Source code for halotools.utils.array_utils

Modules performing small, commonly used tasks throughout the package.

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

from ..custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

__all__ = ('custom_len', 'find_idx_nearest_val', 'randomly_downsample_data',
           'array_is_monotonic', 'unsorting_indices')

[docs] def custom_len(x): """ Simple method to return a zero-valued 1-D numpy array with the length of the input x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Can be an iterable such as a list or non-iterable such as a float. Returns ------- array_length : int length of x Notes ----- Simple workaround of an awkward feature of numpy. When evaluating the built-in len() function on non-iterables such as a float or int, len() returns a TypeError, rather than unity. Most annoyingly, the same is true on an object such as x=numpy.array(4), even though such an object formally counts as an Iterable, being an ndarray. This nuisance is so ubiquitous that it's convenient to have a single line of code that replaces the default python len() function with sensible behavior. Examples -------- >>> x, y, z = 0, [0], None >>> xlen, ylen, zlen = custom_len(x), custom_len(y), custom_len(z) """ try: array_length = len(x) except TypeError: array_length = 1 return array_length
[docs] def find_idx_nearest_val(array, value): """ Method returns the index where the input array is closest to the input value. Parameters ---------- array : array_like value : float or int Returns ------- idx_nearest : int Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(0, 1000, num=int(1e5)) >>> val = 45.5 >>> idx_nearest_val = find_idx_nearest_val(x, val) >>> nearest_val = x[idx_nearest_val] Notes ------ Use of this function is deprecated. The `numpy.argmin` function provides equivalent behavior. """ if custom_len(array) == 0: msg = "find_idx_nearest_val method was passed an empty array" raise HalotoolsError(msg) idx_sorted = np.argsort(array) sorted_array = np.array(array[idx_sorted]) idx = np.searchsorted(sorted_array, value, side="left") if idx >= len(array): idx_nearest = idx_sorted[len(array)-1] return idx_nearest elif idx == 0: idx_nearest = idx_sorted[0] return idx_nearest else: if abs(value - sorted_array[idx-1]) < abs(value - sorted_array[idx]): idx_nearest = idx_sorted[idx-1] return idx_nearest else: idx_nearest = idx_sorted[idx] return idx_nearest
[docs] def randomly_downsample_data(array, num_downsample, seed=None): """ Method returns a length-num_downsample random downsampling of the input array. Parameters ---------- array : array num_downsample : int Size of the desired downsampled version of the data Returns ------- downsampled_array : array or Astropy Table Random downsampling of the input array Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(0, 1000, num=int(1e5)) >>> desired_sample_size = int(1e3) >>> downsampled_x = randomly_downsample_data(x, desired_sample_size) """ num_downsample = int(num_downsample) input_array_length = custom_len(array) if num_downsample > input_array_length: raise SyntaxError("Length of the desired downsampling = %i, " "which exceeds input array length = %i " % (num_downsample, input_array_length)) else: with NumpyRNGContext(seed): randomizer = np.random.random(input_array_length) idx_sorted = np.argsort(randomizer) return array[idx_sorted[0:num_downsample]]
[docs] def array_is_monotonic(array, strict=False): """ Method determines whether an input array is monotonic. Parameters ----------- array : array_like strict : bool, optional If set to True, an array must be strictly monotonic to pass the criteria. Default is False. Returns ------- flag : int If input ``array`` is monotonically increasing, the returned flag = 1; if ``array`` is monotonically decreasing, flag = -1. Otherwise, flag = 0. Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) >>> assert array_is_monotonic(x) == 1 >>> assert array_is_monotonic(x[::-1]) == -1 >>> y = np.ones(100) >>> assert array_is_monotonic(y) == 1 >>> assert array_is_monotonic(y, strict=True) == 0 Notes ----- If the input ``array`` is constant-valued, method returns flag = 1. """ if custom_len(array) < 3: msg = ("Input array to the array_is_monotonic method has less then 3 elements") raise HalotoolsError(msg) d = np.diff(array) if strict is True: if np.all(d > 0): return 1 elif np.all(d < 0): return -1 else: return 0 else: if np.all(d >= 0): return 1 elif np.all(d <= 0): return -1 else: return 0
[docs] def unsorting_indices(sorting_indices): """ Return the indexing array that inverts `numpy.argsort`. Parameters ---------- sorting_indices : array_like Length-Npts array - the output of `numpy.argsort` Returns ------- unsorting_indices : array_like Length-Npts array Examples -------- >>> x = np.random.rand(100) >>> idx_sorted = np.argsort(x) >>> x_sorted = x[idx_sorted] >>> idx_unsorted = unsorting_indices(idx_sorted) >>> assert np.all(x == x_sorted[idx_unsorted]) """ npts = len(sorting_indices) unsorting_indices = np.zeros_like(sorting_indices, dtype=int) unsorting_indices[sorting_indices] = np.arange(npts).astype(int) return unsorting_indices