Source code for halotools.mock_observables.two_point_clustering.angular_tpcf

Module containing the `~halotools.mock_observables.angular_tpcf` function used to
calculate galaxy clustering as a function of angular separation.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from .tpcf_estimators import _TP_estimator_requirements, _TP_estimator
from .tpcf_estimators import _TP_estimator_crossx

from .clustering_helpers import verify_tpcf_estimator, process_optional_input_sample2

from ..pair_counters import npairs_3d
from ..mock_observables_helpers import get_num_threads

from ...utils.spherical_geometry import spherical_to_cartesian, chord_to_cartesian
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
from ...utils.array_utils import array_is_monotonic

__all__ = ["angular_tpcf"]
__author__ = ["Duncan Campbell"]

np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")  # ignore divide by zero in e.g. DD/RR

[docs]def angular_tpcf( sample1, theta_bins, sample2=None, randoms=None, do_auto=True, do_cross=True, estimator="Natural", num_threads=1, ): r""" Calculate the angular two-point correlation function, :math:`w(\theta)`. Example calls to this function appear in the documentation below. See the :ref:`mock_obs_pos_formatting` documentation page for instructions on how to transform your coordinate position arrays into the format accepted by the ``sample1`` argument. For a step-by-step tutorial, see :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial9`. Parameters ---------- sample1 : array_like Npts1 x 2 numpy array containing ra,dec positions of points in degrees. theta_bins : array_like array of boundaries defining the angular distance bins in which pairs are counted. sample2 : array_like, optional Npts2 x 2 array containing ra,dec positions of points in degrees. randoms : array_like, optional Nran x 2 array containing ra,dec positions of points in degrees. If no randoms are provided analytic randoms are used (only valid for for continuous all-sky coverage). do_auto : boolean, optional Boolean determines whether the auto-correlation function will be calculated and returned. Default is True. do_cross : boolean, optional Boolean determines whether the cross-correlation function will be calculated and returned. Only relevant when ``sample2`` is also provided. Default is True for the case where ``sample2`` is provided, otherwise False. estimator : string, optional Statistical estimator for the tpcf. Options are 'Natural', 'Davis-Peebles', 'Hewett' , 'Hamilton', 'Landy-Szalay' Default is ``Natural``. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in calculation, where parallelization is performed using the python ``multiprocessing`` module. Default is 1 for a purely serial calculation, in which case a multiprocessing Pool object will never be instantiated. A string 'max' may be used to indicate that the pair counters should use all available cores on the machine. Returns ------- correlation_function(s) : numpy.array *len(theta_bins)-1* length array containing the correlation function :math:`w(\theta)` computed in each of the bins defined by input ``theta_bins``. .. math:: 1 + w(\theta) \equiv \mathrm{DD}(\theta) / \mathrm{RR}(\theta), If ``estimator`` is set to 'Natural'. :math:`\mathrm{DD}(\theta)` is the number of sample pairs with separations equal to :math:`\theta`, calculated by the pair counter. :math:`\mathrm{RR}(\theta)` is the number of random pairs with separations equal to :math:`\theta`, and is counted internally using "analytic randoms" if ``randoms`` is set to None (see notes for an explanation), otherwise it is calculated using the pair counter. If ``sample2`` is passed as input (and if ``sample2`` is not exactly the same as ``sample1``), then three arrays of length *len(rbins)-1* are returned: .. math:: w_{11}(\theta), w_{12}(\theta), w_{22}(\theta), the autocorrelation of ``sample1``, the cross-correlation between ``sample1`` and ``sample2``, and the autocorrelation of ``sample2``, respectively. If ``do_auto`` or ``do_cross`` is set to False, the appropriate sequence of results is returned. Notes ----- Pairs are counted using `~halotools.mock_observables.npairs_3d`. Examples -------- For demonstration purposes we create a randomly distributed set of points on the sky: >>> from halotools.utils import sample_spherical_surface >>> Npts = 1000 >>> angular_coords = sample_spherical_surface(Npts) #in degrees >>> theta_bins = np.logspace(-2,1,10) >>> w = angular_tpcf(angular_coords, theta_bins) See also -------- :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial9` """ # check input arguments using clustering helper functions function_args = ( sample1, theta_bins, sample2, randoms, do_auto, do_cross, estimator, num_threads, ) # pass arguments in, and get out processed arguments, plus some control flow variables ( sample1, theta_bins, sample2, randoms, do_auto, do_cross, num_threads, _sample1_is_sample2, ) = _angular_tpcf_process_args(*function_args) # convert angular bins to coord lengths on a unit sphere chord_bins = chord_to_cartesian(theta_bins, radians=False) # convert samples and randoms to cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) on a unit sphere x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(sample1[:, 0], sample1[:, 1]) sample1 = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T if _sample1_is_sample2: sample2 = sample1 else: x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(sample2[:, 0], sample2[:, 1]) sample2 = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T if randoms is not None: x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(randoms[:, 0], randoms[:, 1]) randoms = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T def random_counts( sample1, sample2, randoms, chord_bins, num_threads, do_RR, do_DR, _sample1_is_sample2, ): """ Count random pairs. """ def area_spherical_cap(chord): """ Calculate the area of a spherical cap on a unit sphere given the chord length """ h = 1.