Source code for halotools.utils.vector_utilities

A set of vector calculations to aid in rotation calculations

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import numpy as np

__all__ = [
__author__ = ["Duncan Campbell", "Andrew Hearin"]

[docs] def normalized_vectors(vectors): r""" Return a unit-vector for each n-dimensional vector in the input list of n-dimensional points. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of n-dimensional points Returns ------- normed_x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) Examples -------- Let's create a set of semi-random 3D unit vectors. >>> npts = int(1e3) >>> ndim = 3 >>> x = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) >>> normed_x = normalized_vectors(x) """ vectors = np.atleast_2d(vectors) npts = vectors.shape[0] with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): return vectors / elementwise_norm(vectors).reshape((npts, -1))
[docs] def elementwise_norm(x): r""" Calculate the normalization of each element in a list of n-dimensional points. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of n-dimensional points Returns ------- result : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) storing the norm of each n-dimensional point in x. Examples -------- >>> npts = int(1e3) >>> ndim = 3 >>> x = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) >>> norms = elementwise_norm(x) """ x = np.atleast_2d(x) return np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, axis=1))
[docs] def elementwise_dot(x, y): r""" Calculate the dot product between each pair of elements in two input lists of n-dimensional points. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of n-dimensional vectors y : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of n-dimensional vectors Returns ------- result : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) storing the dot product between each pair of corresponding vectors in x and y. Examples -------- Let's create two sets of semi-random 3D vectors, x1 and x2. >>> npts = int(1e3) >>> ndim = 3 >>> x1 = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) >>> x2 = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) We then can find the dot product between each pair of vectors in x1 and x2. >>> dots = elementwise_dot(x1, x2) """ x = np.atleast_2d(x) y = np.atleast_2d(y) return np.sum(x * y, axis=1)
[docs] def angles_between_list_of_vectors(v0, v1, tol=1e-3, vn=None): r"""Calculate the angle between a collection of n-dimensional vectors Parameters ---------- v0 : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of ndim-D vectors Note that the normalization of `v0` will be ignored. v1 : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of ndim-D vectors Note that the normalization of `v1` will be ignored. tol : float, optional Acceptable numerical error for errors in angle. This variable is only used to round off numerical noise that otherwise causes exceptions to be raised by the inverse cosine function. Default is 0.001. n1 : ndarray normal vector Returns ------- angles : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) storing the angles between each pair of corresponding points in v0 and v1. Returned values are in units of radians spanning [0, pi]. Examples -------- Let's create two sets of semi-random 3D unit vectors. >>> npts = int(1e4) >>> ndim = 3 >>> v1 = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) >>> v2 = np.random.random((npts, ndim)) We then can find the angle between each pair of vectors in v1 and v2. >>> angles = angles_between_list_of_vectors(v1, v2) """ dot = elementwise_dot(normalized_vectors(v0), normalized_vectors(v1)) if vn is None: # Protect against tiny numerical excesses beyond the range [-1 ,1] mask1 = (dot > 1) & (dot < 1 + tol) dot = np.where(mask1, 1.0, dot) mask2 = (dot < -1) & (dot > -1 - tol) dot = np.where(mask2, -1.0, dot) a = np.arccos(dot) else: cross = np.cross(v0, v1) a = np.arctan2(elementwise_dot(cross, vn), dot) return a
[docs] def vectors_normal_to_planes(x, y): r""" Given a collection of 3d vectors x and y, return a collection of 3d unit-vectors that are orthogonal to x and y. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3) storing a collection of 3d vectors Note that the normalization of `x` will be ignored. y : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3) storing a collection of 3d vectors Note that the normalization of `y` will be ignored. Returns ------- z : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3). Each 3d vector in z will be orthogonal to the corresponding vector in x and y. Examples -------- Define a set of random 3D vectors >>> npts = int(1e4) >>> x = np.random.random((npts, 3)) >>> y = np.random.random((npts, 3)) now calculate a thrid set of vectors to a corresponding pair in `x` and `y`. >>> normed_z = angles_between_list_of_vectors(x, y) """ return normalized_vectors(np.cross(x, y))
[docs] def project_onto_plane(x1, x2): r""" Given a collection of vectors, x1 and x2, project each vector in x1 onto the plane normal to the corresponding vector x2. Parameters ---------- x1 : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3) storing a collection of 3d points x2 : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3) storing a collection of 3d points Returns ------- result : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, 3) storing a collection of 3d points Examples -------- Define a set of random 3D vectors. >>> npts = int(1e4) >>> x1 = np.random.random((npts, 3)) >>> x2 = np.random.random((npts, 3)) Find the projection of each vector in `x1` onto a plane defined by each vector in `x2`. >>> x3 = project_onto_plane(x1, x2) """ n = normalized_vectors(x2) d = elementwise_dot(x1, n) return x1 - d[:, np.newaxis] * n
[docs] def rotate_vector_collection(rotation_matrices, vectors, optimize=False): r""" Given a collection of rotation matrices and a collection of n-dimensional vectors, apply an asscoiated matrix to rotate corresponding vector(s). Parameters ---------- rotation_matrices : ndarray The options are: 1.) array of shape (npts, ndim, ndim) storing a collection of rotation matrices. 2.) array of shape (ndim, ndim) storing a single rotation matrix vectors : ndarray The corresponding options for above are: 1.) array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of ndim-dimensional vectors 2.) array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of ndim-dimensional vectors Returns ------- rotated_vectors : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ndim) storing a collection of ndim-dimensional vectors Notes ----- This function is set up to preform either rotation operations on a single collection \ of vectors, either applying a single rotation matrix to all vectors in the collection, or applying a unique rotation matrix to each vector in the set. The behavior of the function is determined by the arguments supplied by the user. Examples -------- In this example, we'll randomly generate two sets of unit-vectors, `v0` and `v1`. We'll use the `rotation_matrices_from_vectors` function to generate the rotation matrices that rotate each `v0` into the corresponding `v1`. Then we'll use the `rotate_vector_collection` function to apply each rotation, and verify that we recover each of the `v1`. >>> from halotools.utils.rotations3d import rotation_matrices_from_vectors >>> from halotools.utils import normalized_vectors >>> npts, ndim = int(1e4), 3 >>> v0 = normalized_vectors(np.random.random((npts, ndim))) >>> v1 = normalized_vectors(np.random.random((npts, ndim))) >>> rotation_matrices = rotation_matrices_from_vectors(v0, v1) >>> v2 = rotate_vector_collection(rotation_matrices, v0) >>> assert np.allclose(v1, v2) """ ndim_rotm = np.shape(rotation_matrices)[-1] ndim_vec = np.shape(vectors)[-1] assert ndim_rotm == ndim_vec if len(np.shape(vectors)) == 2: ntps, ndim = np.shape(vectors) nsets = 0 elif len(np.shape(vectors)) == 3: nsets, ntps, ndim = np.shape(vectors) # apply same rotation matrix to all vectors if len(np.shape(rotation_matrices)) == 2: if nsets == 1: vectors = vectors[0] return, vectors.T).T # rotate each vector by associated rotation matrix else: # n1 sets of n2 vectors of ndim dimension if len(np.shape(vectors)) == 3: ein_string = "ikl,ijl->ijk" n1, n2, ndim = np.shape(vectors) # n1 vectors of ndim dimensions elif len(np.shape(vectors)) == 2: ein_string = "ijk,ik->ij" n1, ndim = np.shape(vectors) try: return np.einsum(ein_string, rotation_matrices, vectors, optimize=optimize) except TypeError: return np.einsum(ein_string, rotation_matrices, vectors)