Module storing `~halotools.empirical_models.PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory` and
`~halotools.empirical_models.PrebuiltHodModelFactory` classes,
the factories used to generate Halotools-provided composite models
of the galaxy-halo connection.
from ..factories import SubhaloModelFactory, HodModelFactory
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
__all__ = ("PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory", "PrebuiltHodModelFactory")
__author__ = ["Andrew Hearin"]
class PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory(SubhaloModelFactory):
Factory class providing instances of
`SubhaloModelFactory` models that come prebuilt with Halotools.
For documentation on the methods bound to `PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory`,
see the docstring of `~halotools.empirical_models.SubhaloModelFactory`.
For a tutorial on all prebuilt models, see :ref:`preloaded_models_overview`.
prebuilt_model_nickname_list = ["behroozi10"]
def __init__(self, model_nickname, **kwargs):
model_nickname : string
String used to select the appropriate prebuilt
model_dictionary that will be used to build the instance.
See the ``Examples`` below. The list of available options are
* 'behroozi10' (see :ref:`behroozi10_composite_model`)
* 'smhm_binary_sfr' (see `~halotools.empirical_models.smhm_binary_sfr_model_dictionary`)
galaxy_selection_func : function object, optional
Function object that imposes a cut on the mock galaxies.
Function should take a length-k Astropy table as a single positional argument,
and return a length-k numpy boolean array that will be
treated as a mask over the rows of the table. If not None,
the mask defined by ``galaxy_selection_func`` will be applied to the
``galaxy_table`` after the table is generated by the `populate_mock` method.
Default is None.
halo_selection_func : function object, optional
Function object used to place a cut on the input ``table``.
If the ``halo_selection_func`` keyword argument is passed,
the input to the function must be a single positional argument storing a
length-N structured numpy array or Astropy table;
the function output must be a length-N boolean array that will be used as a mask.
Halos that are masked will be entirely neglected during mock population.
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory('behroozi10', redshift = 2)
Passing in `behroozi10` as the ``model_nickname`` argument triggers the factory to
call the `~halotools.empirical_models.behroozi10_model_dictionary`
function. When doing so, the remaining arguments that
were passed to the `PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory`
will in turn be passed on to
Now that we have built an instance of a composite model, we can use it to
populate any simulation in the Halotools cache:
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog # doctest: +SKIP
>>> halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolshoi', redshift = 2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> model_instance.populate_mock(halocat) # doctest: +SKIP
As described in the `~halotools.empirical_models.ModelFactory.populate_mock`
docstring, calling the ``populate_mock`` method creates a ``mock`` attribute
bound to your model_instance. After you initially populate a halo catalog
using the `populate_mock` method, you can repopulate
the halo catalog by calling the
`~halotools.empirical_models.MockFactory.populate` method bound to
) = self._retrieve_prebuilt_model_dictionary(model_nickname, **kwargs)
super_class_kwargs = {}
for key, value in input_model_dictionary.items():
super_class_kwargs[key] = value
for key, value in supplementary_kwargs.items():
super_class_kwargs[key] = value
SubhaloModelFactory.__init__(self, **super_class_kwargs)
def _retrieve_prebuilt_model_dictionary(self, model_nickname, **constructor_kwargs):
""" """
forbidden_constructor_kwargs = "model_feature_calling_sequence"
for kwarg in forbidden_constructor_kwargs:
if kwarg in constructor_kwargs:
msg = (
"\nWhen using the HodModelFactory to build an instance of a prebuilt model,\n"
"do not pass a ``%s`` keyword argument to the SubhaloModelFactory constructor.\n"
"The appropriate source of this keyword is as part of a prebuilt model dictionary.\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg % kwarg)
model_nickname = model_nickname.lower()
if model_nickname == "behroozi10":
from ..composite_models import smhm_models
dictionary_retriever = smhm_models.behroozi10_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "smhm_binary_sfr":
from ..composite_models import sfr_models
dictionary_retriever = sfr_models.smhm_binary_sfr_model_dictionary
msg = "\nThe ``%s`` model_nickname is not recognized by Halotools\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg % model_nickname)
result = dictionary_retriever(**constructor_kwargs)
if type(result) is dict:
input_model_dictionary = result
supplementary_kwargs = {}
supplementary_kwargs["model_feature_calling_sequence"] = None
elif type(result) is tuple:
input_model_dictionary = result[0]
supplementary_kwargs = result[1]
raise HalotoolsError(
"Unexpected result returned from ``%s``\n"
"Should be either a single dictionary or a 2-element tuple of dictionaries\n"
% dictionary_retriever.__name__
return input_model_dictionary, supplementary_kwargs
class PrebuiltHodModelFactory(HodModelFactory):
Factory class providing instances of
`HodModelFactory` models that come prebuilt with Halotools.
