Source code for halotools.empirical_models.phase_space_models.analytic_models.satellites.nfw.nfw_profile

This module contains the `NFWProfile` class,
which is used to model the spatial distribution of mass and/or galaxies
inside dark matter halos according to the fitting function introduced in
Navarry, Frenk and White (1995), `arXiv:9508025 <>`_.
a sub-class of `~halotools.empirical_models.AnalyticDensityProf`.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from .conc_mass import direct_from_halo_catalog, dutton_maccio14
from .kernels import nfw_dimensionless_mass_density, nfw_cumulative_mass_PDF
from .kernels import standalone_mc_generate_nfw_radial_positions

from ...profile_model_template import AnalyticDensityProf

from ..... import model_defaults

from ......sim_manager import sim_defaults

__all__ = ("NFWProfile",)
__author__ = ("Andrew Hearin", "Benedikt Diemer")

[docs] class NFWProfile(AnalyticDensityProf): r"""Model for the spatial distribution of mass and/or galaxies residing in an NFW halo profile, based on Navarro, Frenk and White (1995), `arXiv:9508025 <>`_. For a review of the mathematics underlying the NFW profile, including descriptions of how the relevant equations are implemented in the Halotools code base, see :ref:`nfw_profile_tutorial`. """ def __init__( self, cosmology=sim_defaults.default_cosmology, redshift=sim_defaults.default_redshift, mdef=model_defaults.halo_mass_definition, conc_mass_model=model_defaults.conc_mass_model, concentration_key=model_defaults.concentration_key, halo_boundary_key=None, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- cosmology : object, optional Instance of an astropy `~astropy.cosmology`. Default cosmology is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. redshift : float, optional Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. mdef: str, optional String specifying the halo mass definition, e.g., 'vir' or '200m'. Default is set in `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults`. halo_boundary_key : str, optional Default behavior is to use the column associated with the input mdef. conc_mass_model : string or callable, optional Specifies the function used to model the relation between NFW concentration and halo mass. Can either be a custom-built callable function, or one of the following strings: ``dutton_maccio14``, ``direct_from_halo_catalog``. concentration_key : string, optional Column name of the halo catalog storing NFW concentration. This argument is only relevant when ``conc_mass_model`` is set to ``direct_from_halo_catalog``. In such a case, the default value is ``halo_nfw_conc``, which is consistent with all halo catalogs provided by Halotools but may differ from the convention adopted in custom halo catalogs. Examples -------- >>> nfw = NFWProfile() """ AnalyticDensityProf.__init__( self, cosmology, redshift, mdef, halo_boundary_key=halo_boundary_key ) self.gal_prof_param_keys = ["conc_NFWmodel"] self.halo_prof_param_keys = ["conc_NFWmodel"] self.publications = ["arXiv:9611107", "arXiv:0002395"] self._initialize_conc_mass_behavior( conc_mass_model, concentration_key=concentration_key ) def _initialize_conc_mass_behavior(self, conc_mass_model, **kwargs): if conc_mass_model == "direct_from_halo_catalog": self.concentration_key = kwargs.get( "concentration_key", model_defaults.concentration_key ) self.conc_mass_model = conc_mass_model
[docs] def conc_NFWmodel(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""NFW concentration as a function of halo mass. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array storing the mass-like variable, e.g., ``halo_mvir``. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional `~astropy.table.Table` storing the halo catalog. If your NFW model is based on the virial definition, then ``halo_mvir`` must appear in the input table, and likewise for other halo mass definitions. