Source code for halotools.empirical_models.phase_space_models.analytic_models.monte_carlo_helpers

The `~halotools.empirical_models.MonteCarloGalProf` class defined in this module is
used as an orthogonal mix-in class to supplement the behavior of
the analytic profile and velocity models.
The result of using `MonteCarloGalProf` as an orthogonal mix-in class
is a composite class that can be used to generate Monte Carlo realizations
of the full phase space distribution of galaxies within their halos.

import numpy as np

from itertools import product
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

from ...model_helpers import custom_spline, call_func_table
from ... import model_defaults

from ....custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

_epsilon = 0.001

__author__ = ['Andrew Hearin']
__all__ = ['MonteCarloGalProf']

[docs] class MonteCarloGalProf(object): r""" Orthogonal mix-in class used to turn an analytical phase space model (e.g., `~halotools.empirical_models.NFWPhaseSpace`) into a class that can generate the phase space distribution of a mock galaxy population. Notes ------ In principle, this class can work with any analytical profile. In practice, the implementation here is based on building lookup tables to perform the inverse transformation sampling, and so the `MonteCarloGalProf` class will not be performant when used with models having more than two profile parameters. """ def __init__(self): r""" """ # For each function computing a profile parameter, # add it to new_haloprop_func_dict so that the profile parameter # will be pre-computed for each halo prior to mock population if not hasattr(self, 'new_haloprop_func_dict'): self.new_haloprop_func_dict = {} for key in self.halo_prof_param_keys: self.new_haloprop_func_dict[key] = getattr(self, key) self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate = np.dtype([ ('host_centric_distance', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'), ('vx', 'f8'), ('vy', 'f8'), ('vz', 'f8'), ])
[docs] def setup_prof_lookup_tables(self, *lookup_table_binning_arrays): r""" Method used to set up the lookup table grid. Each analytical profile has profile parameters associated with it. This method sets up how we will digitize the value of each such parameter for the purposes of mock population. Parameters ---------- *lookup_table_binning_arrays : sequence Sequence of arrays storing the bins for each profile parameter. """ for ipar, prof_param_key in enumerate(self.gal_prof_param_keys): arr = lookup_table_binning_arrays[ipar] setattr(self, '_' + prof_param_key + '_lookup_table_bins', arr) setattr(self, '_' + prof_param_key + '_lookup_table_min', arr.min()) setattr(self, '_' + prof_param_key + '_lookup_table_max', arr.max())
[docs] def build_lookup_tables(self, logrmin=model_defaults.default_lograd_min, logrmax=model_defaults.default_lograd_max, Npts_radius_table=model_defaults.Npts_radius_table): r""" Method used to create a lookup table of the spatial and velocity radial profiles. Parameters ---------- logrmin : float, optional Minimum radius used to build the spline table. Default is set in `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults`. logrmax : float, optional Maximum radius used to build the spline table Default is set in `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults`. Npts_radius_table : int, optional Number of control points used in the spline. Default is set in `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults`. """ self.Npts_radius_table = Npts_radius_table key = self.gal_prof_param_keys[0] if not hasattr(self, '_' + key + '_lookup_table_bins'): raise HalotoolsError("You must first call setup_prof_lookup_tables" "to determine the grids before building the lookup tables") radius_array = np.logspace(logrmin, logrmax, self.Npts_radius_table) self.logradius_array = np.log10(radius_array) profile_params_list = [] for prof_param_key in self.gal_prof_param_keys: profile_params = getattr(self, '_' + prof_param_key + '_lookup_table_bins') profile_params_list.append(profile_params) # Using the itertools product method requires # special handling of the length-zero edge case if len(profile_params_list) == 0: self.rad_prof_func_table = np.array([]) self.rad_prof_func_table_indices = np.array([]) else: func_table = [] velocity_func_table = [] for ii, items in enumerate(product(*profile_params_list)): table_ordinates = self.cumulative_gal_PDF(radius_array, *items) log_table_ordinates = np.log10(table_ordinates) funcobj = custom_spline(log_table_ordinates, self.logradius_array, k=3) func_table.append(funcobj) velocity_table_ordinates = self.dimensionless_radial_velocity_dispersion( radius_array, *items) velocity_funcobj = custom_spline(self.logradius_array, velocity_table_ordinates, k=3) velocity_func_table.append(velocity_funcobj) profile_params_dimensions = [len(p) for p in profile_params_list] self.rad_prof_func_table = np.array(func_table).reshape(profile_params_dimensions) self.vel_prof_func_table = np.array(velocity_func_table).reshape(profile_params_dimensions) self.rad_prof_func_table_indices = ( np.arange( )
