""" This module contains the primary functions used to select subhalos
to serve as satellites during HOD mock population.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from ....utils import (calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals, sum_in_bins,
random_indices_within_bin, calculate_entry_multiplicity)
__all__ = ('calculate_satellite_selection_mask', )
def calculate_satellite_selection_mask(subhalo_hostids, satellite_occupations, host_halo_ids,
host_halo_bin_numbers, fill_remaining_satellites=True,
seed=None, testing_mode=False, min_required_entries_per_bin=None):
""" Function driving the selection of subhalos during HOD mock population.
Given a catalog of subhalos, host halos and a desired number of satellites
in each host, the `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` function can be used
to calculate the indices used to select subhalos to serve as satellites.
In the situation in which a host halo does not have as many subhalos
as the desired number of satellites, a subhalo within the same bin
as that host (e.g., a subhalo with a similar host mass)
will be randomly selected to serve as the satellite;
we will refer to such satellites as *orphans.*
Here, the input ``host_halo_bin_numbers``
determines which host halos are grouped together into the same bin.
The returned array is a length-*Nsats* array storing the indices of the
``subhalo_hostids`` that were selected. In case special treatment of the
orphan satellites is desired, the `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` function
also returns a boolean array that can be used as a mask to identify the
subhalo_hostids : array
Integer array of length *Nsubs* storing the id of the associated host halo.
``subhalo_hostids`` may have repeated values and must be in ascending order.
satellite_occupations : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the desired
number of satellites in each host halo.
host_halo_ids : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing each host halo's unique id,
typically the ``halo_id`` column in a Halotools-formatted catalog.
host_halo_bin_numbers : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the bin number of each host halo,
e.g., the returned value of np.digitize(host_halo_masses, mass_bins).
fill_remaining_satellites : bool, optional
To address cases where a host halo has fewer subhalos
than the desired number of satellites, the indices of randomly selected
subhalos from the same host mass bin will be selected provided that
``fill_remaining_satellites`` is set to True.
If ``fill_remaining_satellites`` is instead set to False, then the value
-1 will be returned for all such entries, permitting an alternative
special treatment of such cases (such as drawing from an NFW profile).
Default is True.
seed : integer, optional
Random number seed used when drawing random numbers with `numpy.random`.
Useful when deterministic results are desired, such as during unit-testing.
Default is None, producing stochastic results.
testing_mode : bool, optional
Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they
satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm.
Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes,
while setting it to False improves performance.
Default is False.
satellite_selection_indices : array
Integer array of indices that can act as a mask to select subhalos.
If ``fill_remaining_satellites`` is set to False,
then some values of ``satellite_selection_indices`` may be -1.
missing_subhalo_mask : array
Boolean array that can be used to select the indices corresponding to
satellites with no true subhalo in the associated host halo. This
situation occurs whenever and entry of ``desired_occupations``
exceeds the number of subhalos in that host halo.
Thus if ``fill_remaining_satellites`` is set to False,
then all values of satellite_selection_indices[missing_subhalo_mask]
will be equal to -1.
min_required_entries_per_bin : int, optional
Minimum requirement on the number of subhalos in each bin.
Default is set by the
`~halotools.utils.array_indexing_manipulations.random_indices_within_bin` function.
Every bin of host halos must contain enough subhalos to draw from, or the
function will raise an exception. If this occurs, you will either need
to choose wider bins and/or use a subhalo catalog that is more densely populated.
We'll demonstrate basic usage here using a halo catalog taken from a
`~halotools.sim_manager.FakeSim` object, which means we'll have to do a fair
amount of work to arrange the memory layout into the required form.
When `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` is used as part of a Halotools model,
this organization is typically accomplished in an automated fashion during a
pre-processing phase of mock population.
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim()
The `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` algorithm requires that
every entry of the input ``subhalo_hostids`` has a matching entry in
the input ``host_halo_ids`` array. To address this, we will mask out
those rare subhalos with no matching host halo
(this situation occurs in <0.1% for typical Rockstar catalogs).
>>> matched_mask = np.in1d(halocat.halo_table['halo_hostid'], halocat.halo_table['halo_id'])
>>> halos = halocat.halo_table[matched_mask]
Now we will sort the catalog by the ``sorting_keys`` list.
>>> halos['negative_halo_vpeak'] = -halos['halo_vpeak']
>>> sorting_keys = ['halo_mvir_host_halo', 'halo_hostid', 'halo_upid', 'negative_halo_vpeak']
>>> halos.sort(sorting_keys)
Our halo catalog is now sorted in ascending order of ``halo_mvir_host_halo``.