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- conc : array_like Concentrations of the input halos. Note that concentrations will be clipped to their min/max permitted values set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. The purpose of this clipping is to ensure stable results during mock galaxy population. Due to this clipping, the behavior of the `conc_NFWmodel` function is different from the concentration-mass relation that underlies it. Examples --------- In the examples below, we'll demonstrate the various ways to use the `~halotools.empirical_models.NFWProfile.conc_NFWmodel` function, depending on the initial choice for the ``conc_mass_model``. >>> fake_masses = np.logspace(12, 15, 10) If you use the ``direct_from_halo_catalog`` option, you must pass a ``table`` argument storing a `~astropy.table.Table` with a column name for the halo mass that is consistent with your chosen halo mass definition: >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> nfw = NFWProfile(conc_mass_model='direct_from_halo_catalog', mdef='vir') >>> fake_conc = np.zeros_like(fake_masses) + 5. >>> fake_halo_table = Table({'halo_mvir': fake_masses, 'halo_nfw_conc': fake_conc}) >>> model_conc = nfw.conc_NFWmodel(table=fake_halo_table) In case your halo catalog uses a different keyname from the Halotools default ``halo_nfw_conc``: >>> nfw = NFWProfile(conc_mass_model='direct_from_halo_catalog', mdef='vir', concentration_key='my_conc_keyname') >>> fake_halo_table = Table({'halo_mvir': fake_masses, 'my_conc_keyname': fake_conc}) >>> model_conc = nfw.conc_NFWmodel(table=fake_halo_table) One of the available options provided by Halotools is ``dutton_maccio14``. With this option, you can either pass in a ``table`` argument, or alternatively an array of masses via the ``prim_haloprop`` argument: >>> nfw = NFWProfile(conc_mass_model='dutton_maccio14') >>> fake_halo_table = Table({'halo_mvir': fake_masses, 'halo_nfw_conc': fake_conc}) >>> model_conc = nfw.conc_NFWmodel(table=fake_halo_table) >>> model_conc = nfw.conc_NFWmodel(prim_haloprop=fake_masses) Finally, you may also have chosen to define your own concentration-mass relation. If so, your function must at a minimum accept a ``table`` keyword argument. Below we give a trivial example of using the identity function: >>> def identity_func(*args, **kwargs): return kwargs['table']['halo_mvir'] >>> nfw = NFWProfile(conc_mass_model=identity_func, mdef='vir') >>> fake_halo_table = Table({'halo_mvir': fake_masses}) >>> model_conc = nfw.conc_NFWmodel(table=fake_halo_table) """ if self.conc_mass_model == "direct_from_halo_catalog": try: table = kwargs["table"] except KeyError: msg = ( "Must pass ``table`` argument to the ``conc_NFWmodel`` function\n" "when ``conc_mass_model`` is set to ``direct_from_halo_catalog``\n" ) raise KeyError(msg) result = direct_from_halo_catalog( table=table, concentration_key=self.concentration_key ) elif self.conc_mass_model == "dutton_maccio14": msg = ( "Must either pass a ``prim_haloprop`` argument, \n" "or a ``table`` argument with an astropy Table that has the ``{0}`` key" ) try: mass = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] except: try: mass = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] except: raise KeyError(msg.format(self.prim_haloprop_key)) result = dutton_maccio14(mass, self.redshift) else: result = self.conc_mass_model(*args, **kwargs) cmin = model_defaults.min_permitted_conc cmax = model_defaults.max_permitted_conc result = np.where(result < cmin, cmin, result) result = np.where(result > cmax, cmax, result) return result
[docs] def dimensionless_mass_density(self, scaled_radius, conc): r""" Physical density of the NFW halo scaled by the density threshold of the mass definition. The `dimensionless_mass_density` is defined as :math:`\tilde{\rho}_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) \equiv \rho_{\rm prof}(\tilde{r}) / \rho_{\rm thresh}`, where :math:`\tilde{r}\equiv r/R_{\Delta}`. For an NFW halo, :math:`\tilde{\rho}_{\rm NFW}(\tilde{r}, c) = \frac{c^{3}/3g(c)}{c\tilde{r}(1 + c\tilde{r})^{2}},` where :math:`g(x) \equiv \log(1+x) - x / (1+x)` is computed using the `g` function. The quantity :math:`\rho_{\rm thresh}` is a function of the halo mass definition, cosmology and redshift, and is computed via the `~halotools.empirical_models.profile_helpers.density_threshold` function. The quantity :math:`\rho_{\rm prof}` is the physical mass density of the halo profile and is computed via the `mass_density` function. See :ref:`nfw_spatial_profile_derivations` for a derivation of this expression. Parameters ----------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``scaled_radius``. Returns ------- dimensionless_density: array_like Dimensionless density of a dark matter halo at the input ``scaled_radius``, normalized by the `~halotools.empirical_models.profile_helpers.density_threshold` :math:`\rho_{\rm thresh}` for the halo mass definition, cosmology, and redshift. Result is an array of the dimension as the input ``scaled_radius``. """ return nfw_dimensionless_mass_density(scaled_radius, conc)
