Source code for halotools.empirical_models.ia_models.watson_distribution

Dimroth-Watson distribution class
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
from scipy.stats import rv_continuous
from scipy.special import erf, erfi

from warnings import warn

__all__ = ('DimrothWatson')
__author__ = ('Duncan Campbell')

[docs] class DimrothWatson(rv_continuous): r""" A Dimroth-Watson distribution of :math:`\cos(\theta)' Parameters ---------- k : float shape paramater Notes ----- The Dimroth-Watson distribution is defined as: .. math:: p(\cos(\theta)) = B(k)\exp[-k\cos(\theta)^2]\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta) where .. math:: B(k) = \frac{1}{2}int_0^1\exp(-k t^2)\mathrm{d}t We assume the ISO convention for spherical coordinates, where :math:`\theta` is the polar angle, bounded between :math:`[-\pi, \pi]`, and :math:`\phi` is the azimuthal angle, where for a Dimroth-Watson distribution, :math:`phi' is a uniform random variable between :math:`[0, 2\pi]`: for all `k`. For :math:`k<0`, the distribution of points on a sphere is bipolar. For :math:`k=0`, the distribution of points on a sphere is uniform. For :math:`k>0`, the distribution of points on a sphere is girdle. Note that as :math:`k \rarrow \infty`: .. math:: p(\cos(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \delta(\cos(\theta) + 1) + \delta(\cos(\theta) - 1) \right]\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta) and as :math:`k \rarrow -\infty`: .. math:: p(\cos(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\delta(\cos(\theta))\mathrm{d}\cos(\theta) Needless to say, for large :math:`|k|`, the attributes of this class are approximate and not well tested. """ def _argcheck(self, k): r""" check arguments """ k = np.asarray(k) self.a = -1.0 # lower bound self.b = 1.0 # upper bound return (k == k) def _norm(self, k): r""" normalization constant """ k = np.atleast_1d(k) # mask for positive and negative k cases negative_k = (k < 0) & (k != 0) positive_k = (k != 0) # after masking, ignore the sign of k k = np.fabs(k) # create an array to store the result norm = np.zeros(len(k)) # for k>0 norm[positive_k] = 4.0*np.sqrt(np.pi)*erf(np.sqrt(k[positive_k]))/(4.0*np.sqrt(k[positive_k])) # for k<0 norm[negative_k] = 4.0*np.sqrt(np.pi)*erfi(np.sqrt(k[negative_k]))/(4.0*np.sqrt(k[negative_k])) # ignore divide by zero in the where statement with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): return np.where(k == 0, 0.5, 1.0/norm) def _pdf(self, x, k): r""" probability distribution function Parameters ---------- k : float shape parameter Notes ----- See the 'notes' section of the class for a discussion of large :math:`|k|`. """ # process arguments k = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(np.float64) x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype(np.float64) with np.errstate(over='ignore', invalid='ignore'): norm = self._norm(k) p = norm*np.exp(-1.0*k*x**2) p = np.nan_to_num(p) # deal with the edge cases epsilon = 1e-5 edge_mask = (p >= 1.0/epsilon) | (p == 0.0) #edge_mask = (p >= 1.0/epsilon) p[edge_mask] = 0.0 # large negative k (bipolar) bipolar = (x >= (1.0 - epsilon)) | (x <= (-1.0 + epsilon)) #p[bipolar & edge_mask & (k>1)] = 1.0/(2.0*epsilon) p[bipolar & edge_mask & (k < -1)] = 1.0/(2.0*epsilon) # large positive k (girdle) girdle = (x >= (0.0 - epsilon)) & (x <= (0.0 + epsilon)) #p[girdle & edge_mask & (k <- 1)] = 1.0/(2.0*epsilon) p[girdle & edge_mask & (k > 1)] = 1.0/(2.0*epsilon) return p def _rvs(self, k, size=None, max_iter=100, random_state=None): r""" random variate sampling Parameters ---------- k : array_like array of shape parameters size : int or tuple of ints, optional integer indicating the number of samples to draw. if not given, the number of samples will be equal to len(k). max_iter : int, optional integer indicating the maximum number of times to iteratively draw from the proposal distribution until len(s) points are accepted. random_state : numpy.random.RandomState, optional