Galaxy Catalog Analysis Example: Identifying isolated galaxies¶
In this tutorial, we’ll start from a mock galaxy catalog and show how to determine which galaxies are “isolated” according to a variety of criteria.
There is also an IPython Notebook in the following location that can be used as a companion to the material in this section of the tutorial:
By following this tutorial together with this notebook, you can play around with your own variations of the calculation as you learn the basic syntax.
This tutorial only displays basic usage of the isolation functions. For more sophisticated analyses, such as those in which the definition of isolation varies with stellar mass on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis, see Galaxy Catalog Analysis Example: Identifying isolated galaxies, Part II.
Generate a mock galaxy catalog¶
Let’s start out by generating a mock galaxy catalog into an N-body
simulation in the usual way. Here we’ll assume you have the
rockstar halos for the bolshoi simulation, as this is the
default halo catalog.
from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory
model = PrebuiltSubhaloModelFactory('smhm_binary_sfr')
from halotools.sim_manager import CachedHaloCatalog
halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolshoi', redshift = 0, halo_finder = 'rockstar')
Now suppose the data we are interested in is complete for
\(M_{\ast} > 10^{10}M_{\odot},\) so we will make a cut on the mock.
Our mock galaxies are stored in the galaxy_table
of model.mock
in the form of an Astropy Table
sample_mask = model.mock.galaxy_table['stellar_mass'] > 1e10
gals = model.mock.galaxy_table[sample_mask]
Example 1: Isolation in 3d¶
For the first example we’ll find “isolated” galaxies using simple
spherical isolation: a galaxy will be said to be isolated if no other
galaxy resides within a sphere of size r_max
from halotools.mock_observables import spherical_isolation
The calling signature of spherical_isolation
accepts a
multi-dimensional array storing the x, y, z positions of each point. You
can place your points into the appropriate form using
numpy.vstack([x, y, z]).T
, but below we’ll demo how to use the
function for
this purpose, as this function provides additional convenient behavior
that we’ll use later in the tutorial.
from halotools.mock_observables import return_xyz_formatted_array
sample1 = return_xyz_formatted_array(gals['x'], gals['y'], gals['z'])
The spherical_isolation
function accepts distinct inputs for
and sample2
. The calculation is designed to treat
points as the tracer field, and sample1
the points for
which you would like to apply the isolation criteria, so that for each
point in sample1
, the points in sample2
will be searched for
neighbors. Thus if you pass in sample1
as both arguments, you will
search for points in sample1
that are isolated from other points in
r_max = 0.5 # Note that all lengths are in Mpc/h units throughout Halotools
is_isolated = spherical_isolation(sample1, sample1, r_max, period = model.mock.Lbox)
The returned result is_isolated
is a boolean array; for any galaxy
for which the corresponding entry is True
, there are no other
galaxies within 500 kpc/h in the gals
Example 2: Isolation in redshift-space¶
In this next example we’ll show how to apply isolation criteria in a more observationally realistic manner: first we place galaxies into redshift-space, and then we apply separate conditions for the perpendicular and line-of-sight directions.
from halotools.mock_observables import cylindrical_isolation
sample1 = return_xyz_formatted_array(gals['x'], gals['y'], gals['z'],
velocity=gals['vz'], velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z', period = model.mock.Lbox)
Now let’s define the notion of isolation to mean that no other galaxies lies within a projected distance of 300 kpc/h and a line-of-sight distance of 500 km/s. All units in Halotools assume h=1, with lengths always in Mpc/h, so we have:
rp_max = 0.3
Since h=1 implies \(H_{0} = 100\) km/s/Mpc, our 500 km/s velocity criteria gets transformed into a z-dimension length criteria as:
H0 = 100.0
pi_max = 500./H0
is_isolated = cylindrical_isolation(sample1, sample1, rp_max, pi_max, period = model.mock.Lbox)
Example 3: Determining isolation from massive galaxies¶
In this final example, we’ll show how to formulate a different variation of isolation: let’s determine which galaxies in our sample are isolated from massive galaxies with \(M_{\ast} > 3\times10^{11}M_{\odot}.\)
This variation can be handled simply: we just use two different samples
of galaxies. We’ll demonstrate this using the mask
feature of
, but you can of course apply your own
mask manually.
sample1 = return_xyz_formatted_array(gals['x'], gals['y'], gals['z'],
velocity=gals['vz'], velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z', period = model.mock.Lbox)
sm_cut = 3e11
sample2 = return_xyz_formatted_array(gals['x'], gals['y'], gals['z'],
velocity=gals['vz'], velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z', period = model.mock.Lbox,
mask = gals['stellar_mass'] > sm_cut)
rp_max = 5 # projected separation cut of 5 Mpc/h
pi_max = 3000./H0 # line-of-sight velocity cut of 3000 km/s
is_isolated = cylindrical_isolation(sample1, sample2, rp_max, pi_max, period = model.mock.Lbox)
Next steps¶
This tutorial only displays basic usage of the isolation functions. For more sophisticated analyses, such as those in which the definition of isolation varies with stellar mass on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis, see Galaxy Catalog Analysis Example: Identifying isolated galaxies, Part II.