Source code for halotools.utils.distribution_matching

""" Module storing distribution_matching_indices used to generate
an indexing array that matches one distribution against another.
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

__all__ = ('distribution_matching_indices', 'resample_x_to_match_y',

[docs]def distribution_matching_indices(input_distribution, output_distribution, nselect, bins, seed=None): """ Calcuate a set of indices that will resample (with replacement) ``input_distribution`` so that it matches ``output_distribution``. This function is useful, for example, for comparing a pair of samples with matching stellar mass functions. Parameters ---------- input_distribution : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts1, ) storing the distribution that requires modification output_distribution : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts2, ) defining the desired output distribution nselect : int Number of points to select from ``input_distribution``. bins : ndarray Binning used to estimate the PDFs. Default is 100 bins automatically determined by `numpy.histogram`. seed : int, optional Random number seed used to generate indices. Default is None for stochastic results. Returns ------- indices : ndarray Numpy array of shape (nselect, ) storing indices ranging from [0, npts1) such that ``input_distribution[indices]`` will have a PDF that matches the PDF of ``output_distribution``. Notes ----- Pay careful attention that your bins are appropriate for your two distributions. The PDF of the returned result will only match the ``output_distribution`` PDF tabulated in the input ``bins``. Depending on the two distributions and your choice of bins, may not be possible to construct matching PDFs if your sampling is too sparse or your bins are inappropriate. Examples -------- >>> npts1, npts2 = int(1e5), int(1e4) >>> input_distribution = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=npts1) >>> output_distribution = np.random.normal(loc=.5, scale=0.5, size=npts2) >>> nselect = int(2e4) >>> bins = np.linspace(-2, 2, 50) >>> indices = distribution_matching_indices(input_distribution, output_distribution, nselect, bins) .. image:: /_static/matched_distributions.png """ hist2, bins = np.histogram(output_distribution, density=True, bins=bins) hist1 = np.histogram(input_distribution, bins=bins, density=True)[0].astype(float) hist_ratio = np.zeros_like(hist2, dtype=float) hist_ratio[hist1 > 0] = hist2[hist1 > 0]/hist1[hist1 > 0] bin_mids = 0.5*(bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) hist_ratio_interp = np.interp(input_distribution, bin_mids, hist_ratio) prob_select = hist_ratio_interp/float(hist_ratio_interp.sum()) candidate_indices = np.arange(len(input_distribution)) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): indices = np.random.choice(candidate_indices, size=nselect, replace=True, p=prob_select) return indices
[docs]def resample_x_to_match_y(x, y, bins, seed=None): """ Return the indices that resample `x` (with replacement) so that the resampled distribution matches the histogram of `y`. The returned indexing array will be sorted so that the i^th element of x[idx] is as close as possible to the i^th value of x, subject to the the constraint that x[idx] matches y. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (nx, ) y : ndarray Numpy array of shape (ny, ) bins : ndarray Numpy array of shape (nbins, ) defining how the distribution `y` will be binned to evaluate its PDF. seed : int, optional Random number seed used to generate indices. Default is None for stochastic results. Returns ------- indices : ndarray Numpy array of shape (nx, ) Examples -------- >>> nx, ny = int(1e5), int(1e4) >>> x = np.random.normal(loc=0, size=nx, scale=1) >>> y = np.random.normal(loc=1, size=ny, scale=0.5) >>> bins = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100) >>> indices = resample_x_to_match_y(x, y, bins) >>> rescaled_x = x[indices] """ nselect = len(x) idx = distribution_matching_indices(x, y, nselect, bins, seed=seed) xnew = x[idx] idx_sorted_xnew = np.argsort(xnew) idx_sorted_x = np.argsort(x) indices = np.empty_like(x).astype(int) indices[idx_sorted_x] = idx[idx_sorted_xnew] return indices
[docs]def bijective_distribution_matching(x_in, x_desired): """ Replace the values in ``x_in`` with ``x_desired``, preserving the rank-order of ``x_in`` Parameters ---------- x_in : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) x_desired : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) Returns ------- x_out : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) Examples -------- >>> npts = int(1e5) >>> x_in = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=npts) >>> x_desired = np.random.normal(loc=2, scale=1, size=npts) >>> x_out = bijective_distribution_matching(x_in, x_desired) In the figure below, the left hand panel shows that the output distribution is in exact agreement with the desired distribution. The right hand panel shows that the rank-order of the input distribution is preserved. .. image:: /_static/bijective_distribution_matching_demo.png """ x_in = np.atleast_1d(x_in) x_desired = np.atleast_1d(x_desired) x_out = np.zeros_like(x_in) idx_sorted = np.argsort(x_in) x_out[idx_sorted] = np.sort(x_desired) return x_out