""" Module containing `~halotools.mock_observables.RectangularDoubleMesh`,
the primary data structure used to optimize pairwise
calculations throughout the `~halotools.mock_observables` sub-package.
import numpy as np
from math import floor
__all__ = ('RectangularDoubleMesh2D', )
__author__ = ('Andrew Hearin', )
default_max_cells_per_dimension_cell1 = 50
default_max_cells_per_dimension_cell2 = 50
def digitized_position(p, cell_size, num_divs):
""" Function returns a discretized spatial position of input point(s).
ip = np.floor(p // cell_size).astype(int)
return np.where(ip >= num_divs, num_divs-1, ip)
def sample1_cell_size(period, search_length, approx_cell_size,
""" Function determines the size of the cells of mesh1.
The conditions that must be met are that the cell size must
be less than the search length, must evenly divide the box length,
and may not exceed ``max_cells_per_dimension``.
if search_length > period/3.:
msg = ("Input ``search_length`` cannot exceed period/3")
raise ValueError(msg)
ndivs = int(floor(period/float(approx_cell_size)))
ndivs = max(ndivs, 1)
ndivs = min(max_cells_per_dimension, ndivs)
nsearch = int(floor(period/float(search_length)))
nsearch = max(nsearch, 1)
ndivs = min(ndivs, nsearch)
ndivs = max(3, ndivs)
cell_size = period/float(ndivs)
return cell_size
def sample2_cell_sizes(period, sample1_cell_size, approx_cell_size,
""" Function determines the size of the cells of mesh2.
The conditions that must be met are that the cell size must
be less than the search length, must evenly divide the box length,
and may not exceed ``max_cells_per_dimension``.
num_sample1_cells = int(np.round(period / sample1_cell_size))
ndivs_sample1_cells = int(np.round(sample1_cell_size/float(approx_cell_size)))
ndivs_sample1_cells = max(1, ndivs_sample1_cells)
ndivs_sample1_cells = min(max_cells_per_dimension, ndivs_sample1_cells)
num_sample2_cells = num_sample1_cells*ndivs_sample1_cells
if num_sample2_cells > max_cells_per_dimension:
num2_per_num1 = max_cells_per_dimension // num_sample1_cells
num_sample2_cells = num2_per_num1*num_sample1_cells
cell_size = period/float(num_sample2_cells)
return cell_size
class RectangularMesh2D(object):
def __init__(self, x1in, y1in, xperiod, yperiod,
approx_xcell_size, approx_ycell_size):
x1in, y1in, z1in : arrays
Length-*Npts* arrays containing the spatial position of the *Npts* points.
xperiod, yperiod : floats
Length scale defining the periodic boundary conditions in each dimension.
In virtually all realistic cases, these are all equal.
approx_xcell_size, approx_ycell_size : float
approximate cell sizes into which the simulation box will be divided.
These are only approximate because in each dimension,
the actual cell size must be evenly divide the box size.
>>> Npts, Lbox = int(1e4), 1000
>>> xperiod, yperiod = Lbox, Lbox
>>> approx_xcell_size = Lbox/10.
>>> approx_ycell_size = Lbox/10.
Let's create some fake data to demonstrate the mesh structure:
>>> from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
>>> fixed_seed = 43
>>> with NumpyRNGContext(fixed_seed): pos = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, 2*Npts).reshape(Npts, 2)
>>> x, y = pos[:,0], pos[:,1]
>>> mesh = RectangularMesh2D(x, y, xperiod, yperiod, approx_xcell_size, approx_ycell_size)
Since we used approximate cell sizes *Lbox/10* that
exactly divided the period in each dimension,
then we know there are *10* subvolumes-per-dimension.
So, for example, based on the discussion above,
*cellID = 0* will correspond to *cell_tupleID = (0, 0)*,
*cellID = 5* will correspond to *cell_tupleID = (0, 5)* and
*cellID = 13* will correspond to *cell_tupleID = (1, 3).*
Now that your mesh has been built, you can efficiently access
the *x, y* positions of the points lying in
the subvolume with *cellID = i* as follows:
>>> i = 13
>>> ith_subvol_first, ith_subvol_last = mesh.cell_id_indices[i], mesh.cell_id_indices[i+1]
>>> xcoords_ith_subvol = x[mesh.idx_sorted][ith_subvol_first:ith_subvol_last]
>>> ycoords_ith_subvol = y[mesh.idx_sorted][ith_subvol_first:ith_subvol_last]
self.npts = x1in.shape[0]
self.xperiod = xperiod
self.yperiod = yperiod
self.num_xdivs = max(int(np.round(xperiod / approx_xcell_size)), 1)
self.num_ydivs = max(int(np.round(yperiod / approx_ycell_size)), 1)
self.ncells = self.num_xdivs*self.num_ydivs
self.xcell_size = self.xperiod / float(self.num_xdivs)
self.ycell_size = self.yperiod / float(self.num_ydivs)
ix = digitized_position(x1in, self.xcell_size, self.num_xdivs)
iy = digitized_position(y1in, self.ycell_size, self.num_ydivs)
cell_ids = self.cell_id_from_cell_tuple(ix, iy)
self.idx_sorted = np.ascontiguousarray(np.argsort(cell_ids))
cell_id_indices = np.searchsorted(cell_ids, np.arange(self.ncells),
cell_id_indices = np.append(cell_id_indices, self.npts)
self.cell_id_indices = np.ascontiguousarray(cell_id_indices)
def cell_id_from_cell_tuple(self, ix, iy):
return ix*self.num_ydivs + iy
class RectangularDoubleMesh2D(object):
""" Fundamental data structure of the `~halotools.mock_observables` sub-package.
