Module containing classes used to model the mapping between
stellar mass and halo mass based on Behroozi et al. (2010).
from __future__ import (
division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from .smhm_helpers import safely_retrieve_redshift
from .. import model_helpers as model_helpers
from ..component_model_templates import PrimGalpropModel
__all__ = ['Behroozi10SmHm']
class Behroozi10SmHm(PrimGalpropModel):
""" Stellar-to-halo-mass relation based on
`Behroozi et al 2010 <http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/1001.0015/>`_.
.. note::
The `Behroozi10SmHm` model is part of the ``behroozi10``
prebuilt composite subhalo-based model. For a tutorial on the ``behroozi10``
composite model, see :ref:`behroozi10_composite_model`.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
prim_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing stellar mass.
Default is set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
scatter_model : object, optional
Class governing stochasticity of stellar mass. Default scatter is log-normal,
implemented by the `~halotools.empirical_models.LogNormalScatterModel` class.
scatter_abscissa : array_like, optional
Array of values giving the abscissa at which
the level of scatter will be specified by the input ordinates.
Default behavior will result in constant scatter at a level set in the
`~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
scatter_ordinates : array_like, optional
Array of values defining the level of scatter at the input abscissa.
Default behavior will result in constant scatter at a level set in the
`~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
redshift : float, optional
Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Recommended default behavior
is to leave this argument unspecified.
If no ``redshift`` argument is given to the constructor, you will be free to use the
analytical relations bound to `Behroozi10SmHm` to study the redshift-dependence
of the SMHM by passing in a ``redshift`` argument to the `mean_log_halo_mass`
and `mean_stellar_mass` methods.
If you do pass a ``redshift`` argument to the constructor, the instance of the
`Behroozi10SmHm` will only return results for this redshift, and will raise an
exception if you attempt to pass in a redshift to these methods.
See the Notes below to understand the motivation for this behavior.
Note that the `Behroozi10SmHm` class is a distinct from the `Behroozi10` model
in several respects. The most important distinction to understand is that
`Behroozi10` is a composite model that has been built to populate simulations
with mock galaxies, whereas `Behroozi10SmHm` is a component model
that is just a collection of analytical functions.
Related to the above, the `Behroozi10` composite model has a single redshift
hard-wired into its behavior to guarantee consistency with the
halo catalog into which `Behroozi10` will sprinkle mock galaxies. On the other hand,
the `Behroozi10SmHm` model need not have a ``redshift`` attribute bound to it at all, which permits
you to use the analytical functions bound to `Behroozi10SmHm` to study the redshift-dependence
of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. However, since the `Behroozi10` composite model
uses an instance of the `Behroozi10SmHm` for its stellar-to-halo-mass feature, then there must be
some mechanism by which the redshift-dependence of the `Behroozi10SmHm` can be held fixed.
The option to provide a specific redshift to the constructor of `Behroozi10SmHm`
provides this mechanism.
self.littleh = 0.7
super(Behroozi10SmHm, self).__init__(
galprop_name='stellar_mass', **kwargs)
self.publications = ['arXiv:1001.0015']
def retrieve_default_param_dict(self):
""" Method returns a dictionary of all model parameters
set to the column 2 values in Table 2 of Behroozi et al. (2010).
d : dict
Dictionary containing parameter values.
# All calculations are done internally using the same h=0.7 units
# as in Behroozi et al. (2010), so the parameter values here are
# the same as in Table 2, even though the mean_log_halo_mass and
# mean_stellar_mass methods use accept and return arguments in h=1 units.
d = ({'smhm_m0_0': 10.72,
'smhm_m0_a': 0.59,
'smhm_m1_0': 12.35,
'smhm_m1_a': 0.3,
'smhm_beta_0': 0.43,
'smhm_beta_a': 0.18,
'smhm_delta_0': 0.56,
'smhm_delta_a': 0.18,
'smhm_gamma_0': 1.54,
'smhm_gamma_a': 2.52})
return d
def mean_log_halo_mass(self, log_stellar_mass, **kwargs):
""" Return the halo mass of a central galaxy as a function
of the stellar mass.
log_stellar_mass : array
Array of base-10 logarithm of stellar masses in h=1 solar mass units.
redshift : float or array, optional
Redshift of the halo hosting the galaxy. If passing an array,
must be of the same length as the input ``log_stellar_mass``.
Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`.
log_halo_mass : array_like
Array containing 10-base logarithm of halo mass in h=1 solar mass units.
The parameter values in Behroozi+10 were fit to data assuming h=0.7,
but all halotools inputs are in h=1 units. Thus we will transform our
input stellar mass to h=0.7 units, evaluate using the behroozi parameters,
and then transform back to h=1 units before returning the result.
redshift = safely_retrieve_redshift(self, 'mean_log_halo_mass', **kwargs)
# convert mass from h=1 to h=0.7
stellar_mass = (10.**log_stellar_mass)/(self.littleh**2)
a = 1./(1. + redshift)
logm0 = self.param_dict['smhm_m0_0'] + self.param_dict['smhm_m0_a']*(a - 1)
m0 = 10.**logm0
logm1 = self.param_dict['smhm_m1_0'] + self.param_dict['smhm_m1_a']*(a - 1)
beta = self.param_dict['smhm_beta_0'] + self.param_dict['smhm_beta_a']*(a - 1)
delta = self.param_dict['smhm_delta_0'] + self.param_dict['smhm_delta_a']*(a - 1)
gamma = self.param_dict['smhm_gamma_0'] + self.param_dict['smhm_gamma_a']*(a - 1)
stellar_mass_by_m0 = stellar_mass/m0
term3_numerator = (stellar_mass_by_m0)**delta
term3_denominator = 1 + (stellar_mass_by_m0)**(-gamma)
log_halo_mass = logm1 + beta*np.log10(stellar_mass_by_m0) + (term3_numerator/term3_denominator) - 0.5
# convert back from h=0.7 to h=1 and return the result
return np.log10((10.**log_halo_mass)*self.littleh)
def mean_stellar_mass(self, **kwargs):
""" Return the stellar mass of a central galaxy as a function
of the input table.
prim_haloprop : array, optional
Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based.
If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed.
table : object, optional
Data table storing halo catalog.
If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed.
redshift : float or array, optional
Redshift of the halo hosting the galaxy. If passing an array,
must be of the same length as the input ``stellar_mass``.
Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`.
mstar : array_like
Array containing stellar masses living in the input table,
in solar mass units assuming h = 1.
redshift = safely_retrieve_redshift(self, 'mean_stellar_mass', **kwargs)
# Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable
if 'table' in list(kwargs.keys()):
halo_mass = kwargs['table'][self.prim_haloprop_key]
elif 'prim_haloprop' in list(kwargs.keys()):
halo_mass = kwargs['prim_haloprop']
raise KeyError("Must pass one of the following keyword arguments "
"to mean_occupation:\n``table`` or ``prim_haloprop``")
log_stellar_mass_table = np.linspace(8.5, 12.5, 100)
log_halo_mass_table = self.mean_log_halo_mass(log_stellar_mass_table, redshift=redshift)
if not np.all(np.isfinite(log_halo_mass_table)):
msg = ("The value of the mean_stellar_mass function in the Behroozi+10 model \n"
"is calculated by numerically inverting results "
"from the mean_log_halo_mass function.\nThese lookup tables "
"have infinite-valued entries, which may lead to incorrect results.\n"
"This is likely caused by the values of one or more of the model parameters "
"being set to unphysically large/small values.")
interpol_func = model_helpers.custom_spline(log_halo_mass_table, log_stellar_mass_table)
log_stellar_mass = interpol_func(np.log10(halo_mass))
stellar_mass = 10.**log_stellar_mass
return stellar_mass