[docs] def mass_density(self, radius, mass, conc): r""" Physical density of the halo at the input radius, given in units of :math:`h^{3}/{\rm Mpc}^{3}`. Parameters ----------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. Returns ------- density: array_like Physical density of a dark matter halo of the input ``mass`` at the input ``radius``. Result is an array of the dimension as the input ``radius``, reported in units of :math:`h^{3}/Mpc^{3}`. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> radius = np.logspace(-2, -1, Npts) >>> mass = np.zeros(Npts) + 1e12 >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.mass_density(radius, mass, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.mass_density(radius, mass, concarr) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return AnalyticDensityProf.mass_density(self, radius, mass, conc)
[docs] def cumulative_mass_PDF(self, scaled_radius, conc): r""" Analytical result for the fraction of the total mass enclosed within dimensionless radius of an NFW halo, :math:`P_{\rm NFW}(<\tilde{r}) \equiv M_{\Delta}(<\tilde{r}) / M_{\Delta} = g(c\tilde{r})/g(\tilde{r}),` where :math:`g(x) \equiv \int_{0}^{x}dy\frac{y}{(1+y)^{2}} = \log(1+x) - x / (1+x)` is computed using `g`, and where :math:`\tilde{r} \equiv r / R_{\Delta}`. See :ref:`nfw_cumulative_mass_pdf_derivation` for a derivation of this expression. Parameters ------------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``scaled_radius``. Returns ------------- p: array_like The fraction of the total mass enclosed within the input ``scaled_radius``, in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; has the same dimensions as the input ``scaled_radius``. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> scaled_radius = np.logspace(-2, 0, Npts) >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, concarr) """ scaled_radius = np.where(scaled_radius > 1, 1, scaled_radius) scaled_radius = np.where(scaled_radius < 0, 0, scaled_radius) return nfw_cumulative_mass_PDF(scaled_radius, conc)
[docs] def enclosed_mass(self, radius, total_mass, conc): r""" The mass enclosed within the input radius, :math:`M(<r) = 4\pi\int_{0}^{r}dr'r'^{2}\rho(r)`. Parameters ----------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. Returns ---------- enclosed_mass: array_like The mass enclosed within radius r, in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; has the same dimensions as the input ``radius``. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> radius = np.logspace(-2, -1, Npts) >>> total_mass = np.zeros(Npts) + 1e12 >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.enclosed_mass(radius, total_mass, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.enclosed_mass(radius, total_mass, concarr) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return AnalyticDensityProf.enclosed_mass(self, radius, total_mass, conc)
[docs] def virial_velocity(self, total_mass): r"""The circular velocity evaluated at the halo boundary, :math:`V_{\rm vir} \equiv \sqrt{GM_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm halo}}`. Parameters -------------- total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array. Returns -------- vvir : array_like Virial velocity in km/s. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> mass_array = np.logspace(11, 15, Npts) >>> vvir_array = model.virial_velocity(mass_array) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return AnalyticDensityProf.virial_velocity(self, total_mass)
[docs] def circular_velocity(self, radius, total_mass, conc): r""" The circular velocity, :math:`V_{\rm cir} \equiv \sqrt{GM(<r)/r}`, as a function of halo-centric distance r. Parameters -------------- radius : array_like Halo-centric distance in Mpc/h units; can be a scalar or numpy array total_mass : array_like Total mass of the halo; can be a scalar or numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``radius``. Returns ---------- vc: array_like The circular velocity in km/s; has the same dimensions as the input ``radius``. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> radius = np.logspace(-2, -1, Npts) >>> total_mass = np.zeros(Npts) + 1e12 >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.circular_velocity(radius, total_mass, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.circular_velocity(radius, total_mass, concarr) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ return AnalyticDensityProf.circular_velocity(self, radius, total_mass, conc)
