Source code for halotools.sim_manager.halo_table_cache

import os
from copy import copy
from astropy.table import Table
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    warn("Some of the functionality of the HaloTableCache class"
         "requires h5py to be installed.")

from .halo_table_cache_log_entry import HaloTableCacheLogEntry

from ..sim_manager import halotools_cache_dirname
from ..custom_exceptions import InvalidCacheLogEntry, HalotoolsError
from ..utils.python_string_comparisons import _passively_decode_string

__all__ = ('HaloTableCache', )

[docs] class HaloTableCache(object): """ Object providing a collection of halo catalogs for use with Halotools. """ def __init__(self, read_log_from_standard_loc=True, **kwargs): self._standard_log_dirname = halotools_cache_dirname try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._standard_log_dirname)) except OSError: pass self._standard_log_fname = os.path.join(self._standard_log_dirname, 'halo_table_cache_log.txt') try: self.cache_log_fname = kwargs['cache_log_fname'] except KeyError: self.cache_log_fname = copy(self._standard_log_fname) self._cache_log_fname_exists = os.path.isfile(self.cache_log_fname) if read_log_from_standard_loc is True: self.log = self.retrieve_log_from_ascii() else: self.log = [] def _overwrite_log_ascii(self, new_log): new_log.sort() log_table = self._log_table_from_log(new_log) try: os.remove(self.cache_log_fname) except OSError: pass finally: log_table.write(self.cache_log_fname, format='ascii') def _clean_log_of_repeated_entries(self, input_log): cleaned_log = list(set(input_log)) if len(cleaned_log) < len(input_log): msg = ("Detected multiple entries of the " "halo table cache log with identical entries.\n" "This is harmless. The log will be now be cleaned.\n") warn(msg) self._overwrite_log_ascii(cleaned_log) return cleaned_log
[docs] def update_log_from_current_ascii(self): self.log = self.retrieve_log_from_ascii()
[docs] def retrieve_log_from_ascii(self): """ Read '$HOME/.astropy/cache/halotools/halo_table_cache_log.txt', clean the log of any repeated entries, sort the log, and return the resulting list of `~halotools.sim_manager.HaloTableCacheLogEntry` instances. """ log_table = self._read_log_table_from_ascii() log_inferred_from_ascii = self._log_from_log_table(log_table) cleaned_log = self._clean_log_of_repeated_entries(log_inferred_from_ascii) cleaned_log.sort() return cleaned_log
def _read_log_table_from_ascii(self): self._cache_log_fname_exists = os.path.isfile(self.cache_log_fname) if self._cache_log_fname_exists: try: log_table =, format='ascii') assert set(log_table.keys()) == set( HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes) self._cache_log_fname_is_kosher = True except: log_table = self._get_empty_log_table() self._cache_log_fname_is_kosher = False else: log_table = self._get_empty_log_table() return log_table def _log_from_log_table(self, log_table): result = [] for entry in log_table: constructor_kwargs = ( {key: entry[key] for key in HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes}) result.append(HaloTableCacheLogEntry(**constructor_kwargs)) return result def _log_table_from_log(self, log): log_table = self._get_empty_log_table(len(log)) for ii, entry in enumerate(log): for attr in HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes: log_table[attr][ii] = getattr(entry, attr) return log_table def _get_empty_log_table(self, num_entries=0): if num_entries == 0: return Table( {'simname': [], 'halo_finder': [], 'redshift': [], 'version_name': [], 'fname': []} ) else: return Table({'simname': np.zeros(num_entries, dtype=object), 'halo_finder': np.zeros(num_entries, dtype=object), 'redshift': np.zeros(num_entries, dtype=float), 'version_name': np.zeros(num_entries, dtype=object), 'fname': np.zeros(num_entries, dtype=object)})
[docs] def matching_log_entry_generator(self, dz_tol=0.0, **kwargs): """ """ try: assert set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(set(HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes)) except AssertionError: msg = ("\nThe only acceptable keyword arguments to matching_log_entry_generator \n" "are elements of HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes:\n") for attr in HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes: msg += "``"+attr+"``, " msg = msg[:-2] raise KeyError(msg) for entry in self.log: yield_entry = True for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key == 'redshift': requested_redshift = float(kwargs[key]) redshift_of_entry = float(getattr(entry, key)) yield_entry *= abs(redshift_of_entry - requested_redshift) <= dz_tol else: yield_entry *= kwargs[key] == getattr(entry, key) if bool(yield_entry) is True: yield entry
[docs] def add_entry_to_cache_log(self, log_entry, update_ascii=True): """ """ try: import h5py except ImportError: msg = ("\nCannot add_entry_to_cache_log without h5py installed.\n") raise HalotoolsError(msg) try: assert isinstance(log_entry, HaloTableCacheLogEntry) except AssertionError: msg = ("\nYou can only add instances of HaloTableCacheLogEntry to the cache log") raise TypeError(msg) if log_entry.safe_for_cache is False: raise InvalidCacheLogEntry(log_entry._cache_safety_message) self.log.append(log_entry) if len(set(self.log)) < len(self.log): warn("The cache log already contains the entry") self.log = list(set(self.log)) self.log.sort() if update_ascii is True: self._overwrite_log_ascii(self.log)
