Source code for halotools.utils.array_indexing_manipulations

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

__all__ = ('calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals',
    'calculate_last_idx_unique_array_vals', 'sum_in_bins',
    'random_indices_within_bin', 'calculate_entry_multiplicity')

[docs] def calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals(sorted_array, testing_mode=False): """ Given an integer array with possibly repeated entries in ascending order, return the indices of the first appearance of each unique value. Parameters ---------- sorted_array : array Integer array of host halo IDs, sorted in ascending order testing_mode : bool, optional Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm. Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes, while setting it to False improves performance. Default is False. If this function raises an unexpected exception, try setting ``testing_mode`` to True to identify which specific assumption about the inputs is not being met. Returns -------- idx_unique_array_vals : array Integer array storing the indices of the first appearance of each unique entry in sorted_array Notes ------ By construction, the first element of `calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals` will always be zero. Examples -------- >>> sorted_array = np.array((0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, 8, 10)) >>> result = calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals(sorted_array) >>> assert np.all(result == (0, 2, 4, 5, 7)) """ if testing_mode is True: try: assert np.all(np.diff(sorted_array) >= 0) except AssertionError: msg = "Input ``sorted_array`` array must be sorted in ascending order" raise ValueError(msg) return np.concatenate(([0], np.flatnonzero(np.diff(sorted_array)) + 1))
[docs] def calculate_last_idx_unique_array_vals(sorted_array, testing_mode=False): """ Given an integer array with possibly repeated entries in ascending order, return the indices of the last appearance of each unique value. Parameters ---------- sorted_array : array Integer array of host halo IDs, sorted in ascending order testing_mode : bool, optional Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm. Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes, while setting it to False improves performance. Default is False. If this function raises an unexpected exception, try setting ``testing_mode`` to True to identify which specific assumption about the inputs is not being met. Returns -------- idx_unique_array_vals : array Integer array storing the indices of the last appearance of each unique entry in sorted_array Notes ------ By construction, the first element of `calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals` will always be len(sorted_array)-1. Examples -------- >>> sorted_array = np.array((0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, 8, 10)) >>> result = calculate_last_idx_unique_array_vals(sorted_array) >>> assert np.all(result == (1, 3, 4, 6, 7)) """ if testing_mode is True: try: assert np.all(np.diff(sorted_array) >= 0) except AssertionError: msg = "Input ``sorted_array`` array must be sorted in ascending order" raise ValueError(msg) return np.append(np.flatnonzero(np.diff(sorted_array)), len(sorted_array)-1)
[docs] def sum_in_bins(arr, sorted_bin_numbers, testing_mode=False): """ Given an array of values ``arr`` and another equal-length array ``sorted_bin_numbers`` storing how these values have been binned into *Nbins*, calculate the sum of the values in each bin. Parameters ----------- arr : array Array of length *Nvals* storing the quantity to be summed in the bins defined by ``sorted_bin_numbers``. sorted_bin_numbers : array Integer array of length *Nvals* storing the bin numbers of each entry of the input ``arr``, e.g., the result of np.digitize(arr, bins). The ``sorted_bin_numbers`` array may have repeated entries but must be in ascending order. That is, the subhalos whose property is stored in array ``arr`` will be presumed to be pre-grouped according to, for example, host halo mass, with lowest halo masses first, and higher halo masses at higher indices, in monotonic fashion. testing_mode : bool, optional Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm. Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes, while setting it to False improves performance. Default is False. Returns -------- binned_sum : array Array of length-*Nbins* storing the sum of ``arr`` values within the bins defined by ``sorted_bin_numbers``. Examples -------- >>> Nvals = 5 >>> arr = np.arange(Nvals) >>> sorted_bin_numbers = np.array((1, 2, 2, 6, 7)) >>> result = sum_in_bins(arr, sorted_bin_numbers) """ try: assert len(arr) == len(sorted_bin_numbers) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("Input ``arr`` and ``sorted_bin_numbers`` must have same length") if testing_mode is True: try: assert np.all(np.diff(sorted_bin_numbers) >= 0) except AssertionError: msg = ("Input ``sorted_bin_numbers`` array must be sorted in ascending order") raise ValueError(msg) last_idx = calculate_last_idx_unique_array_vals(sorted_bin_numbers) first_entry = arr[:last_idx[0]+1].sum() binned_sum = np.diff(np.cumsum(arr)[last_idx]) binned_sum = np.concatenate(([first_entry], binned_sum)) return binned_sum
