordinates, where \(\theta\) is the polar angle, bounded between \([-\pi, \pi]\), and \(\phi\) is the azimuthal angle, where for a Dimroth-Watson distribution, \(phi' is a uniform random variable between :math:`[0, 2\pi]\): for all k.

For \(k<0\), the distribution of points on a sphere is bipolar. For \(k=0\), the distribution of points on a sphere is uniform. For \(k>0\), the distribution of points on a sphere is girdle.

Note that as \(k \rarrow \infty\):

\[p(\cos(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \delta(\cos(\theta) + 1) + \delta(\cos(\theta) - 1) \right]\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta)\]

and as \(k \rarrow -\infty\):

\[p(\cos(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\delta(\cos(\theta))\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta)\]

Needless to say, for large \(|k|\), the attributes of this class are approximate and not well tested.

Methods Summary

g1_isf(y, k)

inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k>0

g1_pdf(x, k)

proposal distribution for pdf for k>0

g2_isf(y, k)

inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k<0

g2_pdf(x, k)

proposal distribution for pdf for k<0


eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for k>0


eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for pdf for k<0

Methods Documentation

g1_isf(y, k)[source]

inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k>0

g1_pdf(x, k)[source]

proposal distribution for pdf for k>0

g2_isf(y, k)[source]

inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k<0

g2_pdf(x, k)[source]

proposal distribution for pdf for k<0


eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for k>0


eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for pdf for k<0