[docs] def remove_entry_from_cache_log(self, simname, halo_finder, version_name, redshift, fname, raise_non_existence_exception=True, update_ascii=True, delete_corresponding_halo_catalog=False): """ If the log stores an entry matching the input metadata, the entry will be deleted and the ascii file storing the log will be updated. If there is no match, an exception will be raised according to the value of the input ``raise_non_existence_exception``. Parameters ----------- simname : string Nickname of the simulation used as a shorthand way to keep track of the halo catalogs in your cache. The simnames processed by Halotools are 'bolshoi', 'bolplanck', 'consuelo' and 'multidark'. halo_finder : string Nickname of the halo-finder, e.g., 'rockstar' or 'bdm'. version_name : string Nickname of the version of the halo catalog used to differentiate between the same halo catalog processed in different ways. redshift : string or float Redshift of the halo catalog, rounded to 4 decimal places. fname : string Name of the hdf5 file storing the table of halos. raise_non_existence_exception : bool, optional If True, an exception will be raised if this function is called and there is no matching entry in the log. Default is True. delete_corresponding_halo_catalog : bool, optional If set to True, when the log entry is deleted, the corresponding hdf5 file will be deleted from your disk. Default is False. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: msg = ("\nCannot remove_entry_from_cache_log without h5py installed.\n") raise HalotoolsError(msg) ###################################################### # update_ascii kwarg is for unit-testing only # this feature is intentionally hidden from the docstring if (update_ascii is False) & (delete_corresponding_halo_catalog is True): msg = ("\nIf ``delete_corresponding_halo_catalog`` is True, \n" "``update_ascii`` must also be set to True.\n") raise HalotoolsError(msg) ###################################################### log_entry = HaloTableCacheLogEntry(simname=simname, halo_finder=halo_finder, version_name=version_name, redshift=redshift, fname=fname) msg = '' try: self.log.remove(log_entry) _existing_log_entry_detected = True if update_ascii is True: self._overwrite_log_ascii(self.log) msg += ("\nThe log has been updated on disk and in memory.\n") else: msg += ("\nThe log has been updated in memory " "but not on disk because \n" "the update_ascii argument is set to False.\n") except ValueError: _existing_log_entry_detected = False if raise_non_existence_exception is False: pass else: msg += ("\nYou requested that the following entry " "be removed from the cache log:\n\n") msg += "simname = ``" + str(simname) + "``\n" msg += "halo_finder = ``" + str(halo_finder) + "``\n" msg += "version_name = ``" + str(version_name) + "``\n" msg += "redshift = ``" + str(redshift) + "``\n" msg += "fname = ``" + str(fname) + "``\n\n" msg += ("This entry does not appear in the log.\n" "If you want to *passively* remove a log entry, \n" "you must call this method again setting " "`raise_non_existence_exception` to False.\n") raise HalotoolsError(msg) if delete_corresponding_halo_catalog is True: try: os.remove(fname) msg += ( "The corresponding hdf5 file storing the halo catalog " "has also been deleted from disk.\n" ) except OSError: msg += ( "The input ``fname`` does not exist on disk, " "so setting ``delete_corresponding_halo_catalog`` to True did nothing.\n" ) else: if os.path.isfile(fname): msg += ("The corresponding hdf5 file storing the halo catalog \n" "has not been deleted from your disk because you set " "``delete_corresponding_halo_catalog`` to False.\n") print(msg)
[docs] def determine_log_entry_from_fname(self, fname, overwrite_fname_metadata=False): """ Method tries to construct a `~halotools.sim_manager.HaloTableCacheLogEntry` using the metadata that may be stored in the input file. An exception will be raised if the determination is not possible. Parameters ----------- fname : string Name of the file Returns --------- log_entry : `~halotools.sim_manager.HaloTableCacheLogEntry` instance """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise HalotoolsError("Must have h5py package installed \n" "to use the determine_log_entry_from_fname method " "of the HaloTableCache lass. ") if not os.path.isfile(fname): msg = "File does not exist" return str(msg) if fname[-5:] != '.hdf5': msg = "Can only self-determine the log entry of files with .hdf5 extension" return str(msg) try: f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') required_set = set(HaloTableCacheLogEntry.required_metadata) actual_set = set(f.attrs.keys()) assert required_set.issubset(actual_set) except AssertionError: missing_metadata = required_set - actual_set msg = ("The hdf5 file is missing the following metadata:\n") for elt in missing_metadata: msg += "``" + elt + "``\n" msg += "\n" return str(msg) finally: try: f.close() except: pass f = h5py.File(fname, 'a') constructor_kwargs = {} # We need to get rid of the byte attributes here to avoid failures # later in the definition of PtclTableCacheLogEntry.__lt__ for key in HaloTableCacheLogEntry.log_attributes: try: constructor_kwargs[key] = f.attrs[key].decode() except AttributeError: constructor_kwargs[key] = f.attrs[key] if overwrite_fname_metadata is True: constructor_kwargs['fname'] = fname f.attrs['fname'] = fname f.close() log_entry = HaloTableCacheLogEntry(**constructor_kwargs) return log_entry
[docs] def update_cached_file_location(self, new_fname, old_fname, **kwargs): """ Parameters ----------- new_fname : string Name of the new location of the file old_fname : string Name of the old location of the file """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise HalotoolsError("Must have h5py package installed \n" "to use the update_cached_file_location method. ") ###################################################### # update_ascii kwarg is for unit-testing only # this feature is intentionally hidden from the docstring try: update_ascii = kwargs['update_ascii'] except KeyError: update_ascii = True ###################################################### new_log_entry = self.determine_log_entry_from_fname( new_fname, overwrite_fname_metadata=True) self.add_entry_to_cache_log(new_log_entry, update_ascii=update_ascii) self.remove_entry_from_cache_log( simname=new_log_entry.simname, halo_finder=new_log_entry.halo_finder, version_name=new_log_entry.version_name, redshift=new_log_entry.redshift, fname=old_fname, raise_non_existence_exception=False, update_ascii=update_ascii, delete_corresponding_halo_catalog=False)