Source code for halotools.empirical_models.occupation_models.leauthaud11_components

This module contains occupation components used by the Leauthaud11 composite model.

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.special import erf
import warnings

from .occupation_model_template import OccupationComponent

from .. import model_defaults
from ..assembias_models import HeavisideAssembias

from ... import sim_manager
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

from ..component_model_templates import PrimGalpropModel
from ..smhm_models.smhm_helpers import safely_retrieve_redshift
from .. import model_helpers

L11_LITTLEH = 0.72
L11_LGH = np.log10(L11_LITTLEH)

__all__ = (

[docs] class Leauthaud11Cens(OccupationComponent): r"""HOD-style model for any central galaxy occupation that derives from a stellar-to-halo-mass relation. .. note:: The `Leauthaud11Cens` model is part of the ``leauthaud11`` prebuilt composite HOD-style model. For a tutorial on the ``leauthaud11`` composite model, see :ref:`leauthaud11_composite_model`. """ def __init__( self, threshold=model_defaults.default_stellar_mass_threshold, prim_haloprop_key=model_defaults.prim_haloprop_key, redshift=sim_manager.sim_defaults.default_redshift, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Stellar mass threshold of the mock galaxy sample in h=1 solar mass units. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. Values in the Leauthaud11 parameter dictionary are quoted assuming h=0.72, so that a direct comparison can be made to the best-fitting values quoted in Leauthaud+11. However, the threshold of the sample in halotools is defined assuming h=1. This means that in order to compare your parameter dictionary to the best-fitting parameters in Leauthaud+11, you will need to compare to the appropriately scaled threshold. For example, in Figure 2 of arXiv:1103.2077, the most massive sample is labeled logsm>11.4. In Halotools, this corresponds to threshold=11.115. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. Examples -------- >>> cen_model = Leauthaud11Cens() >>> cen_model = Leauthaud11Cens(threshold = 11.25) >>> cen_model = Leauthaud11Cens(prim_haloprop_key = 'halo_m200b') """ upper_occupation_bound = 1.0 # Call the super class constructor, which binds all the # arguments to the instance. super(Leauthaud11Cens, self).__init__( gal_type="centrals", threshold=threshold, upper_occupation_bound=upper_occupation_bound, prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, **kwargs ) self.redshift = redshift self.smhm_model = Leauthaud11SmHm(prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, **kwargs) for key, value in self.smhm_model.param_dict.items(): self.param_dict[key] = value self._methods_to_inherit = [ "mc_occupation", "mean_occupation", "mean_stellar_mass", "mean_log_halo_mass", ] self.publications = ["arXiv:1103.2077", "arXiv:1104.0928"] self.publications.extend(self.smhm_model.publications) self.publications = list(set(self.publications))
[docs] def get_published_parameters(self): r"""Return the values of ``self.param_dict`` according to the SIG_MOD1 values of Table 5 of arXiv:1104.0928 for the lowest redshift bin. """ d = {} d["smhm_m1_0"] = 12.52 d["smhm_m0_0"] = 10.916 d["smhm_beta_0"] = 0.457 d["smhm_delta_0"] = 0.566 d["smhm_gamma_0"] = 1.54 d["scatter_model_param1"] = 0.206 return d
[docs] def mean_occupation(self, **kwargs): r"""Expected number of central galaxies in a halo. See Equation 8 of arXiv:1103.2077. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- mean_ncen : array Mean number of central galaxies in the halo of the input mass. Notes ----- Assumes constant scatter in the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. """ for key, value in self.param_dict.items(): if key in list(self.smhm_model.param_dict.keys()): self.smhm_model.param_dict[key] = value logmstar_h1p0 = np.log10( self.smhm_model.mean_stellar_mass(redshift=self.redshift, **kwargs) ) logmstar_h0p72 = logmstar_h1p0 - 2 * L11_LGH logscatter = math.sqrt(2) * self.smhm_model.mean_scatter(**kwargs) threshold_h0p72 = self.threshold - 2 * L11_LGH mean_ncen = 0.5 * (1.0 - erf((threshold_h0p72 - logmstar_h0p72) / logscatter)) return mean_ncen
[docs] def mean_stellar_mass(self, **kwargs): r"""Return the stellar mass of a central galaxy as a function of the input table. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- mstar_h1p0 : array_like Array containing stellar masses in units of h=1 Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: mstar_h0p72 = mstar_h1p0/0.5184 So that mstar_h0p72 is larger than mstar_h1p0 """ for key, value in self.param_dict.items(): if key in self.smhm_model.param_dict: self.smhm_model.param_dict[key] = value mstar_h1p0 = self.smhm_model.mean_stellar_mass(redshift=self.redshift, **kwargs) return mstar_h1p0
[docs] def mean_log_halo_mass(self, log_stellar_mass_h1p0): r"""Return the base-10 logarithm of the halo mass of a central galaxy as a function of the base-10 logarithm of the input stellar mass. Parameters ---------- log_stellar_mass_h1p0 : array Array of base-10 logarithm of stellar masses in h=1 solar mass units. Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: logsm_h0p72 = logsm_h1p0 - 2*log10(0.72) So that logsm_h0p72 is larger than logsm_h1p0 Returns ------- log_halo_mass_h1p0 : array_like Array containing 10-base logarithm of halo mass in h=1 solar mass units. Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: log_halo_mass_h0p72 = log_halo_mass_h1p0 - log10(0.72) So that log_halo_mass_h0p72 is larger than log_halo_mass_h1p0 """ for key, value in self.param_dict.items(): if key in self.smhm_model.param_dict: self.smhm_model.param_dict[key] = value log_halo_mass_h1p0 = self.smhm_model.mean_log_halo_mass( log_stellar_mass_h1p0, redshift=self.redshift ) return log_halo_mass_h1p0
