r""" Common functions used when analyzing catalogs of galaxies/halos.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from ..custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
from ..empirical_models import enforce_periodicity_of_box
from ..sim_manager.sim_defaults import default_cosmology, default_redshift
__all__ = (
__author__ = ["Andrew Hearin"]
def mean_y_vs_x(x, y, error_estimator="error_on_mean", **kwargs):
Estimate the mean value of the property *y* as a function of *x*
for an input sample of galaxies/halos,
optionally returning an error estimate.
The `mean_y_vs_x` function is just a convenience wrapper
around `scipy.stats.binned_statistic` and `np.histogram`.
See also :ref:`galaxy_catalog_analysis_tutorial1`.
x : array_like
Array storing values of the independent variable of the sample.
y : array_like
Array storing values of the dependent variable of the sample.
bins : array_like, optional
Bins of the input *x*.
Defaults are set by `scipy.stats.binned_statistic`.
error_estimator : string, optional
If set to ``error_on_mean``, function will also return an array storing
:math:`\sigma_{y}/\sqrt{N}`, where :math:`\sigma_{y}` is the
standard deviation of *y* in the bin
and :math:`\sqrt{N}` is the counts in each bin.
If set to ``variance``, function will also return an array storing
Default is ``error_on_mean``
bin_midpoints : array_like
Midpoints of the *x*-bins.
mean : array_like
Mean of *y* estimated in bins
err : array_like
Error on *y* estimated in bins
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim()
>>> halos = halocat.halo_table
>>> halo_mass, mean_spin, err = mean_y_vs_x(halos['halo_mvir'], halos['halo_spin'])
See also
assert error_estimator in ("error_on_mean", "variance")
except AssertionError:
msg = (
"\nInput ``error_estimator`` must be either "
"``error_on_mean`` or ``variance``\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
modified_kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs if key != "error_estimator"}
result = binned_statistic(x, y, statistic="mean", **modified_kwargs)
mean, bin_edges, binnumber = result
bin_midpoints = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0
modified_kwargs["bins"] = bin_edges
result = binned_statistic(x, y, statistic=np.std, **modified_kwargs)
variance, _, _ = result
if error_estimator == "variance":
err = variance
counts = np.histogram(x, bins=bin_edges)
err = variance / np.sqrt(counts[0])
return bin_midpoints, mean, err
def apply_zspace_distortion(
true_pos, peculiar_velocity, redshift, cosmology, Lbox=None
r"""Apply redshift-space distortions to the comoving simulation coordinate,
optionally accounting for periodic boundary conditions.
This function implements the following formula:
.. math::
s_{\rm com}^{\rm z-space} = s_{\rm com}^{\rm true} + \frac{1 + z}{H(z)}v_{\rm pec}
See :ref:`zspace_distortion_derivation` to see where this formula comes from.
true_pos : ndarray
Array of shape (npts, ) storing the line-of-sight position in comoving Mpc/h.
In most cases ``true_pos`` is the z-coordinate of the simulation.
peculiar_velocity : ndarray
Array of shape (npts, ) storing the peculiar velocity in physical km/s.
In most cases ``peculiar_velocity`` is the z-velocity of the simulation.
redshift : float or ndarray
Float or ndarray of shape (npts, ) storing the redshift of the object.
If using a single snapshot, this argument is a single float equal to the
redshift of the snapshot. If using a lightcone, this argument is the
redshift of each point.
cosmology : astropy.cosmology.Cosmology
Cosmology to assume when applying redshift-space distortions,
e.g., the cosmology of the simulation.
Lbox : float, optional
Box length of the simulation so that periodic boundary conditions
can be applied. Default behavior is None, in which case PBCs will be ignored.
zspace_pos : ndarray
Array of shape (npts, ) storing the z-space coordinates in comoving Mpc/h
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim()
>>> true_pos = halocat.halo_table['halo_z']
>>> peculiar_velocity = halocat.halo_table['halo_vz']
>>> redshift = halocat.redshift
>>> cosmology = halocat.cosmology
>>> Lbox = halocat.Lbox[2]
>>> zspace_zcoord = apply_zspace_distortion(true_pos, peculiar_velocity, redshift, cosmology, Lbox)
scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift)
pos_err = peculiar_velocity / 100.0 / cosmology.efunc(redshift) / scale_factor
zspace_pos = true_pos + pos_err
if Lbox is not None:
zspace_pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(zspace_pos, Lbox)
return zspace_pos
def cuboid_subvolume_labels(sample, Nsub, Lbox):
Return integer labels indicating which cubical subvolume of a larger cubical volume a
set of points occupy.
sample : array_like
Npts x 3 numpy array containing 3-D positions of points.
