Galaxy Catalog Analysis Example: Identifying isolated galaxies, Part II

In this tutorial, we’ll start from a mock galaxy catalog and show how to determine which galaxies are “isolated” according to a variety of criteria. This tutorial demos more advanced usage of the isolation criteria functionality. For example, for each galaxy in some sample, you may wish to have an isolation criterion that depends on the stellar mass of the galaxy in question. This tutorial gives several examples of how to apply such a condition to a mock galaxy sample.

This is a companion tutorial to Galaxy Catalog Analysis Example: Identifying isolated galaxies. Be sure you have read and understand that tutorial before proceeding.

There is also an IPython Notebook in the following location that can be used as a companion to the material in this section of the tutorial:


By following this tutorial together with this notebook, you can play around with your own variations of the calculation as you learn the basic syntax.

Generate a mock galaxy catalog

Let’s start out by generating a mock galaxy catalog into an N-body simulation in the usual way. Here we’ll assume you have the :math:z=0 rockstar halos for the bolshoi simulation, as this is the default halo catalog.

from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory
model = PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory('smhm_binary_sfr')

from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog
halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname='bolshoi', redshift=0, halo_finder = 'rockstar')


Example 1: Variable isolation criteria in 3d

For the first example we’ll find “isolated” galaxies using a 3d search criteria that depends on stellar mass in the following manner. From our mock, we know the stellar mass of every galaxy. The stellar mass component of the underlying model that generated the mock, halotools.empirical_models.Behroozi10SmHm, has a halotools.empirical_models.Behroozi10SmHm.mean_log_halo_mass method that provides a map from \(M_{\ast}^{\rm cen}\) to \(M_{\rm vir}^{\rm host}.\) There is also a halo_mass_to_halo_radius function in empirical_models that provides a map from \(M_{\rm vir}^{\rm host}\) to \(R_{\rm vir}.\) We will use these two functions together to draw a sphere of radius \(R_{\rm vir}\) around each galaxy; a galaxy will be said to be isolated if there are no other galaxies in the sample within this search radius. Of course, some of the galaxies in our sample are not central galaxies, and there is also scatter between \(M_{\ast}^{\rm cen}\) and \(M_{\rm vir}^{\rm host},\) and so this criteria will not be perfect; since you know the true central/satellite designation in the mock, you can always test this assumption with a standard purity/completeness analysis.

Let’s select a sample of galaxies with \(M_{\ast}>10^{10}M_{\odot},\) and focus on identifying isolated galaxies in a specific stellar mass range of \(10^{10.4}M_{\odot} < M_{\ast} < 10^{10.5}M_{\odot}:\)

all_gal_mask = model.mock.galaxy_table['stellar_mass'] > 1e10
all_gals = model.mock.galaxy_table[all_gal_mask]

sample_mask = (all_gals['stellar_mass'] > 4e10) & (all_gals['stellar_mass'] < 5e10)
sm_selected_gals = all_gals[sample_mask]

logsm = np.log10(sm_selected_gals['stellar_mass'])
presumed_mvir = 10**model.mean_log_halo_mass(logsm)

from halotools.empirical_models import halo_mass_to_halo_radius

presumed_rvir = halo_mass_to_halo_radius(presumed_mvir,
                cosmology = model.mock.cosmology,
                redshift = model.mock.redshift,
                mdef = 'vir')

from halotools.mock_observables import conditional_spherical_isolation

The calling signature of conditional_spherical_isolation accepts a multi-dimensional array storing the x, y, z positions of each point. You can place your points into the appropriate form using numpy.vstack, but below we’ll demo how to use the return_xyz_formatted_array function for this purpose, as this function provides additional convenient behavior that we’ll use later in the tutorial.

from halotools.mock_observables import return_xyz_formatted_array

sample1_pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(sm_selected_gals['x'], sm_selected_gals['y'], sm_selected_gals['z'])
sample2_pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(all_gals['x'], all_gals['y'], all_gals['z'])

is_isolated = conditional_spherical_isolation(sample1_pos, sample2_pos, presumed_rvir, period = model.mock.Lbox)

The boolean-valued array is_isolated is equal to True for those galaxies in sm_selected_gals with zero other galaxies located within a sphere of their presumed value of \(R_{\rm vir}.\)

Example 2: \(M_{\ast}\) dependent isolation criteria

In this next example we’ll show how to apply an isolation criterion that depends on the stellar mass of the galaxies. This calculation, as well as the remaining ones in this tutorial, will make use of Halotools marking functions. The way this works is as follows. Every galaxy in both sample1 and sample2 are given a “mark”; arrays storing these marks are passed to the conditional_spherical_isolation function together with the normal arrays storing galaxy positions. Additionally, you must select a “condition function”, \(f;\) the condition function \(f\) acceps a mark \(m_{1}\) from a galaxy in sample1 and a mark \(m_{2}\) from a galaxy in sample2 and returns a boolean. For each galaxy in sample1, the conditional_spherical_isolation function searches sample2 for spatially nearby neighbors. A galaxy in sample2 will only be considered as a candidate neighbor if it lies within the r_max value of the point in sample1 and if the marking function \(f(m_{1}, m_{2})\) returns True.

