Source code for halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults

Module expressing various default settings of the empirical modeling sub-package.

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['get_halo_boundary_key', 'get_halo_mass_key']

# Default thresholds for mocks
default_luminosity_threshold = -20
default_stellar_mass_threshold = 10.5

# Small numerical value passed to the scipy Poisson number generator.
# Used when executing a Monte Carlo realization of a Poission distribution
# whose mean is formally zero, which causes the built-in
# scipy method to raise an exception.
default_tiny_poisson_fluctuation = 1.e-20

default_smhm_scatter = 0.2
default_smhm_haloprop = 'halo_mpeak'
default_binary_galprop_haloprop = default_smhm_haloprop

# At minimum, the following halo and galaxy properties
# will be bound to each mock galaxy
host_haloprop_prefix = 'halo_'

default_haloprop_list_inherited_by_mock = (
    ['halo_id', 'halo_hostid', 'halo_x', 'halo_y', 'halo_z',
    'halo_vx', 'halo_vy', 'halo_vz',
    'halo_mvir', 'halo_rvir', 'halo_upid']

prim_haloprop_key = 'halo_mvir'
sec_haloprop_key = 'halo_nfw_conc'

halo_mass_definition = 'vir'

[docs]def get_halo_boundary_key(mdef): """ For the input mass definition, return the string used to access halo table column storing the halo radius. For example, the function will return ``halo_rvir`` if passed the string ``vir``, and will return ``halo_r200m`` if passed ``200m``, each of which correspond to the Halotools convention for the column storing the distance between the host halo center and host halo boundary in `~halotools.sim_manager.CachedHaloCatalog` data tables. Parameters ----------- mdef: str String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., 'vir' or '200m'. Returns -------- radius_key : str """ return 'halo_r'+mdef
[docs]def get_halo_mass_key(mdef): """ For the input mass definition, return the string used to access halo table column storing the halo mass. For example, the function will return ``halo_mvir`` if passed the string ``vir``, and will return ``halo_m200m`` if passed ``200m``, each of which correspond to the Halotools convention for the column storing the halo mass in `~halotools.sim_manager.CachedHaloCatalog` data tables. Parameters ----------- mdef: str String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., 'vir' or '200m'. Returns -------- mass_key : str """ return 'halo_m'+mdef
# Number of bins to use in the lookup table attached to the NFWProfile. # Used primarily by HODMockFactory. min_permitted_conc = 2.0 max_permitted_conc = 20.0 default_conc_gal_bias_bins = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 10) default_conc_gal_bias_bins = np.insert(default_conc_gal_bias_bins, np.searchsorted(default_conc_gal_bias_bins, 1), 1) Npts_radius_table = 101 default_lograd_min = -3 default_lograd_max = 0 conc_mass_model = 'direct_from_halo_catalog' concentration_key = 'halo_nfw_conc' default_rbins = np.logspace(-1, 1.25, 15) default_nptcls = 1e5 default_b_perp = 0.2 default_b_para = 0.75