RandomState used to generate random numbers. Notes ----- The random variate sampling for this distribution is an implementation of the rejection-sampling technique. The Proposal distributions are taken from Best & Fisher (1986). """ k = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(np.float64) if size is None or size == (): size = len(k) if size != 1: # If size is an int, the first condition must be met, if size is a tuple, the second condition is the equivalent form if len(k) == size or k.shape == size: pass elif len(k) == 1: k = np.ones(size)*k else: msg = ('if `size` argument is given, len(k) must be 1 or equal to size.') raise ValueError(msg) else: size = len(k) # vector to store random variates result = np.zeros(size) # take care of k=0 case zero_k = (k == 0) uran0 = random_state.random(np.sum(zero_k))*2 - 1.0 result[zero_k] = uran0 # take care of edge cases, i.e. |k| very large with np.errstate(over='ignore'): x = np.exp(k) edge_mask = ((x == np.inf) | (x == 0.0)) #result[edge_mask & (k>0)] = np.random.choice([1,-1], size=np.sum(edge_mask & (k>0))) #result[edge_mask & (k<0)] = 0.0 result[edge_mask & (k<0)] = random_state.choice([1,-1], size=np.sum(edge_mask & (k<0))) result[edge_mask & (k>0)] = 0.0 # apply rejection sampling technique to sample from pdf n_sucess = np.sum(zero_k) + np.sum(edge_mask) # number of sucesessful draws from pdf n_remaining = size - n_sucess # remaining draws necessary n_iter = 0 # number of sample-reject iterations kk = k[(~zero_k) & (~edge_mask)] # store subset of k values that still need to be sampled mask = np.repeat(False,size) # mask indicating which k values have a sucessful sample mask[zero_k] = True while (n_sucess < size) & (n_iter < max_iter): # get three uniform random numbers uran1 = random_state.random(n_remaining) uran2 = random_state.random(n_remaining) uran3 = random_state.random(n_remaining) # masks indicating which envelope function is used negative_k = (kk < 0.0) positive_k = (kk > 0.0) # sample from g(x) to get y y = np.zeros(n_remaining) y[positive_k] = self.g1_isf(uran1[positive_k], kk[positive_k]) y[negative_k] = self.g2_isf(uran1[negative_k], kk[negative_k]) y[uran3 < 0.5] = -1.0*y[uran3 < 0.5] # account for one-sided isf function # calculate M*g(y) g_y = np.zeros(n_remaining) m = np.zeros(n_remaining) g_y[positive_k] = self.g1_pdf(y[positive_k], kk[positive_k]) g_y[negative_k] = self.g2_pdf(y[negative_k], kk[negative_k]) m[positive_k] = self.m1(kk[positive_k]) m[negative_k] = self.m2(kk[negative_k]) # calulate f(y) f_y = self.pdf(y, kk) # accept or reject y keep = ((f_y/(g_y*m)) > uran2) # count the number of succesful samples n_sucess += np.sum(keep) # store y values result[~mask] = y # update mask indicating which values need to be redrawn mask[~mask] = keep # get subset of k values which need to be sampled. kk = kk[~keep] n_iter += 1 n_remaining = np.sum(~keep) if (n_iter == max_iter): msg = ('The maximum number of iterations reached, random variates may not be represnetitive.') raise warn(msg) return result
[docs] def g1_pdf(self, x, k): r""" proposal distribution for pdf for k>0 """ k = -1*k eta = np.sqrt(-1*k) C = eta/(np.arctan(eta)) return (C/(1+eta**2*x**2))/2.0
[docs] def g1_isf(self, y, k): r""" inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k>0 """ k = -1*k eta = np.sqrt(-1*k) return (1.0/eta)*(np.tan(y*np.arctan(eta)))
[docs] def m1(self, k): r""" eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for k>0 """ return 2.0*np.ones(len(k))
[docs] def g2_pdf(self, x, k): r""" proposal distribution for pdf for k<0 """ k = -1*k norm = 2.0*(np.exp(k)-1)/k return (np.exp(k*np.fabs(x)))/norm
[docs] def g2_isf(self, y, k): r""" inverse survival function of proposal distribution for pdf for k<0 """ k = -1.0*k C = k/(np.exp(k)-1.0) return np.log(k*y/C+1)/k
[docs] def m2(self, k): r""" eneveloping factor for proposal distribution for pdf for k<0 """ k = -1.0*k C = k*(np.exp(k)-1)**(-1) norm = 2.0*(np.exp(k)-1)/k return C*norm