[docs] def rmax(self, total_mass, conc): r"""Radius at which the halo attains its maximum circular velocity, :math:`R_{\rm max}^{\rm NFW} = 2.16258R_{\Delta}/c`. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``total_mass``. Returns -------- rmax : array_like :math:`R_{\rm max}` in Mpc/h. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> total_mass = np.zeros(Npts) + 1e12 >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.rmax(total_mass, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.rmax(total_mass, concarr) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ halo_radius = self.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(total_mass) scale_radius = halo_radius / conc return 2.16258 * scale_radius
[docs] def vmax(self, total_mass, conc): r"""Maximum circular velocity of the halo profile, :math:`V_{\rm max}^{\rm NFW} = V_{\rm cir}^{\rm NFW}(r = 2.16258R_{\Delta}/c)`. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. conc : array_like Value of the halo concentration. Can either be a scalar, or a numpy array of the same dimension as the input ``total_mass``. Returns -------- vmax : array_like :math:`V_{\rm max}` in km/s. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> Npts = 100 >>> total_mass = np.zeros(Npts) + 1e12 >>> conc = 5 >>> result = model.vmax(total_mass, conc) >>> concarr = np.linspace(1, 100, Npts) >>> result = model.vmax(total_mass, concarr) Notes ------ See :ref:`halo_profile_definitions` for derivations and implementation details. """ Rmax = self.rmax(total_mass, conc) vmax = self.circular_velocity(Rmax, total_mass, conc) return vmax
[docs] def halo_mass_to_halo_radius(self, total_mass): r""" Spherical overdensity radius as a function of the input mass. Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile. Parameters ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`; can be a number or a numpy array. Returns ------- radius : array_like Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units. Will have the same dimension as the input ``total_mass``. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> halo_radius = model.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(1e13) """ return AnalyticDensityProf.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(self, total_mass)
[docs] def halo_radius_to_halo_mass(self, radius): r""" Spherical overdensity mass as a function of the input radius. Note that this function is independent of the form of the density profile. Parameters ------------ radius : array_like Radius of the halo in Mpc/h units; can be a number or a numpy array. Returns ---------- total_mass: array_like Total halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`. Will have the same dimension as the input ``radius``. Examples -------- >>> model = NFWProfile() >>> halo_mass = model.halo_mass_to_halo_radius(500.) """ return AnalyticDensityProf.halo_radius_to_halo_mass(self, radius)
[docs] def mc_generate_nfw_radial_positions(self, **kwargs): r"""Return a Monte Carlo realization of points in an NFW profile. See :ref:`monte_carlo_nfw_spatial_profile` for a discussion of this technique. Parameters ----------- num_pts : int, optional Number of points in the Monte Carlo realization of the profile. Default is 1e4. conc : float, optional Concentration of the NFW profile being realized. Default is 5. halo_mass : float, optional Total mass of the halo whose profile is being realized, used to define the halo boundary for the mass definition bound to the NFWProfile instance as ``mdef``. If ``halo_mass`` is unspecified, keyword argument ``halo_radius`` must be specified. halo_radius : float, optional Physical boundary of the halo whose profile is being realized in units of Mpc/h. If ``halo_radius`` is unspecified, keyword argument ``halo_mass`` must be specified, in which case the outer boundary of the halo will be determined according to the mass definition bound to the NFWProfile instance as ``mdef``. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns -------- radial_positions : array_like Numpy array storing a Monte Carlo realization of the halo profile. All values will lie strictly between 0 and the halo boundary. Examples --------- >>> nfw = NFWProfile() >>> radial_positions = nfw.mc_generate_nfw_radial_positions(halo_mass = 1e12, conc = 10) >>> radial_positions = nfw.mc_generate_nfw_radial_positions(halo_radius = 0.25) """ kwargs["mdef"] = self.mdef kwargs["cosmology"] = self.cosmology kwargs["redshift"] = self.redshift return standalone_mc_generate_nfw_radial_positions(**kwargs)