Nsub : array_like
Length-3 numpy array of integers indicating how many times to split the volume
along each dimension. If a single integer, N, is supplied, ``Nsub`` is set to
[N,N,N], and the volume is split along each dimension N times. The total number
of subvolumes is given by numpy.prod(Nsub).
Lbox : array_like
Length-3 numpy array definging the lengths of the sides of the cubical volume
that ``sample`` occupies. If only a single scalar is specified, the volume is assumed
to be a cube with side-length Lbox
labels : numpy.array
(Npts, ) numpy array with integer labels in the range [1,numpy.prod(Nsub)] indicating
the subvolume each point in ``sample`` occupies.
N_sub_vol : int
number of subvolumes.
For demonstration purposes we create a randomly distributed set of points within a
periodic unit cube.
>>> Npts = 1000
>>> Lbox = 1.0
>>> period = np.array([Lbox,Lbox,Lbox])
>>> x = np.random.random(Npts)
>>> y = np.random.random(Npts)
>>> z = np.random.random(Npts)
We transform our *x, y, z* points into the array shape used by the pair-counter by
taking the transpose of the result of `numpy.vstack`. This boilerplate transformation
is used throughout the `~halotools.mock_observables` sub-package:
>>> sample = np.vstack((x,y,z)).T
Divide the volume into cubes with length 0.25 on a side.
>>> Nsub = [4,4,4]
>>> labels, N_sub_vol = cuboid_subvolume_labels(sample, Nsub, Lbox)
# process inputs and check for consistency
sample = np.atleast_1d(sample).astype("f8")
assert sample.ndim == 2
assert sample.shape[1] == 3
except AssertionError:
msg = "Input ``sample`` must have shape (Npts, 3)"
raise TypeError(msg)
Nsub = np.atleast_1d(Nsub).astype("i4")
if len(Nsub) == 1:
Nsub = np.array([Nsub[0], Nsub[0], Nsub[0]])
elif len(Nsub) != 3:
msg = "Input ``Nsub`` must be a scalar or length-3 sequence"
raise TypeError(msg)
Lbox = np.atleast_1d(Lbox).astype("f8")
if len(Lbox) == 1:
Lbox = np.array([Lbox[0]] * 3)
elif len(Lbox) != 3:
msg = "Input ``Lbox`` must be a scalar or length-3 sequence"
raise TypeError(msg)
dL = Lbox / Nsub # length of subvolumes along each dimension
N_sub_vol = int(np.prod(Nsub)) # total the number of subvolumes
# create an array of unique integer IDs for each subvolume
inds = np.arange(1, N_sub_vol + 1).reshape(Nsub[0], Nsub[1], Nsub[2])
# tag each particle with an integer indicating which subvolume it is in
index = np.floor(sample / dL).astype(int)
# take care of the case where a point falls on the boundary
for i in range(3):
index[:, i] = np.where(index[:, i] == Nsub[i], Nsub[i] - 1, index[:, i])
index = inds[index[:, 0], index[:, 1], index[:, 2]].astype(int)
return index, int(N_sub_vol)
def sign_pbc(x1, x2, period=None, equality_fill_val=0.0, return_pbc_correction=False):
r"""Return the sign of the unit vector pointing from x2 towards x1,
that is, the sign of (x1 - x2), accounting for periodic boundary conditions.
If x1 > x2, returns 1. If x1 < x2, returns -1. If x1 == x2, returns equality_fill_val.
x1 : array
1-d array of length *Npts*.
If period is not None, all values must be contained in [0, Lbox)
x2 : array
1-d array of length *Npts*.
