Common functions applied to halo catalogs.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from .crossmatch import crossmatch
from ..custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
__all__ = ("broadcast_host_halo_property", "add_halo_hostid", "compute_uber_hostid")
def broadcast_host_halo_property(
table, halo_property_key, delete_possibly_existing_column=False
"""Calculate a property of the host of a group system
and broadcast that property to all group members,
e.g., calculate host halo mass.
table : Astropy `~astropy.table.Table`
Table storing the halo catalog.
halo_property_key : string
Name of the column to be broadcasted to all halo members
delete_possibly_existing_column : bool, optional
If set to False, `add_halo_hostid` will raise an Exception
if the input table already contains a ``halo_hostid`` column.
If True, the column will be deleted if it exists,
and no action will be taken if it does not exist.
Default is False.
This function is primarily for use with Halotools-formatted halo tables.
In particular, this function assumes that the table has
a ``halo_id`` and ``halo_hostid`` column.
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim()
>>> broadcast_host_halo_property(halocat.halo_table, 'halo_spin')
The ``halo_table`` now has a column called ``halo_spin_host_halo``.
assert type(table) == Table
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nThe input ``table`` must be an Astropy `~astropy.table.Table` object\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
assert halo_property_key in list(table.keys())
assert "halo_id" in list(table.keys())
except AssertionError:
msg = (
"\nThe input table does not have the input ``halo_property_key``"
" = " + str(halo_property_key) + " column"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
new_colname = halo_property_key + "_host_halo"
if (new_colname in list(table.keys())) & (delete_possibly_existing_column is False):
msg = (
"\nYour input table already has an existing new_colname column name.\n"
"If you want to overwrite this column, "
"you must set ``delete_possibly_existing_column`` to True.\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
elif (new_colname in list(table.keys())) & (
delete_possibly_existing_column is True
del table[new_colname]
idx_halos, idx_hosts = crossmatch(table["halo_hostid"].data, table["halo_id"].data)
table[new_colname] = np.zeros(len(table), dtype=table[halo_property_key].dtype)
table[new_colname][idx_halos] = table[halo_property_key][idx_hosts]
def add_halo_hostid(table, delete_possibly_existing_column=False):
"""Function creates a new column ``halo_hostid`` for the input table.
For rows with ``halo_upid`` = -1, ``halo_hostid`` = ``halo_id``. Otherwise,
``halo_hostid`` = ``halo_upid``.
table : Astropy `~astropy.table.Table`
Table storing the halo catalog.
delete_possibly_existing_column : bool, optional
If set to False, `add_halo_hostid` will raise an Exception
if the input table already contains a ``halo_hostid`` column.
If True, the column will be deleted if it exists,
and no action will be taken if it does not exist.
Default is False.
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim()
>>> del halocat.halo_table['halo_hostid']
>>> add_halo_hostid(halocat.halo_table)
assert type(table) == Table
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nThe input ``table`` must be an Astropy `~astropy.table.Table` object\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
assert "halo_upid" in list(table.keys())
assert "halo_id" in list(table.keys())
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nThe input table must have ``halo_upid`` and ``halo_id`` keys"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
if ("halo_hostid" in list(table.keys())) & (
delete_possibly_existing_column is False
msg = (
"\nYour input table already has an existing ``halo_hostid`` column name.\n"
"If you want to overwrite this column, "
"you must set ``delete_possibly_existing_column`` to True.\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
elif ("halo_hostid" in list(table.keys())) & (
delete_possibly_existing_column is True
del table["halo_hostid"]
host_mask = table["halo_upid"] == -1
halo_hostid = np.zeros(len(table), dtype="i8")
halo_hostid[host_mask] = table["halo_id"][host_mask]
halo_hostid[~host_mask] = table["halo_upid"][~host_mask]
table["halo_hostid"] = halo_hostid
def _correct_satellite_hostid(sat_upid, sat_haloid, idxA):
n = sat_haloid.size
msk_sat_has_sat_host = np.zeros(n).astype(bool)
msk_sat_has_sat_host[idxA] = True
bad_sat_upid = sat_upid[msk_sat_has_sat_host]
idxA, idxB = crossmatch(bad_sat_upid, sat_haloid)
bad_sat_upid[idxA] = sat_upid[idxB]
sat_upid[msk_sat_has_sat_host] = bad_sat_upid
return sat_upid
def compute_uber_hostid(upid, haloid, n_iter_max=20):
"""Calculate uber_hostid of every UM galaxy.
For centrals, uber_hostid = id. For satellites, uber_hostid = upid.
For sats whose upid does not appear in the catalog, uber_hostid is set to haloid
For sats whose original upid points to a non-central, the upid is corrected.
upid : integer array of shape (n, )
For centrals, upid=-1. For satellites, upid=haloid of the host halo
haloid : integer array of shape (n, )
Unique identifier of the subhalo
upid : integer array of shape (n, )
Equals the original upid except for two cases:
i) upid does not appear in the input haloid
ii) upid points to a halo with upid!=-1
uber_hostid : integer array of shape (n, )
n_iter : integer
Number of iterations required to correct the upids of higher-ordr sub-sub halos
n = upid.size
idxA, idxB = crossmatch(upid, haloid)
upid_has_match = np.zeros(n).astype(bool)
upid_has_match[idxA] = True
cenmsk = upid == -1
msk_unmatched = ~cenmsk & ~upid_has_match
upid[msk_unmatched] = -1
cenmsk = upid == -1
sat_upid = np.copy(upid[~cenmsk])
sat_haloid = haloid[~cenmsk]
idxA, idxB = crossmatch(sat_upid, sat_haloid)
n_sats_with_sat_hosts = idxA.size
n_iter = 0
while (n_sats_with_sat_hosts > 0) & (n_iter <= n_iter_max):
sat_upid = _correct_satellite_hostid(sat_upid, sat_haloid, idxA)
idxA, idxB = crossmatch(sat_upid, sat_haloid)
n_sats_with_sat_hosts = idxA.size
n_iter += 1
uber_hostid = np.copy(haloid)
uber_hostid[~cenmsk] = sat_upid
upid[~cenmsk] = sat_upid
return upid, uber_hostid, n_iter