For documentation on the methods bound to `PrebuiltHodModelFactory`,
see the docstring of `~halotools.empirical_models.HodModelFactory`.
For a tutorial on all prebuilt models, see :ref:`preloaded_models_overview`.
prebuilt_model_nickname_list = (
def __init__(self, model_nickname, **kwargs):
model_nickname : string
String used to select the appropriate prebuilt
model_dictionary that will be used to build the instance.
See the ``Examples`` below. The list of available options are
* 'zheng07' (see :ref:`zheng07_composite_model` for a tutorial)
* 'leauthaud11' (see :ref:`leauthaud11_composite_model`)
* 'tinker13' (see :ref:`tinker13_composite_model`)
* 'hearin15' (see :ref:`hearin15_composite_model`)
* 'cacciato09' (see :ref:`cacciato09_composite_model`)
* 'zu_mandelbaum15' (see :ref:`zu_mandelbaum15_composite_model`)
* 'zu_mandelbaum16' (see :ref:`zu_mandelbaum16_composite_model`)
halo_selection_func : function object, optional
Function object used to place a cut on the input ``table``.
If the ``halo_selection_func`` keyword argument is passed,
the input to the function must be a single positional argument storing a
length-N structured numpy array or Astropy table;
the function output must be a length-N boolean array that will be used as a mask.
Halos that are masked will be entirely neglected during mock population.
>>> from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltHodModelFactory
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07')
Passing in `zheng07` as the ``model_nickname`` argument triggers the factory to
call the `~halotools.empirical_models.zheng07_model_dictionary` function.
When doing so, the remaining arguments that were passed to the
`PrebuiltHodModelFactory` will in turn be passed on to
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold=-20)
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold=-20, modulate_with_cenocc=True)
This same syntax applies to all pre-built models.
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('hearin15', threshold = 10.5, redshift = 2)
Once you have built an instance of a composite model, you can use it to
populate any simulation in the Halotools cache:
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog # doctest: +SKIP
>>> halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolshoi', redshift = 2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> model_instance.populate_mock(halocat) # doctest: +SKIP
As described in the `~halotools.empirical_models.ModelFactory.populate_mock`
docstring, calling the ``populate_mock`` method creates a ``mock`` attribute
bound to your model_instance. After you initially populate a halo catalog
using the `populate_mock` method, you can repopulate
the halo catalog by calling the
`~halotools.empirical_models.MockFactory.populate` method bound to
) = self._retrieve_prebuilt_model_dictionary(model_nickname, **kwargs)
super_class_kwargs = {}
for key, value in input_model_dictionary.items():
super_class_kwargs[key] = value
for key, value in supplementary_kwargs.items():
super_class_kwargs[key] = value
HodModelFactory.__init__(self, **super_class_kwargs)
def _retrieve_prebuilt_model_dictionary(self, model_nickname, **constructor_kwargs):
""" """
forbidden_constructor_kwargs = (
for kwarg in forbidden_constructor_kwargs:
if kwarg in constructor_kwargs:
msg = (
"\nWhen using the HodModelFactory to build an instance of a prebuilt model,\n"
"do not pass a ``%s`` keyword argument to the HodModelFactory constructor.\n"
"The appropriate source of this keyword is as part of a prebuilt model dictionary.\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg % kwarg)
from ..composite_models import hod_models
model_nickname = model_nickname.lower()
if model_nickname == "zheng07":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.zheng07_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "cacciato09":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.cacciato09_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "leauthaud11":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.leauthaud11_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "hearin15":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.hearin15_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "tinker13":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.tinker13_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "zu_mandelbaum15":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.zu_mandelbaum15_model_dictionary
elif model_nickname == "zu_mandelbaum16":
dictionary_retriever = hod_models.zu_mandelbaum16_model_dictionary
msg = "\nThe ``%s`` model_nickname is not recognized by Halotools\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg % model_nickname)
result = dictionary_retriever(**constructor_kwargs)
if type(result) is dict:
input_model_dictionary = result
supplementary_kwargs = {}
supplementary_kwargs["gal_type_list"] = None
supplementary_kwargs["model_feature_calling_sequence"] = None
elif type(result) is tuple:
input_model_dictionary = result[0]
supplementary_kwargs = result[1]
raise HalotoolsError(
"Unexpected result returned from ``%s``\n"
"Should be either a single dictionary or a 2-element tuple of dictionaries\n"
% dictionary_retriever.__name__
return input_model_dictionary, supplementary_kwargs