This module contains the template class `~halotools.empirical_models.OccupationComponent`,
which standardizes the form of the classes responsible for governing galaxy abundance
in all HOD-style models of the galaxy-halo connection.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import pdtrik
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
from .. import model_defaults, model_helpers
from ...utils.array_utils import custom_len
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
__all__ = ("OccupationComponent",)
class OccupationComponent(object):
"""Abstract base class of any occupation model.
Functionality is mostly trivial.
The sole purpose of the base class is to
standardize the attributes and methods
required of any HOD-style model for halo occupation statistics.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
gal_type : string, keyword argument
Name of the galaxy population whose occupation statistics is being modeled.
threshold : float, keyword argument
Threshold value defining the selection function of the galaxy population
being modeled. Typically refers to absolute magnitude or stellar mass.
upper_occupation_bound : float, keyword argument
Upper bound on the number of gal_type galaxies per halo.
The only currently supported values are unity or infinity.
second_moment : string, optional
Method for computing the second occupation moment.
For centrals, only Bernoulli is supported.
For satellites, options are "poisson" and "weighted_nearest_integer".
Satellite default is "poisson".
prim_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing
the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies, e.g., ``halo_mvir``.
See also
required_kwargs = ["gal_type", "threshold"]
model_helpers.bind_required_kwargs(required_kwargs, self, **kwargs)
self.prim_haloprop_key = kwargs["prim_haloprop_key"]
self._upper_occupation_bound = kwargs["upper_occupation_bound"]
except KeyError:
msg = "\n``upper_occupation_bound`` is a required keyword argument of OccupationComponent\n"
raise KeyError(msg)
self._lower_occupation_bound = 0.0
self._second_moment = kwargs.get("second_moment", "poisson")
if not hasattr(self, "param_dict"):
self.param_dict = {}
# Enforce the requirement that sub-classes have been configured properly
required_method_name = "mean_occupation"
if not hasattr(self, required_method_name):
raise SyntaxError(
"Any sub-class of OccupationComponent must "
"implement a method named %s " % required_method_name
self.redshift = kwargs["redshift"]
except KeyError:
# The _methods_to_inherit determines which methods will be directly callable
# by the composite model built by the HodModelFactory
self._methods_to_inherit.extend(["mc_occupation", "mean_occupation"])
except AttributeError:
self._methods_to_inherit = ["mc_occupation", "mean_occupation"]
# The _attrs_to_inherit determines which methods will be directly bound
# to the composite model built by the HodModelFactory
except AttributeError:
self._attrs_to_inherit = ["threshold"]
if not hasattr(self, "publications"):
self.publications = []
# The _mock_generation_calling_sequence determines which methods
# will be called during mock population, as well as in what order they will be called
self._mock_generation_calling_sequence = ["mc_occupation"]
self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate = np.dtype(
[("halo_num_" + self.gal_type, "i4")]
def mc_occupation(self, seed=None, **kwargs):
"""Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the abundance of galaxies.
prim_haloprop : array, optional
Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based.
If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed.
table : object, optional
Data table storing halo catalog.
If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization.
Default is None.
mc_abundance : array
Integer array giving the number of galaxies in each of the input table.
first_occupation_moment = self.mean_occupation(**kwargs)
if np.any(first_occupation_moment < 0):
if np.all(first_occupation_moment >= -1e-6):
first_occupation_moment = np.maximum(
first_occupation_moment, 0)
msg = (
"\nThe mean occupation for at least one halo was negative. \n"
"Ensure that the mean occupation is always non-negative. \n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
if self._upper_occupation_bound == 1:
return self._nearest_integer_distribution(
first_occupation_moment, seed=seed, **kwargs
elif self._upper_occupation_bound == float("inf"):
if self._second_moment == "poisson":
return self._poisson_distribution(
first_occupation_moment, seed=seed, **kwargs
elif self._second_moment == "weighted_nearest_integer":
return self._weighted_nearest_integer(
first_occupation_moment, seed=seed, **kwargs
raise ValueError("Unrecognized second moment")
msg = (
"\nYou have chosen to set ``_upper_occupation_bound`` to some value \n"
"besides 1 or infinity. In such cases, you must also \n"
"write your own ``mc_occupation`` method that overrides the method in the \n"
"OccupationComponent super-class\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
def _nearest_integer_distribution(
self, first_occupation_moment, seed=None, **kwargs
"""Nearest-integer distribution used to draw Monte Carlo occupation statistics
for central-like populations with only permissible galaxy per halo.
first_occupation_moment : array
Array giving the first moment of the occupation distribution function.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization.
Default is None.
mc_abundance : array
Integer array giving the number of galaxies in each of the input table.
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
mc_generator = np.random.random(custom_len(first_occupation_moment))
result = np.where(mc_generator < first_occupation_moment, 1, 0)
if "table" in kwargs:
kwargs["table"]["halo_num_" + self.gal_type] = result
return result
def _poisson_distribution(self, first_occupation_moment, seed=None, **kwargs):
"""Poisson distribution used to draw Monte Carlo occupation statistics
for satellite-like populations in which per-halo abundances are unbounded.
first_occupation_moment : array
Array giving the first moment of the occupation distribution function.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization.
Default is None.
mc_abundance : array
Integer array giving the number of galaxies in each of the input table.
# We don't use the built-in Poisson number generator so that when a seed
# is specified, it preserves the ranks among rvs even when mean is changed.
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
result = np.ceil(
if "table" in kwargs:
kwargs["table"]["halo_num_" + self.gal_type] = result
return result
def _weighted_nearest_integer(self, first_occupation_moment, seed=None, **kwargs):
"""Non-Poisson distribution for satellite occupation statistics.
If <Nsat> = i + r where r is the remainder, then the Monte Carlo realization
will produce Nsat = i with probability r, and Nsat = i + 1 with probability 1-r.
first_occupation_moment : array
Array giving the first moment of the occupation distribution function.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization.
Default is None.
mc_abundance : array
Integer array giving the number of galaxies in each of the input table.
nsat_lo = np.floor(first_occupation_moment).astype(int)
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
uran = np.random.uniform(nsat_lo, nsat_lo + 1, first_occupation_moment.size)
result = np.where(uran > first_occupation_moment, nsat_lo, nsat_lo + 1)
if "table" in kwargs:
kwargs["table"]["halo_num_" + self.gal_type] = result
return result