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 - chord**2) return np.pi * (chord**2 + h**2) # randoms provided, so calculate random pair counts. if randoms is not None: if do_RR is True: RR = npairs_3d(randoms, randoms, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads) RR = np.diff(RR) else: RR = None if do_DR is True: D1R = npairs_3d(sample1, randoms, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads) D1R = np.diff(D1R) else: D1R = None if _sample1_is_sample2: D2R = None else: if do_DR is True: D2R = npairs_3d( sample2, randoms, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads ) D2R = np.diff(D2R) else: D2R = None return D1R, D2R, RR elif randoms is None: # set the number of randoms equal to the number of points in sample1 # cbx: Maybe stupid question but why not use much more? Less noise at no cost right? NR = len(sample1) # do area calculations da = area_spherical_cap(chord_bins) da = np.diff(da) global_area = 4.0 * np.pi # surface area of a unit sphere # calculate randoms for sample1 N1 = np.shape(sample1)[0] # number of points in sample1 rho1 = N1 / global_area # number density of points D1R = (N1) * (da * rho1) # random counts are N**2*dv*rho N2 = np.shape(sample2)[0] rho2 = N2 / global_area # number density of points D2R = N2 * (da * rho2) # calculate the random-random pairs. # cbx: This should be NR(NR-1) if we are doing an autocorr I think? Maybe it doesn't matter. rhor = NR**2 / global_area RR = da * rhor return D1R, D2R, RR def pair_counts( sample1, sample2, chord_bins, num_threads, do_auto, do_cross, _sample1_is_sample2, ): """ Count data-data pairs. """ if do_auto is True: D1D1 = npairs_3d(sample1, sample1, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads) D1D1 = np.diff(D1D1) else: D1D1 = None D2D2 = None if _sample1_is_sample2: D1D2 = D1D1 D2D2 = D1D1 else: if do_cross is True: D1D2 = npairs_3d(sample1, sample2, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads) D1D2 = np.diff(D1D2) else: D1D2 = None if do_auto is True: D2D2 = npairs_3d(sample2, sample2, chord_bins, num_threads=num_threads) D2D2 = np.diff(D2D2) else: D2D2 = None return D1D1, D1D2, D2D2 # What needs to be done? do_DD, do_DR, do_RR = _TP_estimator_requirements(estimator) # How many points are there (for normalization purposes)? N1 = len(sample1) N2 = len(sample2) if randoms is not None: NR = len(randoms) else: # set the number of randoms equal to the number of points in sample1 # this is arbitrarily set, but must remain consistent! NR = N1 # count data pairs D1D1, D1D2, D2D2 = pair_counts( sample1, sample2, chord_bins, num_threads, do_auto, do_cross, _sample1_is_sample2, ) # count random pairs D1R, D2R, RR = random_counts( sample1, sample2, randoms, chord_bins, num_threads, do_RR, do_DR, _sample1_is_sample2, ) # run results through the estimator and return relavent/user specified results. if _sample1_is_sample2: xi_11 = _TP_estimator(D1D1, D1R, RR, N1, N1, NR, NR, estimator) return xi_11 else: if (do_auto is True) & (do_cross is True): xi_11 = _TP_estimator(D1D1, D1R, RR, N1, N1, NR, NR, estimator) xi_12 = _TP_estimator_crossx(D1D2, D1R, D2R, RR, N1, N2, NR, NR, estimator) xi_22 = _TP_estimator(D2D2, D2R, RR, N2, N2, NR, NR, estimator) return xi_11, xi_12, xi_22 elif do_cross is True: xi_12 = _TP_estimator_crossx(D1D2, D1R, D2R, RR, N1, N2, NR, NR, estimator) return xi_12 elif do_auto is True: xi_11 = _TP_estimator(D1D1, D1R, RR, N1, N1, NR, NR, estimator) xi_22 = _TP_estimator(D2D2, D2R, RR, N2, N2, NR, NR, estimator) return xi_11, xi_22
def _angular_tpcf_process_args( sample1, theta_bins, sample2, randoms, do_auto, do_cross, estimator, num_threads ): """ Private method to do bounds-checking on the arguments passed to `~halotools.mock_observables.angular_tpcf`. """ sample1 = np.atleast_1d(sample1) sample2, _sample1_is_sample2, do_cross = process_optional_input_sample2( sample1, sample2, do_cross, ndim=2 ) if randoms is not None: randoms = np.atleast_1d(randoms) theta_bins = np.atleast_1d(theta_bins) theta_max = np.max(theta_bins) try: assert theta_bins.ndim == 1 assert len(theta_bins) > 1 if len(theta_bins) > 2: assert array_is_monotonic(theta_bins, strict=True) == 1 except AssertionError: msg = ( "\n Input `theta_bins` must be a monotonically increasing 1-D \n" "array with at least two entries." ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) # check for input parameter consistency if theta_max >= 180.0: msg = ( "\n The maximum length over which you search for pairs of points \n" "cannot be larger than 180.0 deg. \n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) if (type(do_auto) is not bool) | (type(do_cross) is not bool): msg = "\n `do_auto` and `do_cross` keywords must be of type boolean." raise HalotoolsError(msg) num_threads = get_num_threads(num_threads) verify_tpcf_estimator(estimator) return ( sample1, theta_bins, sample2, randoms, do_auto, do_cross, num_threads, _sample1_is_sample2, )