def _mc_dimensionless_radial_distance(self, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the profile model. Parameters ---------- *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in Monte Carlo realization. Default is None. Returns ------- scaled_radius : array_like Length-Ngals array storing the halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. """ if not hasattr(self, 'rad_prof_func_table'): self.build_lookup_tables() profile_params = list(np.atleast_1d(arg) for arg in profile_params) # Draw random values for the cumulative mass PDF # These will be turned into random radial positions # by inverting the tabulated cumulative_gal_PDF seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): rho = np.random.random(len(profile_params[0])) # Discretize each profile parameter for every galaxy # Store the collection of arrays in digitized_param_list # The number of elements of digitized_param_list is the number of profile parameters in the model digitized_param_list = [] for param_index, param_key in enumerate(self.gal_prof_param_keys): input_profile_params = np.atleast_1d(profile_params[param_index]) param_bins = getattr(self, '_' + param_key + '_lookup_table_bins') digitized_params = np.digitize(input_profile_params, param_bins, right=True) digitized_params[digitized_params == len(param_bins)] -= 1 digitized_param_list.append(digitized_params) # Each element of digitized_param_list is a length-Ngals array. # The i^th element of each array contains the bin index of # the discretized profile parameter of the galaxy. # So if self.NFWmodel_conc_lookup_table_bins = [4, 5, 6, 7,...], # and the i^th entry of the first argument in the input profile_params is 6.7, # then the i^th entry of the array stored in the # first element in digitized_param_list will be 3. # Now we have a collection of arrays storing indices of individual # profile parameters, [A_0, A_1, A_2, ...], [B_0, B_1, B_2, ...], etc. # For the combination of profile parameters [A_0, B_0, ...], we need # the profile function object f_0, which we need to then evaluate # on the randomly generated rho[0], and likewise for # [A_i, B_i, ...], f_i, and rho[i], for i = 0, ..., Ngals-1. # To do this, we first determine the index in the profile function table # where the relevant function object is stored: rad_prof_func_table_indices = ( self.rad_prof_func_table_indices[tuple(digitized_param_list)] ) # Now we have an array of indices for our functions, and we need to evaluate # the i^th function on the i^th element of rho. # Call the model_helpers module to access generic code for doing this. # (Remember that the interpolation is being done in log-space) return 10.**call_func_table( self.rad_prof_func_table.flatten(), np.log10(rho), rad_prof_func_table_indices.flatten())
[docs] def mc_unit_sphere(self, Npts, **kwargs): r""" Returns Npts random points on the unit sphere. Parameters ---------- Npts : int Number of 3d points to generate seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns ------- x, y, z : array_like Length-Npts arrays of the coordinate positions. """ seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): cos_t = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., Npts) phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, Npts) sin_t = np.sqrt((1.-cos_t*cos_t)) x = sin_t * np.cos(phi) y = sin_t * np.sin(phi) z = cos_t return x, y, z
[docs] def mc_solid_sphere(self, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method to generate random, three-dimensional, halo-centric positions of galaxies. Parameters ---------- *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. table : data table, optional Astropy Table storing a length-Ngals galaxy catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, ``profile_params`` must be passed. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns ------- x, y, z : arrays Length-Ngals array storing a Monte Carlo realization of the galaxy positions. """ # Retrieve the list of profile_params if 'table' in kwargs: table = kwargs['table'] profile_params = ([table[profile_param_key] for profile_param_key in self.gal_prof_param_keys]) halo_radius = table[self.halo_boundary_key] else: try: assert len(profile_params) > 0 except AssertionError: raise HalotoolsError("If not passing an input ``table`` " "keyword argument to mc_solid_sphere,\n" "must pass a ``profile_params`` keyword argument") # get random angles Ngals = len(np.atleast_1d(profile_params[0])) if Ngals == 0: return None, None, None seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) x, y, z = self.mc_unit_sphere(Ngals, seed=seed) # Get the radial positions of the galaxies scaled by the halo radius if seed is not None: seed += 1 dimensionless_radial_distance = self._mc_dimensionless_radial_distance( *profile_params, seed=seed) # get random positions within the solid sphere x *= dimensionless_radial_distance y *= dimensionless_radial_distance z *= dimensionless_radial_distance # Assign the value of the host_centric_distance table column if 'table' in kwargs: try: table['host_centric_distance'][:] = dimensionless_radial_distance table['host_centric_distance'][:] *= halo_radius except KeyError: msg = ("The mc_solid_sphere method of the MonteCarloGalProf class " "requires a table key ``host_centric_distance`` to be pre-allocated ") raise HalotoolsError(msg) return x, y, z