Because the second entry of our ``sorting_keys`` is ``halo_hostid``, then within
each bin of host halo mass, halos and subhalos with the same ``halo_hostid``
will be grouped together. Since ``halo_upid`` is -1 for host halos and
a positive long integer for subhalos, then choosing ``halo_upid`` as our third
``sorting_key`` entry, then within each host-sub system the host halo will
appear first. Finally, the subhalos in each host will be arranged in
*descending* order of ``halo_vpeak`` - this ensures that subhalos with particularly
large ``halo_vpeak`` will be preferentially selected to serve as satellites.
Now we separate host halos from subhalos (preserving the above memory layout),
and define the arrays we'll use as inputs to the `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` function.
>>> host_halo_mask = halos['halo_upid'] == -1
>>> hosts = halos[host_halo_mask]
>>> subhalos = halos[~host_halo_mask]
>>> mass_bins = np.logspace(9.9, 16.1, 5)
>>> host_halo_bin_numbers = np.digitize(hosts['halo_mvir'].data, mass_bins)
>>> subhalo_hostids = subhalos['halo_hostid'].data
>>> satellite_occupations = np.random.randint(0, 5, len(hosts))
>>> host_halo_ids = hosts['halo_id'].data
With our arrays so defined, we call the `calculate_satellite_selection_mask` function
and demonstrate that it does indeed return a result that can serve as an indexing
array providing us with the correct total number of satellites.
>>> result = calculate_satellite_selection_mask(subhalo_hostids, satellite_occupations, host_halo_ids, host_halo_bin_numbers, testing_mode=True)
>>> satellite_selection_indices, missing_subhalo_mask = result
>>> selected_subhalos = subhalos[satellite_selection_indices]
>>> assert len(selected_subhalos) == satellite_occupations.sum()
idx_selected_subhalos, subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity = (
subhalo_hostids, satellite_occupations, host_halo_ids,
remaining_occupations = satellite_occupations - subhalo_occupations
if fill_remaining_satellites is True:
idx_remaining_subhalos = (
subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity, host_halo_bin_numbers,
seed=seed, testing_mode=testing_mode,
idx_remaining_subhalos = np.zeros(remaining_occupations.sum()) - 1
satellite_selection_indices, missing_subhalo_mask = array_weave(
idx_selected_subhalos, idx_remaining_subhalos,
subhalo_occupations, remaining_occupations, testing_mode=testing_mode)
return satellite_selection_indices, missing_subhalo_mask
def calculate_selection_of_true_subhalos(subhalo_hostids, satellite_occupations,
host_halo_ids, testing_mode=False):
Function used to select subhalos to serve as satellites.
subhalo_hostids : array
Integer array of length *Nsubs* storing the id of the associated host halo.
``subhalo_hostids`` may have repeated values and must be in ascending order.
satellite_occupations : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the desired
number of satellites in each host halo.
host_halo_ids : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing each host halo's unique id,
typically the ``halo_id`` column in a Halotools-formatted catalog.
testing_mode : bool, optional
Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they
satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm.
Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes,
while setting it to False improves performance.
Default is False.
idx_selected_subhalos : array
Integer array of length *num_selected_subhalos* that may be used
as indices of any length *Nsubs* array to select subhalo properties.
subhalo_occupations : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the number of satellites
residing in true subhalos in each host halo.
The sum of the entries of ``subhalo_occupations``
defines *num_selected_subhalos*,
the length of the returned ``idx_selected_subhalos`` array.
subhalo_multiplicity : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the number of subhalos
in each host halo.
subhalo_multiplicity = calculate_entry_multiplicity(subhalo_hostids, host_halo_ids)
subhalo_occupations = calculate_subhalo_occupations(satellite_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity)
idx_selected_subhalos = indices_of_selected_subhalos(
subhalo_hostids, subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity, testing_mode=testing_mode)
return idx_selected_subhalos, subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity
def calculate_selection_of_remaining_satellites(remaining_occupations,
subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity, host_halo_bin_numbers, seed=None,
testing_mode=False, min_required_entries_per_bin=None):
Calculate the indices of subhalos that should be selected as satellites to
address the remaining cases where a given host halo did not have as many
subhalos as desired satellites. The strategy implemented here is to randomly
select subhalos from the same host "mass" bin.
remaining_occupations : array
Integer array of length-*Nhosts* storing the number of satellites that
remain to be selected after using all the available subhalos in each host.
subhalo_occupations : array
Integer array of length-*Nhosts* storing the number of subhalos that have
already been selected to serve as satellites.
subhalo_multiplicity : array
Length-*Nhosts* integer array storing the number of
subhalos in each host halo.
host_halo_bin_numbers : array
Integer array of length *Nhosts* storing the bin numbers
of each host halo, e.g., the result of np.digitize(host_halo_mass, mass_bins).
