Source code for halotools.utils.conditional_percentile

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

from .array_utils import unsorting_indices
from .engines import cython_conditional_rank_kernel

__all__ = ('sliding_conditional_percentile', )

[docs] def sliding_conditional_percentile(x, y, window_length, assume_x_is_sorted=False, add_subgrid_noise=True, seed=None): r""" Estimate the cumulative distribution function Prob(< y | x). Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Array of shape (npts, ) y : ndarray Array of shape (npts, ) window_length : int Integer must be odd and less than ``npts`` assume_x_is_sorted : bool, optional Performance enhancement flag that can be used for cases where input `x` has already been sorted. Default is False. add_subgrid_noise : bool, optional Flag determines whether random uniform noise will be added to fill in the gaps at the sub-grid level determined by `window_length`. Default is True. seed : int, optional Random number seed used together with the `add_subgrid_noise` argument to minimize discreteness effects due to the finite window size over which Prob(< y | x) is estimated. Default is None, for stochastic results. Returns ------- rank_order_percentiles : ndarray Numpy array of shape (npts, ) storing values in the open interval (0, 1). Larger values of the returned array correspond to values of ``y`` that are larger-than-average for the corresponding value of ``x``. Notes ----- The ``window_length`` argument controls the precision of the calculation, and also the performance. For estimations of Prob(< y | x) with sub-percent accuracy, values of ``window_length`` must exceed 100. See :ref:`cam_tutorial` demonstrating how to use this function in galaxy-halo modeling with several worked examples. Examples -------- >>> x = np.random.rand(100) >>> y = np.random.rand(100) >>> window_length = 5 >>> result = sliding_conditional_percentile(x, y, window_length) """ rank_orders = cython_sliding_rank(x, y, window_length, assume_x_is_sorted=assume_x_is_sorted) rank_order_percentiles = (1. + rank_orders)/float(window_length+1) if add_subgrid_noise: dp = 1./float(window_length+1) low = rank_order_percentiles - dp high = rank_order_percentiles + dp npts = len(rank_order_percentiles) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): rank_order_percentiles = np.random.uniform(low, high, npts) return rank_order_percentiles
def rank_order_function(x): r""" Calculate the rank-order of each element in an input array. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Array of shape (npts, ) Results ------- rank_orders : ndarray Integer array of shape (npts, ) storing values in the interval [0, npts-1] """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) assert x.ndim == 1, "x must be a 1-d sequence" assert len(x) > 1, "x must have more than one element" return unsorting_indices(np.argsort(x)) def cython_sliding_rank(x, y, window_length, assume_x_is_sorted=False): r""" Return an array storing the rank-order of each element element in y computed over a fixed window length at each x This function is the kernel of calculation of Prob(< y | x). Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Array of shape (npts, ) y : ndarray Array of shape (npts, ) window_length : int Integer must be odd and less than ``npts`` assume_x_is_sorted : bool, optional Performance enhancement flag that can be used for cases where input `x` has already been sorted. Default is False. Returns ------- sliding_rank_orders : ndarray Integer array of shape (npts, ) storing values between 0 and window_length-1 Examples -------- >>> x = np.random.rand(100) >>> y = np.random.rand(100) >>> window_length = 5 >>> result = cython_sliding_rank(x, y, window_length) """ x, y, nwin = _check_xyn_bounds(x, y, window_length) nhalfwin = int(nwin/2) if assume_x_is_sorted: y_sorted = y else: indx_x_sorted = np.argsort(x) indx_x_unsorted = unsorting_indices(indx_x_sorted) y_sorted = y[indx_x_sorted] result = np.array(cython_conditional_rank_kernel(y_sorted, nwin)) leftmost_window_ranks = rank_order_function(y_sorted[:nwin]) result[:nhalfwin+1] = leftmost_window_ranks[:nhalfwin+1] rightmost_window_ranks = rank_order_function(y_sorted[-nwin:]) result[-nhalfwin-1:] = rightmost_window_ranks[-nhalfwin-1:] if assume_x_is_sorted: return result.astype(int) else: return result[indx_x_unsorted].astype(int) def _check_xyn_bounds(x, y, n): r""" Enforce bounds checks on the inputs and return 1-d Numpy arrays with appropriate dtype """ x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype('f8') assert x.ndim == 1, "x must be a 1-d array" y = np.atleast_1d(y).astype('f8') assert y.ndim == 1, "y must be a 1-d array" assert len(x) == len(y), "x and y must have the same length" msg = "Window length = {0} must be an odd integer" try: assert n % 2 == 1, msg.format(n) except AssertionError: raise ValueError(msg.format(n)) msg2 = "Window length = {0} must satisfy 1 < n < len(x)" assert 1 < n < len(x), msg2.format(n) return x, y, int(n)