[docs] def random_indices_within_bin(binned_multiplicity, desired_binned_occupations, seed=None, min_required_entries_per_bin=None): """ Given two equal-length arrays, with ``desired_binned_occupations`` defining the number of desired random draws per bin, and ``binned_multiplicity`` defining the number of indices in each bin that are available to be randomly drawn, return a set of indices such that only the appropriate indices will be drawn for each bin, and the total number of such random draws is in accord with the input ``desired_binned_occupations``. The ``random_indices_within_bin`` function is the kernel of the calculation in which satellites are assigned to host halos that do not have enough subhalos to serve as satellites. The algorithm implemented here enables, for example, the random selection of a subhalo that resides in a host of a nearby mass. Parameters ----------- binned_multiplicity : array Array of length-*Nbins* storing how many total items reside in each bin. All entries of ``binned_multiplicity`` must be at least as large as ``min_required_entries_per_bin``, enforcing a user-specified requirement that in each bin, you must have "enough" entries to draw from. desired_binned_occupations : array Array of length-*Nbins* of non-negative integers storing the number of times to draw from each bin. seed : integer, optional Random number seed used when drawing random numbers with `numpy.random`. Useful when deterministic results are desired, such as during unit-testing. Default is None, producing stochastic results. min_required_entries_per_bin : int, optional Minimum requirement on the number of entries in each bin. Default is 1. This requirement is only applied for bins with non-zero values of ``desired_binned_occupations``. Returns ------- indices : array Integer array of length equal to desired_binned_occupations.sum() whose values can be used to index the appropriate entries of the subhalo table. Examples --------- >>> binned_multiplicity = np.array([1, 2, 2, 1, 3]) >>> desired_binned_occupations = np.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 2]) >>> idx = random_indices_within_bin(binned_multiplicity, desired_binned_occupations) The ``idx`` array has *desired_binned_occupations.sum()* total entries, with each entry storing the index of the subhalo table that will serve as a randomly selected satellite. """ if min_required_entries_per_bin is None: min_required_entries_per_bin = 1 try: assert np.all(desired_binned_occupations >= 0) except AssertionError: msg = ("All entries of input ``desired_binned_occupations``\n" "must be non-negative integers.\n") raise ValueError(msg) num_draws = desired_binned_occupations.sum() if num_draws == 0: return np.array([], dtype=int) try: assert np.all(binned_multiplicity[desired_binned_occupations > 0] >= min_required_entries_per_bin) except AssertionError: msg = ("Input ``binned_multiplicity`` array must contain at least \n" "min_required_entries_per_bin = {0} entries. \nThis indicates that " "the host halo mass bins should be broader.\n".format(min_required_entries_per_bin)) raise ValueError(msg) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): uniform_random = np.random.rand(num_draws) num_available_subs = np.repeat(binned_multiplicity.astype(int), desired_binned_occupations.astype(int)) intra_bin_indices = np.floor(uniform_random*num_available_subs) first_bin_indices = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(binned_multiplicity)[:-1])) repeated_first_bin_indices = np.repeat(first_bin_indices, desired_binned_occupations.astype(int)) absolute_indices = intra_bin_indices + repeated_first_bin_indices return absolute_indices
[docs] def calculate_entry_multiplicity(sorted_repeated_hostids, unique_possible_hostids, testing_mode=False): """ Given an array of possible hostids, and a sorted array of (possibly repeated) hostids, return the number of appearances of each hostid. This function can serve as the kernel, for example, for the calculation of the number of subhalos in each host halo. Parameters ---------- sorted_repeated_hostids : array Length-*num_entries* integer array storing a collection of hostids. The entries of ``sorted_repeated_hostids`` may be repeated, but must be in ascending order. Each entry of ``sorted_repeated_hostids`` must appear in the ``unique_possible_hostids``. For halo analysis applications, this would be the ``halo_hostid`` column of some set of subhalos. unique_possible_hostids : array Length-*num_hostids* integer array storing the set of all available values for hostid. All entries must be unique. An entry of ``unique_possible_hostids`` need not necessarily appear in ``sorted_repeated_hostids``. The ``unique_possible_hostids`` array can be sorted in any order. For halo analysis applications, this would be the ``halo_id`` column of the complete set of *host* halos. testing_mode : bool, optional Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm. Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes, while setting it to False improves performance. Default is False. If this function raises an unexpected exception, try setting ``testing_mode`` to True to identify which specific assumption about the inputs is not being met. Returns --------- entry_multiplicity : array Length-*num_hostids* integer array storing the number of times each entry of ``unique_possible_hostids`` appears in ``sorted_repeated_hostids``. Examples -------- >>> sorted_repeated_hostids = np.array((1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6)) >>> unique_possible_hostids = np.arange(7) >>> entry_multiplicity = calculate_entry_multiplicity(sorted_repeated_hostids, unique_possible_hostids) >>> assert np.all(entry_multiplicity == (0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2)) """ if testing_mode: try: assert np.all(np.diff(sorted_repeated_hostids) >= 0) except AssertionError: msg = "Input ``sorted_repeated_hostids`` array is not sorted in ascending order" raise ValueError(msg) s1 = set(unique_possible_hostids) try: assert len(s1) == len(unique_possible_hostids) except AssertionError: msg = "All entries of ``unique_possible_hostids`` must be unique" raise ValueError(msg) s2 = set(sorted_repeated_hostids) try: unmatched_entries = s2 - s1 assert len(unmatched_entries) == 0 except AssertionError: example_unmatched_entry = list(unmatched_entries)[0] msg = ("Each entry of sorted_repeated_hostids " "must appear in unique_possible_hostids.\n" "The following entry appears in ``sorted_repeated_hostids`` " "but not in ``unique_possible_hostids``:\n\n{0}\n\n".format(example_unmatched_entry)) raise ValueError(msg) unique_appearances_of_hostid, unique_entry_multiplicity = ( np.unique(sorted_repeated_hostids, return_counts=True)) hostid_has_match = np.in1d(unique_possible_hostids, unique_appearances_of_hostid, assume_unique=True) entry_multiplicity = np.zeros_like(unique_possible_hostids) entry_multiplicity[hostid_has_match] = unique_entry_multiplicity return entry_multiplicity