For example, suppose we define the conditional function to be \(f(m_{1}, m_{2}) = {\rm True}\) if \(m_{1} < m_{2}\) and False otherwise, and suppose that for our marks we passed in the stellar mass \(M_{\ast}\) of each galaxy. When evaluating whether some galaxy in sample1 is isolated, what this choice for the conditional function would do is to ignore all those galaxies in sample2 that are less massive than the sample1 galaxy under consideration. So with this choice, the adopted definition of isolation is whether or not a more massive galaxy resides within some search radius. Let’s see how to apply this isolation criterion to the galaxy samples defined above.

For simplicity, we’ll select a fixed r_max, but you are free to apply variable values of r_max together with the conditional function formalism.

r_max = 0.5

marks1 = sm_selected_gals['stellar_mass']
marks2 = all_gals['stellar_mass']

Now we select the value of cond_func for the conditional function described above. See the docstring of conditional_spherical_isolation for the function <==> function ID correspondence.

cond_func = 2

is_isolated = conditional_spherical_isolation(sample1_pos, sample2_pos, r_max,

marks1=marks1, marks2=marks2, cond_func=cond_func, period = model.mock.Lbox)

Example 3: Alternative \(M_{\ast}\) dependent isolation criteria

In this example, we’ll do a similar calculation to the one above, except we’ll make a slight variation to the definition of isolation: a galaxy in sample1 will be said to be isolated if there are no sample2 galaxies more massive than \(M_{\ast}\) + 0.5dex within 1 Mpc/h of the galaxy in sample1.

For this calculation, we’ll need to use cond_func = 6, which is defined as \(f(m^{a}_{1}, m^{b}_{1}, m^{a}_{2}, m^{b}_{2}) = {\rm True}\) if \(m^{a}_{1} < m^{a}_{2} + m^{b}_{1},\) and False otherwise. For \(m^{a}_{i}\) we will pass in \(\log_{10}(M_{\ast}),\) and for \(m^{b}_{i}\) we pass in \(0.5.\) We will bundle the marks into a multi-dimensional Numpy array using the same numpy.vstack method we used to bundle our spatial positions into a Npts x 3 array.

marks1 = np.vstack([np.log10(sm_selected_gals['stellar_mass']), np.zeros(len(sm_selected_gals))+0.5]).T
marks2 = np.vstack([np.log10(all_gals['stellar_mass']), np.zeros(len(all_gals))+0.5]).T

cond_func = 6

is_isolated = conditional_spherical_isolation(sample1_pos, sample2_pos, r_max,
                    marks1=marks1, marks2=marks2, cond_func=cond_func, period = model.mock.Lbox)

Example 4: \(M_{\ast}\) dependent isolation criteria in redshift-space

We will conclude this tutorial by putting together all of the features of the isolation_functions sub-package into a single, observationally realistic example. We will demonstrate how to apply the following isolation criteria on a mock galaxy sample:

Around each sample1 galaxy with stellar mass \(M_{\ast}\), we will draw a cylinder of radius \(2R_{\rm vir}\) and length \(3V_{\rm vir},\) where \(R_{\rm vir}\) and \(V_{\rm vir}\) are the virial radius and velocity inferred from the underlying stellar-to-halo mass relation. In order for a sample1 galaxy to be isolated, there must be no other sample2 galaxies more massive than 0.5 dex within this cylinder.

We already computed \(R_{\rm vir}\) above; we will compute \(V_{\rm vir}\) using the halo_mass_to_virial_velocity function:

from halotools.empirical_models import halo_mass_to_virial_velocity

presumed_vvir = halo_mass_to_virial_velocity(presumed_mvir,
                cosmology = model.mock.cosmology,
                redshift = model.mock.redshift,
                mdef = 'vir')

The units of presumed_vvir are in km/s, so we must convert these to units of length. Recall that h=1 and that all Halotools length-units are in Mpc/h.

H0 = 100.0 # Hubble constant in h=1 units of km/s/Mpc
pi_max = 3*presumed_vvir/H0
rp_max = 2*presumed_rvir

Our marks and cond_func are the same as before, repeated below for convenience:

marks1 = np.vstack([np.log10(sm_selected_gals['stellar_mass']), np.zeros(len(sm_selected_gals))+0.5]).T
marks2 = np.vstack([np.log10(all_gals['stellar_mass']), np.zeros(len(all_gals))+0.5]).T

cond_func = 6

from halotools.mock_observables import conditional_cylindrical_isolation

is_isolated = conditional_cylindrical_isolation(sample1_pos, sample2_pos, rp_max, pi_max,
                    marks1=marks1, marks2=marks2, cond_func=cond_func, period = model.mock.Lbox)