Source code for halotools.mock_observables.pair_counters.npairs_jackknife_xy_z

r""" Module containing the `~halotools.mock_observables.npairs_jackknife_xy_z` function
used to estimate errors in the `~halotools.mock_observables.tpcf` function.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
from warnings import warn

from .rectangular_mesh import RectangularDoubleMesh
from .mesh_helpers import _set_approximate_cell_sizes, _cell1_parallelization_indices
from .cpairs import npairs_jackknife_xy_z_engine
from .npairs_xy_z import _npairs_xy_z_process_args

from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

__author__ = ('Duncan Campbell', )

__all__ = ('npairs_jackknife_xy_z', )

[docs] def npairs_jackknife_xy_z(sample1, sample2, rp_bins, pi_bins, jtags1, jtags2, N_samples, period=None, weights1=None, weights2=None, num_threads=1, approx_cell1_size=None, approx_cell2_size=None): r""" Pair counter used to make jackknife error estimates of redshift-space pair counter `~halotools.mock_observables.pair_counters.npairs_xy_z`. Parameters ---------- sample1 : array_like Numpy array of shape (Npts1, 3) containing 3-D positions of points. See the :ref:`mock_obs_pos_formatting` documentation page, or the Examples section below, for instructions on how to transform your coordinate position arrays into the format accepted by the ``sample1`` and ``sample2`` arguments. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. sample2 : array_like, optional Numpy array of shape (Npts2, 3) containing 3-D positions of points. Should be identical to sample1 for cases of auto-sample pair counts. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. rp_bins : array_like array of boundaries defining the radial bins perpendicular to the LOS in which pairs are counted. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. pi_max : float maximum LOS distance defining the projection integral length-scale in the z-dimension. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. jtags1 : array_like Numpy array of shape (Npts1, ) containing integer tags used to define jackknife sample membership. Tags are in the range [1, N_samples]. The tag '0' is a reserved tag and should not be used. jtags2 : array_like Numpy array of shape (Npts2, ) containing integer tags used to define jackknife sample membership. Tags are in the range [1, N_samples]. The tag '0' is a reserved tag and should not be used. N_samples : int Total number of jackknife samples. All values of ``jtags1`` and ``jtags2`` should be in the range [1, N_samples]. period : array_like, optional Length-3 sequence defining the periodic boundary conditions in each dimension. If you instead provide a single scalar, Lbox, period is assumed to be the same in all Cartesian directions. weights1 : array_like, optional Numpy array of shape (Npts1, ) containing weights used for weighted pair counts. weights2 : array_like, optional Numpy array of shape (Npts2, ) containing weights used for weighted pair counts. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in calculation, where parallelization is performed using the python ``multiprocessing`` module. Default is 1 for a purely serial calculation, in which case a multiprocessing Pool object will never be instantiated. A string 'max' may be used to indicate that the pair counters should use all available cores on the machine. approx_cell1_size : array_like, optional Length-3 array serving as a guess for the optimal manner by how points will be apportioned into subvolumes of the simulation box. The optimum choice unavoidably depends on the specs of your machine. Default choice is to use Lbox/10 in each dimension, which will return reasonable result performance for most use-cases. Performance can vary sensitively with this parameter, so it is highly recommended that you experiment with this parameter when carrying out performance-critical calculations. approx_cell2_size : array_like, optional Analogous to ``approx_cell1_size``, but for sample2. See comments for ``approx_cell1_size`` for details. Returns ------- N_pairs : array_like Numpy array of shape (N_samples+1,len(rp_bins), len(pi_bins)). The sub-array N_pairs[0, :] stores numbers of pairs in the input bins for the entire sample. The sub-array N_pairs[i, :] stores numbers of pairs in the input bins for the :math:`i^{\rm th}` jackknife sub-sample. Notes ----- Jackknife weights are calculated using a weighting function. If both points are outside the sample, the weighting function returns 0. If both points are inside the sample, the weighting function returns (w1 * w2) If one point is inside, and the other is outside, the weighting function returns (w1 * w2)/2 Examples -------- For demonstration purposes we create randomly distributed sets of points within a periodic unit cube. >>> Npts1, Npts2, Lbox = 1000, 1000, 250. >>> period = [Lbox, Lbox, Lbox] >>> rp_bins = np.logspace(-1, 1.5, 15) >>> pi_bins = [20, 40, 60] >>> x1 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts1) >>> y1 