[docs] def mc_halo_centric_pos(self, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method to generate random, three-dimensional halo-centric positions of galaxies. Parameters ---------- table : data table, optional Astropy Table storing a length-Ngals galaxy catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, ``profile_params`` and keyword argument ``halo_radius`` must be passed. *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. If ``profile_params`` is passed, ``halo_radius`` must be passed as a keyword argument. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. halo_radius : array_like, optional Length-Ngals array storing the radial boundary of the halo hosting each galaxy. Units assumed to be in Mpc/h. If ``profile_params`` and ``halo_radius`` are not passed, ``table`` must be passed. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns ------- x, y, z : arrays Length-Ngals array storing a Monte Carlo realization of the galaxy positions. """ x, y, z = self.mc_solid_sphere(*profile_params, **kwargs) if x is None: return None, None, None # Retrieve the halo_radius if 'table' in kwargs: table = kwargs['table'] halo_radius = table[self.halo_boundary_key] else: try: halo_radius = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_radius']) except KeyError: raise HalotoolsError("If not passing an input ``table`` " "keyword argument to mc_halo_centric_pos,\n" "must pass the following keyword arguments:\n" "``halo_radius``, ``profile_params``.") x *= halo_radius y *= halo_radius z *= halo_radius return x, y, z
[docs] def mc_pos(self, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method to generate random, three-dimensional positions of galaxies. Parameters ---------- table : data table, optional Astropy Table storing a length-Ngals galaxy catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, ``profile_params`` and ``halo_radius`` must be passed. *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. If ``profile_params`` is passed, ``halo_radius`` must be passed as a keyword argument. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. halo_radius : array_like, optional Length-Ngals array storing the radial boundary of the halo hosting each galaxy. Units assumed to be in Mpc/h. If ``profile_params`` and ``halo_radius`` are not passed, ``table`` must be passed. overwrite_table_pos : bool, optional If True, the `mc_pos` method will over-write the existing values of the ``x``, ``y`` and ``z`` table columns. Default is True return_pos : bool, optional If True, method will return the computed host-centric values of ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``. Default is False. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns ------- x, y, z : arrays, optional For the case where no ``table`` is passed as an argument, method will return x, y and z points distributed about the origin according to the profile model. For the case where ``table`` is passed as an argument (this is the use case of populating halos with mock galaxies), the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` columns of the table will be over-written. When ``table`` is passed as an argument, the method assumes that the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` columns already store the position of the host halo center. """ try: overwrite_table_pos = kwargs['overwrite_table_pos'] except KeyError: overwrite_table_pos = True try: return_pos = kwargs['return_pos'] except KeyError: return_pos = False if 'table' in kwargs: table = kwargs['table'] x, y, z = self.mc_halo_centric_pos(*profile_params, **kwargs) if x is None: return None if overwrite_table_pos is True: table['x'][:] += x table['y'][:] += y table['z'][:] += z if return_pos is True: return x, y, z else: try: halo_radius = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_radius']) assert len(halo_radius) == len(np.atleast_1d(profile_params[0])) except KeyError: raise HalotoolsError("\nIf not passing a ``table`` keyword argument " "to mc_pos, must pass the following keyword arguments:\n" "``profile_params``, ``halo_radius``.") x, y, z = self.mc_halo_centric_pos(*profile_params, **kwargs) if x is None: return None else: return x, y, z
def _vrad_disp_from_lookup(self, scaled_radius, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the profile model. Parameters ---------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. Returns ------- sigma_vr : array Length-Ngals array containing the radial velocity dispersion of galaxies within their halos, scaled by the size of the halo's virial velocity. """ scaled_radius = np.atleast_1d(scaled_radius).astype(np.float64) profile_params = list(profile_params) for ipar in range(len(profile_params)): profile_params[ipar] = np.atleast_1d(profile_params[ipar]) if len(profile_params[ipar]) == 1: profile_params[ipar] = np.zeros_like(scaled_radius) + profile_params[ipar][0] if not hasattr(self, 'vel_prof_func_table'): self.build_lookup_tables() # Discretize each profile parameter for every galaxy # Store the collection of arrays in digitized_param_list # The number of elements of digitized_param_list is the number of profile parameters in the model digitized_param_list = [] for param_index, param_key in enumerate(self.gal_prof_param_keys): input_profile_params = np.atleast_1d(profile_params[param_index]) param_bins = getattr(self, '_' + param_key + '_lookup_table_bins') digitized_params = np.digitize(input_profile_params, param_bins, right=True) digitized_params[digitized_params == len(param_bins)] -= 1 digitized_param_list.append(digitized_params) # Each element of digitized_param_list is a length-Ngals array. # The i^th element of each array contains the bin index of # the discretized profile parameter of the galaxy. # So if self.NFWmodel_conc_lookup_table_bins = [4, 5, 6, 7,...], # and the i^th entry of the first argument in the input profile_params is 6.7, # then the i^th entry of the array stored in the # first element in digitized_param_list will be 3. # Now we have a collection of arrays storing indices of individual # profile parameters, [A_0, A_1, A_2, ...], [B_0, B_1, B_2, ...], etc. # For the combination of profile parameters [A_0, B_0, ...], we need # the profile function object f_0, which we need to then evaluate # on the randomly generated rho[0], and likewise for # [A_i, B_i, ...], f_i, and rho[i], for i = 0, ..., Ngals-1. # To do this, we first determine the index in the profile function table # where the relevant function object is stored: vel_prof_func_table_indices = ( self.rad_prof_func_table_indices[tuple(digitized_param_list)] ) # Now we have an array of indices for our functions, and we need to evaluate # the i^th function on the i^th element of rho. # Call the model_helpers module to access generic code for doing this. dimensionless_radial_dispersions = call_func_table( self.vel_prof_func_table.flatten(), np.log10(scaled_radius), vel_prof_func_table_indices.flatten()) return dimensionless_radial_dispersions
[docs] def mc_radial_velocity(self, scaled_radius, total_mass, *profile_params, **kwargs): r""" Method returns a Monte Carlo realization of radial velocities drawn from Gaussians with a width determined by the solution to the isotropic Jeans equation. Parameters ---------- scaled_radius : array_like Halo-centric distance *r* scaled by the halo boundary :math:`R_{\Delta}`, so that :math:`0 <= \tilde{r} \equiv r/R_{\Delta} <= 1`. Can be a scalar or numpy array. total_mass: array_like Length-Ngals numpy array storing the halo mass in :math:`M_{\odot}/h`. *profile_params : Sequence of arrays Sequence of length-Ngals array(s) containing the input profile parameter(s). In the simplest case, this sequence has a single element, e.g. a single array storing values of the NFW concentrations of the Ngals galaxies. More generally, there should be a ``profile_params`` sequence item for every parameter in the profile model, each item a length-Ngals array. The sequence must have the same order as ``self.gal_prof_param_keys``. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Returns ------- radial_velocities : array_like Array of radial velocities drawn from Gaussians with a width determined by the solution to the isotropic Jeans equation. """ dimensionless_radial_dispersions = ( self._vrad_disp_from_lookup(scaled_radius, *profile_params, **kwargs)) virial_velocities = self.virial_velocity(total_mass) radial_dispersions = virial_velocities*dimensionless_radial_dispersions radial_dispersions = np.where(radial_dispersions <= 0, _epsilon, radial_dispersions) seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): radial_velocities = np.random.normal(scale=radial_dispersions) return radial_velocities
[docs] def mc_vel(self, table, overwrite_table_velocities=True, return_velocities=False, seed=None): r""" Method assigns a Monte Carlo realization of the Jeans velocity solution to the halos in the input ``table``. Parameters ----------- table : Astropy Table `astropy.table.Table` object storing the halo catalog. overwrite_table_velocities : bool, optional If True, the `mc_vel` method will over-write the existing values of the ``vx``, ``vy`` and ``vz`` columns. Default is True return_velocities : bool, optional If True, method will return the computed values of ``vx``, ``vy`` and ``vz``. Default is False. seed : int, optional Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None, which will produce stochastic results. Notes ------- The method assumes that the ``vx``, ``vy``, and ``vz`` columns already store the position of the host halo center. """ try: d = table['host_centric_distance'] except KeyError: raise HalotoolsError("The mc_vel method requires ``host_centric_distance`` " "to be an existing column of the input table") try: rhalo = table[self.halo_boundary_key] except KeyError: msg = ("halo_boundary_key = %s must be a key of the input halo catalog") raise HalotoolsError(msg % self.halo_boundary_key) scaled_radius = d/rhalo profile_params = [table[key] for key in self.gal_prof_param_keys] Ngals = len(profile_params[0]) if Ngals == 0: return None, None, None total_mass = table[self.prim_haloprop_key] vx = self.mc_radial_velocity(scaled_radius, total_mass, *profile_params, seed=seed) if seed is not None: seed += 1 vy = self.mc_radial_velocity(scaled_radius, total_mass, *profile_params, seed=seed) if seed is not None: seed += 1 vz = self.mc_radial_velocity(scaled_radius, total_mass, *profile_params, seed=seed) if overwrite_table_velocities is True: table['vx'][:] += vx table['vy'][:] += vy table['vz'][:] += vz if return_velocities is True: return vx, vy, vz