The ``host_halo_bin_numbers`` array may have repeated entries but must
be in ascending order.
seed : integer, optional
Random number seed used when drawing random numbers with `numpy.random`.
Useful when deterministic results are desired, such as during unit-testing.
Default is None, producing stochastic results.
min_required_entries_per_bin : int, optional
Minimum requirement on the number of subhalos in each bin.
Default is set by the
`~halotools.utils.array_indexing_manipulations.random_indices_within_bin` function.
remaining_indices : array
Integer array of length *num_remaining_satellites* that may be used
as indices of any length *Nsubs* array to select subhalo properties.
Here *Nsubs* is the total number of subhalos in the original catalog
passed to the `~halotools.empirical_models.calculate_satellite_selection_mask` function,
and *num_remaining_satellites* is the sum of the entries of ``remaining_occupations``.
binned_subhalo_multiplicity = sum_in_bins(subhalo_multiplicity, host_halo_bin_numbers)
binned_remaining_occupations = sum_in_bins(remaining_occupations, host_halo_bin_numbers)
remaining_indices = random_indices_within_bin(
binned_subhalo_multiplicity, binned_remaining_occupations,
seed=seed, min_required_entries_per_bin=min_required_entries_per_bin)
return remaining_indices
def array_weave(val1, val2, mult1, mult2, testing_mode=False):
""" Calculate the array that weaves together the values stored in the
two arrays val1 and val2 according to the input mult1 and mult2.
Additionally return a masking array that can be used to select
either set of values from the returned woven array.
val1 : array
Length-*num_vals1* array
val2 : array
Length-*num_vals2* array
mult1 : array
Length-*Nhosts* array describing the existing multiplicity of the
``val1`` entries.
mult2 : array
Length-*Nhosts* array describing the existing multiplicity of the
``val2`` entries.
testing_mode : bool, optional
Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they
satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm.
Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes,
while setting it to False improves performance.
Default is False.
result : array
Length-*num_vals1 + num_vals2* array consisting exclusively of
``val1`` and ``val2`` entries, woven together in a manner described in the
Notes section below.
val2_mask : array
Boolean array that can be used to select the ``val2`` subset
from the returned ``result``.
The array ``~val2_mask`` selects the ``val1`` subset.
>>> val1 = np.array((1, 2, 2, 4))
>>> val2 = np.array((-1, -1, -2, -3, -3))
>>> mult1 = np.array((1, 2, 0, 1))
>>> mult2 = np.array((2, 1, 2, 0))
>>> result, val2_mask = array_weave(val1, val2, mult1, mult2)
For each entry of the ``mult`` arrays, a sequence of the corresponding
``val1`` values appears first, followed by a sequence of ``val2`` entries.
This alternation proceeds element-wise across the ``mult`` arrays,
skipping ``val1`` and/or ``val2`` entries as needed.
>>> assert np.all(result == (1, -1, -1, 2, 2, -2, -3, -3, 4))
assert len(mult1) == len(mult2)
except AssertionError:
msg = "Input ``mult1`` and ``mult2`` arrays must have equal length"
raise ValueError(msg)
if testing_mode is True:
total_val1_values = np.sum(mult1)
assert total_val1_values == len(val1)
except AssertionError:
msg = "The sum of the ``mult1`` entries should equal the length of ``val1``"
raise ValueError(msg)
total_val2_values = np.sum(mult2)
assert total_val2_values == len(val2)
except AssertionError:
msg = "The sum of the ``mult2`` entries should equal the length of ``val2``"
raise ValueError(msg)
mult = np.array([mult1, mult2]).ravel('F')
tftf = np.tile([True, False], len(mult1))
val1_mask = np.repeat(tftf, mult)
result = np.empty(len(val1) + len(val2), int)
result[val1_mask] = val1
result[~val1_mask] = val2
return result, ~val1_mask
def indices_of_selected_subhalos(subhalo_hostids, subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity,
Given a sorted array of integers ``subhalo_hostids`` whose entries store the
ID of the host halo in which the subhalos reside,
and given an integer array ``subhalo_occupations`` specifying how many subhalos
should be selected from each host halo, and also given the number of
subhalos in each host halo ``subhalo_multiplicity``,
return the indices corresponding to the selected objects.
subhalo_hostids : array
Sorted integer array of length-*Nsubs* storing the ID of the host halo
in which each subhalo resides.
It is permissible for there to be host halos represented
in ``subhalo_occupations`` with no subhalos in ``subhalo_hostids``.