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts1) >>> z1 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts1) >>> x2 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts2) >>> y2 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts2) >>> z2 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, Npts2) We transform our *x, y, z* points into the array shape used by the pair-counter by taking the transpose of the result of `numpy.vstack`. This boilerplate transformation is used throughout the `~halotools.mock_observables` sub-package: >>> sample1 = np.vstack([x1, y1, z1]).T >>> sample2 = np.vstack([x2, y2, z2]).T Ordinarily, you would create ``jtags`` for the points by properly subdivide the points into spatial sub-volumes. For illustration purposes, we'll simply use randomly assigned sub-volumes as this has no impact on the calling signature: >>> N_samples = 10 >>> jtags1 = np.random.randint(1, N_samples+1, Npts1) >>> jtags2 = np.random.randint(1, N_samples+1, Npts2) >>> result = npairs_jackknife_xy_z(sample1, sample2, rp_bins, pi_bins, period=period, jtags1=jtags1, jtags2=jtags2, N_samples=N_samples) """ # Process the inputs with the helper function result = _npairs_xy_z_process_args(sample1, sample2, rp_bins, pi_bins, period, num_threads, approx_cell1_size, approx_cell2_size) x1in, y1in, z1in, x2in, y2in, z2in = result[0:6] rp_bins, pi_bins, period, num_threads, PBCs, approx_cell1_size, approx_cell2_size = result[6:] xperiod, yperiod, zperiod = period rp_max = np.max(rp_bins) pi_max = np.max(pi_bins) search_xlength, search_ylength, search_zlength = rp_max, rp_max, pi_max # Process the input weights and jackknife-tags with the helper function weights1, weights2, jtags1, jtags2 = ( _npairs_jackknife_xy_z_process_weights_jtags(sample1, sample2, weights1, weights2, jtags1, jtags2, N_samples)) # Compute the estimates for the cell sizes approx_cell1_size, approx_cell2_size = ( _set_approximate_cell_sizes(approx_cell1_size, approx_cell2_size, period) ) approx_x1cell_size, approx_y1cell_size, approx_z1cell_size = approx_cell1_size approx_x2cell_size, approx_y2cell_size, approx_z2cell_size = approx_cell2_size # Build the rectangular mesh double_mesh = RectangularDoubleMesh(x1in, y1in, z1in, x2in, y2in, z2in, approx_x1cell_size, approx_y1cell_size, approx_z1cell_size, approx_x2cell_size, approx_y2cell_size, approx_z2cell_size, search_xlength, search_ylength, search_zlength, xperiod, yperiod, zperiod, PBCs) # Create a function object that has a single argument, for parallelization purposes engine = partial(npairs_jackknife_xy_z_engine, double_mesh, x1in, y1in, z1in, x2in, y2in, z2in, weights1, weights2, jtags1, jtags2, N_samples, rp_bins, pi_bins) # Calculate the cell1 indices that will be looped over by the engine num_threads, cell1_tuples = _cell1_parallelization_indices( double_mesh.mesh1.ncells, num_threads) if num_threads > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_threads) result =, cell1_tuples) counts = np.sum(np.array(result), axis=0) pool.close() else: counts = engine(cell1_tuples[0]) return np.array(counts)
def _npairs_jackknife_xy_z_process_weights_jtags(sample1, sample2, weights1, weights2, jtags1, jtags2, N_samples): """ """ # Process weights1 entry and check for consistency. if weights1 is None: weights1 = np.array([1.0]*np.shape(sample1)[0], dtype=np.float64) else: weights1 = np.asarray(weights1).astype("float64") if np.shape(weights1)[0] != np.shape(sample1)[0]: raise HalotoolsError("weights1 should have same len as sample1") # Process weights2 entry and check for consistency. if weights2 is None: weights2 = np.array([1.0]*np.shape(sample2)[0], dtype=np.float64) else: weights2 = np.asarray(weights2).astype("float64") if np.shape(weights2)[0] != np.shape(sample2)[0]: raise HalotoolsError("weights2 should have same len as sample2") # Process jtags_1 entry and check for consistency. jtags1 = np.asarray(jtags1).astype("int") if np.shape(jtags1)[0] != np.shape(sample1)[0]: raise HalotoolsError("jtags1 should have same len as sample1") # Process jtags_2 entry and check for consistency. jtags2 = np.asarray(jtags2).astype("int") if np.shape(jtags2)[0] != np.shape(sample2)[0]: raise HalotoolsError("jtags2 should have same len as sample2") # Check bounds of jackknife tags if np.min(jtags1) < 1: raise HalotoolsError("jtags1 must be >= 1") if np.min(jtags2) < 1: raise HalotoolsError("jtags2 must be >= 1") if np.max(jtags1) > N_samples: raise HalotoolsError("jtags1 must be <= N_samples") if np.max(jtags2) > N_samples: raise HalotoolsError("jtags2 must be <= N_samples") # throw warning if some tags do not exist if not np.array_equal(np.unique(jtags1), np.arange(1, N_samples+1)): warn("Warning: sample1 does not contain points in every jackknife sample.") if not np.array_equal(np.unique(jtags1), np.arange(1, N_samples+1)): warn("Warning: sample2 does not contain points in every jackknife sample.") return weights1, weights2, jtags1, jtags2