`~halotools.mock_observables.RectangularDoubleMesh` is built up from two instances
of `~halotools.mock_observables.pair_counters.rectangular_mesh.RectangularMesh`.
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2,
approx_x1cell_size, approx_y1cell_size,
approx_x2cell_size, approx_y2cell_size,
search_xlength, search_ylength,
xperiod, yperiod, PBCs=True,
x1, y1 : arrays
Length-*Npts1* arrays containing the spatial position of the *Npts1* points.
x2, y2 : arrays
Length-*Npts2* arrays containing the spatial position of the *Npts2* points.
approx_x1cell_size, approx_y1cell_size : float
approximate cell sizes into which the simulation box will be divided.
These are only approximate because in each dimension,
the actual cell size must be evenly divide the box size.
approx_x2cell_size, approx_y2cell_size : float
An entirely separate tree is built for the *Npts2* points, the structure of
which is dependent on the struture of the *Npts1* tree as described below.
search_xlength, search_ylength, floats, optional
Maximum length over which a pair of points will searched for.
For example, if using `~halotools.mock_observables.pair_counters.RectangularDoubleMesh`
to compute a 3-D correlation function with radial separation bins
*rbins = [0.1, 1, 10, 25]*, then in this case
all the search lengths will equal 25.
If using `~halotools.mock_observables.pair_counters.RectangularDoubleMesh`
in a projected correlation function with *rp_bins = [0.1, 1, 10, 25]* and
*pi_max = 40*, then *search_xlength = search_ylength = 25* and
*search_zlength = 40*.
xperiod, yperiod : floats
Length scale defining the periodic boundary conditions in each dimension.
In virtually all realistic cases, these are all equal.
PBCs : bool, optional
Boolean specifying whether or not the box has periodic boundary conditions.
Default is True.
max_cells_per_dimension_cell1 : int, optional
Maximum number of cells per dimension. Default is 50.
max_cells_per_dimension_cell2 : int, optional
Maximum number of cells per dimension. Default is 50.
self.xperiod = xperiod
self.yperiod = yperiod
self.search_xlength = search_xlength
self.search_ylength = search_ylength
self._PBCs = PBCs
approx_x1cell_size = sample1_cell_size(xperiod, search_xlength, approx_x1cell_size,
approx_y1cell_size = sample1_cell_size(yperiod, search_ylength, approx_y1cell_size,
self.mesh1 = RectangularMesh2D(x1, y1, xperiod, yperiod,
approx_x1cell_size, approx_y1cell_size)
approx_x2cell_size = sample2_cell_sizes(xperiod, self.mesh1.xcell_size, approx_x2cell_size,
approx_y2cell_size = sample2_cell_sizes(yperiod, self.mesh1.ycell_size, approx_y2cell_size,
self.mesh2 = RectangularMesh2D(x2, y2, xperiod, yperiod,
approx_x2cell_size, approx_y2cell_size)
self.num_xcell2_per_xcell1 = self.mesh2.num_xdivs // self.mesh1.num_xdivs
self.num_ycell2_per_ycell1 = self.mesh2.num_ydivs // self.mesh1.num_ydivs
def _check_sensible_constructor_inputs(self):
assert self.search_xlength <= self.xperiod/3.
except AssertionError:
msg = ("\n The maximum length over which you search for pairs of points \n"
"cannot be larger than Lbox/3 in any dimension. \n"
"You tried to search for pairs out to a length of search_xlength = %.2f,\n"
"but the size of your box in this dimension is xperiod = %.2f.\n"
"If you need to count pairs on these length scales, \n"
"you should use a larger simulation.\n" % (self.search_xlength, self.xperiod))
raise ValueError(msg)
assert self.search_ylength <= self.yperiod/3.
except AssertionError:
msg = ("\n The maximum length over which you search for pairs of points \n"
"cannot be larger than Lbox/3 in any dimension. \n"
"You tried to search for pairs out to a length of search_ylength = %.2f,\n"
"but the size of your box in this dimension is yperiod = %.2f.\n"
"If you need to count pairs on these length scales, \n"
"you should use a larger simulation.\n" % (self.search_ylength, self.yperiod))
raise ValueError(msg)