If period is not None, all values must be contained in [0, Lbox)
period : float, optional
Size of the periodic box. Default is None for non-periodic case.
equality_fill_val : float, optional
Value to return for cases where x1 == x2. Default is 0.
return_pbc_correction : bool, optional
If True, the `sign_pbc` function will additionally return a
length *Npts* boolean array storing whether or not the input
points had a PBC correction applied. Default is False.
sgn : array
1-d array of length *Npts*.
>>> Lbox = 250.0
>>> x1 = 1.
>>> x2 = 249.
>>> result = sign_pbc(x1, x2, period=Lbox)
>>> assert result == 1
>>> result = sign_pbc(x1, x2, period=None)
>>> assert result == -1
>>> npts = 100
>>> x1 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, npts)
>>> x2 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, npts)
>>> result = sign_pbc(x1, x2, period=Lbox)
x1 = np.atleast_1d(x1)
x2 = np.atleast_1d(x2)
result = np.sign(x1 - x2)
if period is not None:
assert np.all(x1 >= 0)
assert np.all(x2 >= 0)
assert np.all(x1 < period)
assert np.all(x2 < period)
except AssertionError:
msg = "If period is not None, all values of x and y must be between [0, period)"
raise ValueError(msg)
d = np.abs(x1 - x2)
pbc_correction = np.sign(period / 2.0 - d)
result = pbc_correction * result
if equality_fill_val != 0:
result = np.where(result == 0, equality_fill_val, result)
if return_pbc_correction:
return result, pbc_correction
return result
def relative_positions_and_velocities(x1, x2, period=None, **kwargs):
r"""Return the vector pointing from x2 towards x1,
that is, x1 - x2, accounting for periodic boundary conditions.
If keyword arguments ``v1`` and ``v2`` are passed in,
additionally return the velocity ``v1`` with respect to ``v2``, with sign convention
such that positive (negative) values correspond to receding (approaching) points.
x1 : array
1-d array of length *Npts*.
If period is not None, all values must be contained in [0, Lbox)
x2 : array
1-d array of length *Npts*.
If period is not None, all values must be contained in [0, Lbox)
period : float, optional
Size of the periodic box. Default is None for non-periodic case.
xrel : array
1-d array of length *Npts* storing x1 - x2.
If *x1 > x2* and abs(*x1* - *x2*) > period/2, the sign of *d* will be negative.
vrel : array, optional
1-d array of length *Npts* storing v1 relative to v2.
Only returned if ``v1`` and ``v2`` are passed in.
>>> Lbox = 250.0
>>> x1 = 1.
>>> x2 = 249.
>>> result = relative_positions_and_velocities(x1, x2, period=Lbox)
>>> assert np.isclose(result, 2)
>>> result = relative_positions_and_velocities(x1, x2, period=None)
>>> assert np.isclose(result, -248)
>>> npts = 100
>>> x1 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, npts)
>>> x2 = np.random.uniform(0, Lbox, npts)
>>> result = relative_positions_and_velocities(x1, x2, period=Lbox)
Now let's frame this result in terms of a physically motivated example.
Suppose we have a central galaxy with position *xc* and velocity *vc*,
and a satellite galaxy with position *xs* and velocity *vs*.
We can calculate the vector pointing from the central to the satellite,
as well as the satellites's host-centric velocity:
>>> xcen, vcen = 249.9, 100
>>> xsat, vsat = 0.1, -300
>>> xrel, vrel = relative_positions_and_velocities(xsat, xcen, v1=vsat, v2=vcen, period=Lbox)
>>> assert np.isclose(xrel, +0.2)
>>> assert np.isclose(vrel, -400)
>>> xcen, vcen = 0.1, 100
>>> xsat, vsat = 249.9, -300
>>> xrel, vrel = relative_positions_and_velocities(xsat, xcen, v1=vsat, v2=vcen, period=Lbox)
>>> assert np.isclose(xrel, -0.2)
>>> assert np.isclose(vrel, +400)
s = sign_pbc(x1, x2, period=period, equality_fill_val=1.0)
absd = np.abs(x1 - x2)
if period is None:
xrel = s * absd
xrel = s * np.where(absd > period / 2.0, period - absd, absd)
v1 = kwargs["v1"]
v2 = kwargs["v2"]
return xrel, s * (v1 - v2)
except KeyError:
return xrel