Relocating Simulation Data and Updating the Cache

This section of the documentation describes how you can update the Halotools cache log in the event that you move an already-cached halo catalog to a new location on disk. The Instructions for relocating simulation data section tells you what to do, and the Explanation of the underlying source code section explains what is going on under the hood.

Instructions for relocating simulation data

The normal way to load a CachedHaloCatalog is to pass a set of metadata to the constructor:

>>> halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = simname, halo_finder = halo_finder, version_name = version_name, redshift = redshift) 

However, if you have moved your halo catalog, then the cache log no longer points to the correct path. To load the relocated halo catalog and simultaneously update the cache log, just pass the absolute path of the relocated hdf5 file to the CachedHaloCatalog, and set update_cached_fname to True:

>>> halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(fname = abs_path_to_hdf5_file, update_cached_fname = True) 

For reasons described in Explanation of the underlying source code, this will only work with previously-cached halo catalogs that have been relocated.

Explanation of the underlying source code

All hdf5 files storing cached simulation data have metadata bound to them that helps protect against bookkeeping-related bugs. The h5py package manages all metadata with the following dictionary-like sytnax:

>>> import h5py 
>>> fileobj = h5py.File(fname) 
>>> list_of_metadata_keys = fileobj.attrs.keys() 
>>> metadata_value = fileobj.attrs[metadata_key] 

The hdf5 file of all cached halo catalogs have a fname metadata key. At the time each catalog is cached, the fname metadata of the hdf5 file is in agreement with the corresponding row and column of the Halotools cache log, which is stored as ASCII data in the following location:


The path in the fname column of the cache log ASCII file is the location where HaloTableCache class will go looking for the catalog. Whenever you load an instance of the CachedHaloCatalog class by passing it metadata such as a simname, what happens is that the HaloTableCache searches halo_table_cache_log.txt for a row with matching metadata. The fname column in the matching row is then treated as the absolute path to the hdf5 file where the halo data is stored. The CachedHaloCatalog class then inspects the hdf5 file stored in that location, and if the fname metadata key of that file does not match the actual fname, the HaloTableCache class raises an exception. Halotools intentionally makes it difficult to move simulation data around willy-nilly, as this is a common cause of buggy behavior in simulation analysis.

There are nonetheless perfectly good reasons to relocate simulation data to new disk locations, and as described in the Instructions for relocating simulation data, this can be accomplished with the fname keyword argument of the CachedHaloCatalog class. When you use the fname keyword argument with update_cached_fname set to True, this triggers the following sequence of events:

  1. The h5py package is used to over-write the fname metadata of the hdf5 file.

  2. The HaloTableCache class deletes the appropriate row of halo_table_cache_log.txt and adds a new row with the new fname.

From now on you can go back to loading this halo catalog into memory by passing in metadata to the CachedHaloCatalog class constructor.