Source code for halotools.mock_observables.group_identification.fof_groups

Module containing the `~halotools.mock_observables.FoFGroups` class used to
identify friends-of-friends groups of points.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csgraph, csr_matrix

from ..pair_counters.pairwise_distance_xy_z import pairwise_distance_xy_z

from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

igraph_available = True
    import igraph
except ImportError:
    igraph_available = False
if (
    igraph_available is True
):  # there is another package called igraph--need to distinguish.
    if not hasattr(igraph, "Graph"):
        igraph_available is False
no_igraph_msg = (
    "igraph package not installed.  Some functions will not be available. \n"
    "See and note that there are two packages called 'igraph'."

__all__ = ["FoFGroups"]
__author__ = ["Duncan Campbell"]

[docs] class FoFGroups(object): r""" Friends-of-friends (FoF) groups class. """ def __init__( self, positions, b_perp, b_para, period=None, Lbox=None, num_threads=1 ): r""" Build FoF groups in redshift space assuming the distant observer approximation. The first two dimensions (x, y) define the plane for perpendicular distances. The third dimension (z) is used for line-of-sight distances. See the :ref:`mock_obs_pos_formatting` documentation page for instructions on how to transform your coordinate position arrays into the format accepted by the ``positions`` argument. See also :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial5`. Parameters ---------- positions : array_like Npts x 3 numpy array containing 3-D positions of galaxies. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. b_perp : float Maximum linking length in the perpendicular direction, normalized to the mean separation between galaxies. b_para : float Maximum linking length in the parallel direction, normalized to the mean separation between galaxies. period : array_like, optional Length-3 sequence defining the periodic boundary conditions in each dimension. If you instead provide a single scalar, Lbox, period is assumed to be the same in all Cartesian directions. Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h, here and throughout Halotools. Lbox : array_like, optional length 3 array defining boundaries of the simulation box. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in calculation, where parallelization is performed using the python ``multiprocessing`` module. Default is 1 for a purely serial calculation, in which case a multiprocessing Pool object will never be instantiated. A string 'max' may be used to indicate that the pair counters should use all available cores on the machine. Examples -------- In this example we will populate the `~halotools.sim_manager.FakeSim` with an HOD-style model to demonstrate how to use the group-finder. >>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim >>> halocat = FakeSim() >>> from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltHodModelFactory >>> model = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold = -22) >>> model.populate_mock(halocat) Now that we have a mock galaxy catalog, we will extract the 3d coordinates of the galaxy positions and place this information into the shape of the multi-d array expected by the ``positions`` argument of `FoFGroups` using the `~halotools.mock_observables.return_xyz_formatted_array` function. >>> from halotools.mock_observables import return_xyz_formatted_array Note that `FoFGroups` is based on 2+1 dimensional positions, with the z-dimension having a separate linking length from the xy-plane. To make our example more realistic, we will apply the redshift-space distortions to the z-coordinate when constructing the ``positions`` array. >>> x = model.mock.galaxy_table['x'] >>> y = model.mock.galaxy_table['y'] >>> z = model.mock.galaxy_table['z'] >>> vz = model.mock.galaxy_table['vz'] >>> positions = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z', period=halocat.Lbox) The ``b_perp`` and ``b_para`` arguments of `FoFGroups` control the linking lengths for the group-finding. The values passed for these variables are assumed to be in units of the mean number density of the input points, so that if you want your FoF linking length to be, say, 0.15 times the mean number density, then you should set ``b_perp`` to 0.15. Here we adopt the convention given in Berlind et al. (2006) and set ``b_perp`` to 0.14 and ``b_para`` to 0.75. >>> b_perp, b_para = (0.14,0.75) >>> groups = FoFGroups(positions, b_perp, b_para, period=halocat.Lbox) Now that groups have been identified, we can create a new column of our ``galaxy_table`` storing the group ID that each galaxy belongs to. >>> model.mock.galaxy_table['fof_group_ID'] = groups.group_ids At this point, we are now in a position to calculate a large variety of *group aggregation* statistics with the ``fof_group_ID`` as our grouping key. The `~halotools.utils.group_member_generator` is designed for exactly such calculations. See :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial5` for a tutorial showing how to use this generator to analyze galaxy groups. See also -------- :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial5` """ self.b_perp = float(b_perp) # perpendicular linking length self.b_para = float(b_para) # parallel linking length self.positions = np.asarray( positions, dtype=np.float64 ) # coordinates of galaxies # process Lbox