However, every value of ``subhalo_hostids`` must correspond to the ID
of some host halo represented by the ``subhalo_occupations`` array.
This implies that there must be at least as many entries in
``subhalo_occupations`` as there are unique entries of ``subhalo_hostids``.
subhalo_occupations : array
Integer array of length-*Nhalos* storing the number of subhalos
that should be selected from each host halo.
No entry of ``subhalo_occupations`` may exceed the
corresponding value of ``subhalo_multiplicity``.
subhalo_multiplicity : array
Integer array of length-*Nhalos* storing
the number of subhalos in each host halo.
The sum of the entries of``subhalo_multiplicity`` must equal *Nsub*.
testing_mode : bool, optional
Boolean specifying whether input arrays will be tested to see if they
satisfy the assumptions required by the algorithm.
Setting ``testing_mode`` to True is useful for unit-testing purposes,
while setting it to False improves performance.
Default is False.
index_array : array
Integer array of length *Nsats = subhalo_occupations.sum()*
storing the indices of the subhalos that should be selected.
>>> subhalo_hostids = np.array((1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9))
>>> subhalo_multiplicity = np.array((0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2))
>>> subhalo_occupations = np.array((0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2))
>>> index_array = indices_of_selected_subhalos(subhalo_hostids, subhalo_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity)
>>> selected_subhalo_hostids = subhalo_hostids[index_array]
if testing_mode is True:
Nhosts = len(subhalo_occupations)
assert Nhosts == len(subhalo_multiplicity)
msg = "Input ``subhalo_occupations`` and ``subhalo_multiplicity`` must have the same length"
raise ValueError(msg)
unique_subhalo_hostids_values = np.unique(subhalo_hostids)
num_unique_subhalo_hostids = len(unique_subhalo_hostids_values)
assert num_unique_subhalo_hostids <= Nhosts
except AssertionError:
msg = ("The input ``subhalo_hostids`` has {0} unique entries, \n"
"but there are only {1} total entries in ``subhalo_occupations``.\n"
"The host halo of each subhalo must be represented in the ``subhalo_occupations`` "
"array, \n so this mismatch is not permissible.\n")
raise ValueError(msg.format(num_unique_subhalo_hostids, Nhosts))
assert np.all(subhalo_occupations <= subhalo_multiplicity)
except AssertionError:
msg = ("No entry of ``subhalo_occupations`` may "
"exceed the corresponding entry of ``subhalo_multiplicity``\n")
raise ValueError(msg)
Nsubs = len(subhalo_hostids)
total_subhalo_multiplicity = subhalo_multiplicity.sum()
assert total_subhalo_multiplicity == Nsubs
except AssertionError:
msg = ("The sum of ``subhalo_multiplicity`` is {0}, \n"
"which is inconsistent with the total number of "
"entries of ``subhalo_hostids`` = {1}.")
raise ValueError(msg.format(total_subhalo_multiplicity, Nsubs))
clipped_subhalo_occupations = subhalo_occupations[subhalo_multiplicity > 0]
csum = clipped_subhalo_occupations.cumsum()
num_subhalos_to_draw = csum[-1]
idx_unique_subhalo_hostids = calculate_first_idx_unique_array_vals(subhalo_hostids)
return (np.arange(num_subhalos_to_draw) +
np.repeat(idx_unique_subhalo_hostids - csum + clipped_subhalo_occupations,
def calculate_subhalo_occupations(satellite_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity):
""" Given ``satellite_occupations``, the desired number of satellites
in each host halo, as well as ``subhalo_multiplicity``,
the number of subhalos available in each halo to serve as satellites,
return the number of existing subhalos in each host that will serve as satellites.
For cases where ``satellite_occupations`` exceeds ``subhalo_multiplicity``,
all subhalos will be selected and the remaining satellites
in that halo must be assigned by other means.
satellite_occupations : array
Integer array of length-*Nhalos* storing the desired number of
satellites in each halo.
subhalo_multiplicity : array
Integer array of length-*Nhalos* storing the number of subhalos
residing in each halo
subhalo_occupations : array
Integer array of length-*Nhalos* storing the number of subhalos
in each halo that will be selected to serve as satellites.
>>> satellite_occupations = np.array([1, 2, 3, 0])
>>> subhalo_multiplicity = np.array([2, 1, 2, 3])
>>> subhalo_occupations = calculate_subhalo_occupations(satellite_occupations, subhalo_multiplicity)
>>> assert np.all(subhalo_occupations == (1, 1, 2, 0))
return np.where(satellite_occupations > subhalo_multiplicity,
subhalo_multiplicity, satellite_occupations)