
class halotools.empirical_models.AssembiasMBK10Sats(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: AssembiasZheng07Sats

Power law model for the occupation statistics of satellite galaxies, introduced in Kravtsov et al. 2004, arXiv:0308519. This implementation uses Zheng et al. 2007, arXiv:0703457, to assign fiducial parameter values, with a second moment defined by a negative binomial distribution, as in Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2010, arXiv:0911.4484, and uses the Decorated HOD to incorporate galaxy assembly bias.

In contrast to MBK10Sats, here the non-Poissonian fluctuations are implemented at fixed primary and secondary halo properties. Note that even in the parent class AssembiasZheng07Sats, fluctuations in satellite occupation statistics are non-Poissonian at fixed primary halo property, which is a generic feature of assembly bias.

The behavior of a negative binomial distribution is controlled by two parameters, n and p. The relationship between these parameters and the mean and variance is as follows:

\(p = \frac{\mu}{\sigma^2}\)

\(n = \frac{\mu^2}{\sigma^2 - \mu}\)

In MBK10Sats, the behavior of the deviations from Poisson behavior is controlled by the parameter nsat_up0, which can take on any value on the real line. The parameter nsat_up0 is related to the negative binomial distribution parameter p by a simple sigmoid transformation, which enforces the mathematical constraint \(0<p<1\)

For any Poisson distribution, the following relationship between the first and second moments holds:

\(\sigma^2 = \mu\)

In MBK10Sats, changing the parameter nsat_up0 has no effect on the first moment, but the second moment is altered as shown in the figure below.


In terms of two-point correlation functions, deviations from Poisson fluctuations only influence satellite-satellite pair counts, and so the parameter nsat_up0 will strictly influence clustering in the 1-halo term, and the effects will be larger in galaxy samples with larger satellite fractions.

thresholdfloat, optional

Luminosity threshold of the mock galaxy sample. If specified, input value must agree with one of the thresholds used in Zheng07 to fit HODs: [-18, -18.5, -19, -19.5, -20, -20.5, -21, -21.5, -22]. Default value is specified in the model_defaults module.

prim_haloprop_keystring, optional

String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies. Default value is specified in the model_defaults module.

Methods Summary


Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of satellite abundance


Parameter controlling the variance of the negative binomial distribution


Standard deviation of the occupation statistics (square root of the second moment)

Methods Documentation

mc_occupation(seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of satellite abundance

prim_haloproparray, optional

Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If prim_haloprop is not passed, then table keyword argument must be passed.

tableobject, optional

Data table storing halo catalog. If table is not passed, then prim_haloprop keyword argument must be passed.

seedint, optional

Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None.


Integer array giving the number of galaxies in the input halos


Parameter controlling the variance of the negative binomial distribution

prim_haloproparray, optional

Array storing a mass-like variable that governs the occupation statistics. If prim_haloprop is not passed, then table keyword arguments must be passed.

tableobject, optional

Data table storing halo catalog. If table is not passed, then prim_haloprop keyword arguments must be passed.

pfloat or array

Standard deviation of the occupation statistics (square root of the second moment)

prim_haloproparray, optional

Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If prim_haloprop is not passed, then table keyword argument must be passed.

tableobject, optional

Data table storing halo catalog. If table is not passed, then prim_haloprop keyword argument must be passed.


Standard deviation of the number of satellites in the input halos.


At fixed value of the non_poissonian_p parameter nsat_up0, the quantity x = std_occupation**2 / mean_occupation is a constant. Increasing up0 will decrease x with no change to mean_occupation. In the limit of infinite up0, x approaches the Poisson value of unity