parameter if (Lbox is None) & (period is None): raise ValueError("Lbox and Period cannot be both be None.") elif (Lbox is None) & (period is not None): period = np.atleast_1d(period) if len(period) == 1: period = np.array((period[0], period[0], period[0])) Lbox = period elif (Lbox is not None) & (period is None): Lbox = np.atleast_1d(Lbox) if len(Lbox) == 1: Lbox = np.array([Lbox[0], Lbox[0], Lbox[0]]) period = Lbox if np.shape(Lbox) != (3,): raise ValueError( "Lbox must be an array of length 3, or number indicating the " "length of one side of a cube" ) if (period is not None) and (not np.all(Lbox == period)): raise ValueError("If both Lbox and Period are defined, they must be equal.") self.period = period # simulation box periodic boundary conditions self.Lbox = np.asarray( Lbox, dtype="float64" ) # simulation box periodic boundary conditions # calculate the physical linking lengths self.volume = self.n_gal = len(positions) / self.volume self.d_perp = self.b_perp / (self.n_gal ** (1.0 / 3.0)) self.d_para = self.b_para / (self.n_gal ** (1.0 / 3.0)) self.m_perp, self.m_para = pairwise_distance_xy_z( self.positions, self.positions, self.d_perp, self.d_para, period=self.period, num_threads=num_threads, ) self.m = self.m_perp.multiply(self.m_perp) + self.m_para.multiply(self.m_para) self.m = self.m.sqrt() @property def group_ids(self): r""" Determine integer IDs for groups. Each member of a group is assigned a unique integer ID that it shares with all connected group members. Returns ------- group_ids : np.array array of group IDs for each galaxy """ if getattr(self, "_group_ids", None) is None: self._n_groups, self._group_ids = csgraph.connected_components( self.m_perp, directed=False, return_labels=True ) return self._group_ids @property def n_groups(self): r""" Calculate the total number of groups, including 1-member groups Returns ------- N_groups: int number of distinct groups """ if getattr(self, "_n_groups", None) is None: self._n_groups = csgraph.connected_components( self.m_perp, directed=False, return_labels=False ) return self._n_groups
[docs] def create_graph(self): """ Create graph from FoF sparse matrix (requires igraph package). """ if igraph_available is True: self.g = _scipy_to_igraph(self.m, self.positions, directed=False) else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
[docs] def get_degree(self): """ Calculate the 'degree' of each galaxy vertex (requires igraph package). Returns ------- degree : np.array the 'degree' of galaxies in groups """ if igraph_available is True: try: = except AttributeError: self.create_graph() = return else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
[docs] def get_betweenness(self): """ Calculate the 'betweenness' of each galaxy vertex (requires igraph package). Returns ------- betweeness : np.array the 'betweenness' of galaxies in groups """ if igraph_available is True: try: self.betweenness = self.g.betweenness() except AttributeError: self.create_graph() self.betweenness = self.g.betweenness() return self.betweenness else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
[docs] def get_multiplicity(self): """ Return the multiplicity of galaxies' group (requires igraph package). """ if igraph_available is True: try: clusters = self.g.clusters() except AttributeError: self.create_graph() clusters = self.g.clusters() mltp = np.array(clusters.sizes()) self.multiplicity = mltp[self.group_ids] return self.multiplicity else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
[docs] def get_edges(self): r""" Return all edges of the graph (requires igraph package). Returns ------- edges: np.ndarray N_edges x 2 array of vertices that are connected by an edge. The vertices are indicated by their index. """ if igraph_available is True: try: self.edges = np.asarray(self.g.get_edgelist()) except AttributeError: self.create_graph() self.edges = np.asarray(self.g.get_edgelist()) return self.edges else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
[docs] def get_edge_lengths(self): r""" Return the length of all edges (requires igraph package). Returns ------- lengths: np.array The length of an 'edge' econnnecting galaxies, i.e. distance between galaxies. Notes ------ The length is caclulated as: .. math:: L_{\rm edge} = \sqrt{r_{\perp}^2 + r_{\parallel}^2}, where :math:`r_{\perp}` and :math:`r_{\parallel}` are the perendicular and parallel distance between galaixes. """ if igraph_available is True: try: edges = except AttributeError: self.create_graph() edges = lens = edges.get_attribute_values("weight") self.edge_lengths = np.array(lens) return self.edge_lengths else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)
def _scipy_to_igraph(matrix, coords, directed=False): r""" Convert a scipy sparse matrix to an igraph graph object (requires igraph package). Paramaters ---------- matrix : object scipy.sparse pairwise distance matrix coords : np.array N by 3 array of coordinates of points Returns ------- graph : object igraph graph object """ matrix = csr_matrix(matrix) sources, targets = matrix.nonzero() weights = matrix[sources, targets].tolist()[0] x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] z = coords[:, 2] if igraph_available: g = igraph.Graph( list(zip(sources, targets)), n=matrix.shape[0], directed=directed, edge_attrs={"weight": weights}, vertex_attrs={"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}, ) return g else: raise HalotoolsError(no_igraph_msg)