[docs] class Leauthaud11Sats(OccupationComponent): r"""HOD-style model for any satellite galaxy occupation that derives from a stellar-to-halo-mass relation. .. note:: The `Leauthaud11Sats` model is part of the ``leauthaud11`` prebuilt composite HOD-style model. For a tutorial on the ``leauthaud11`` composite model, see :ref:`leauthaud11_composite_model`. """ def __init__( self, threshold=model_defaults.default_stellar_mass_threshold, prim_haloprop_key=model_defaults.prim_haloprop_key, redshift=sim_manager.sim_defaults.default_redshift, modulate_with_cenocc=True, cenocc_model=None, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Stellar mass threshold of the mock galaxy sample in h=1 solar mass units. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. Values in the Leauthaud11 parameter dictionary are quoted assuming h=0.72, so that a direct comparison can be made to the best-fitting values quoted in Leauthaud+11. However, the threshold of the sample in halotools is defined assuming h=1. This means that in order to compare your parameter dictionary to the best-fitting parameters in Leauthaud+11, you will need to compare to the appropriately scaled threshold. For example, in Figure 2 of arXiv:1103.2077, the most massive sample is labeled logsm>11.4. In Halotools, this corresponds to threshold=11.115. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. modulate_with_cenocc : bool, optional If True, the first satellite moment will be multiplied by the the first central moment. Default is True. cenocc_model : `OccupationComponent`, optional If the ``cenocc_model`` keyword argument is set to its default value of None, then the :math:`\langle N_{\mathrm{cen}}\rangle_{M}` prefactor will be calculated according to `leauthaud11Cens.mean_occupation`. However, if an instance of the `OccupationComponent` class is instead passed in via the ``cenocc_model`` keyword, then the first satellite moment will be multiplied by the ``mean_occupation`` function of the ``cenocc_model``. The ``modulate_with_cenocc`` keyword must be set to True in order for the ``cenocc_model`` to be operative. See :ref:`zheng07_using_cenocc_model_tutorial` for further details. Examples -------- >>> sat_model = Leauthaud11Sats() """ if cenocc_model is None: cenocc_model = Leauthaud11Cens( prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, threshold=threshold ) else: if modulate_with_cenocc is False: msg = ( "You chose to input a ``cenocc_model``, but you set the \n" "``modulate_with_cenocc`` keyword to False, so your " "``cenocc_model`` will have no impact on the model's behavior.\n" "Be sure this is what you intend before proceeding.\n" "Refer to the Leauthand et al. (2011) composite model tutorial for details.\n" ) warnings.warn(msg) self.modulate_with_cenocc = modulate_with_cenocc if self.modulate_with_cenocc: try: assert isinstance(cenocc_model, OccupationComponent) except AssertionError: msg = ( "The input ``cenocc_model`` must be an instance of \n" "``OccupationComponent`` or one of its sub-classes.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) self.central_occupation_model = cenocc_model super(Leauthaud11Sats, self).__init__( gal_type="satellites", threshold=threshold, upper_occupation_bound=float("inf"), prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, **kwargs ) self.redshift = redshift self._initialize_param_dict() self.param_dict.update(self.central_occupation_model.param_dict) self.publications = self.central_occupation_model.publications
[docs] def mean_occupation(self, **kwargs): r"""Expected number of satellite galaxies in a halo of mass halo_mass. See Equation 12-14 of arXiv:1103.2077. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional array of masses of table in the catalog table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. Returns ------- mean_nsat : array Mean number of satellite galaxies in the halo of the input mass. Examples -------- >>> sat_model = Leauthaud11Sats() >>> mean_nsat = sat_model.mean_occupation(prim_haloprop = 1.e13) Notes ----- Assumes constant scatter in the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. """ # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable # Halotools assumes your input values of mass are supplied assuming h=1 if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): halo_mass_h1p0 = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): halo_mass_h1p0 = np.atleast_1d(kwargs["prim_haloprop"]) else: raise KeyError( "Must pass one of the following keyword arguments " "to mean_occupation:\n``table`` or ``prim_haloprop``" ) # Convert halo mass to a numerical value that assumes h=0.72 halo_mass_h0p72 = halo_mass_h1p0 / L11_LITTLEH # Henceforth, the implemented formulas have an identical form # to the formulas that appear in Leauthaud+11 self._update_satellite_params() mean_nsat = ( np.exp(-self._mcut / halo_mass_h0p72) * (halo_mass_h0p72 / self._msat) ** self.param_dict["alphasat"] ) if self.modulate_with_cenocc is True: mean_nsat *= self.central_occupation_model.mean_occupation(**kwargs) return mean_nsat
def _initialize_param_dict(self): """Set the initial values of ``self.param_dict`` according to the SIG_MOD1 values of Table 5 of arXiv:1104.0928 for the lowest redshift bin. """ self.param_dict["alphasat"] = 1.0 self.param_dict["bsat"] = 10.62 self.param_dict["bcut"] = 1.47 self.param_dict["betacut"] = -0.13 self.param_dict["betasat"] = 0.859 for key, value in self.central_occupation_model.param_dict.items(): self.param_dict[key] = value self._update_satellite_params() def _update_satellite_params(self): """Private method to update the model parameters.""" for key, value in self.param_dict.items(): if key in self.central_occupation_model.param_dict: self.central_occupation_model.param_dict[key] = value log_halo_mass_threshold_h1p0 = self.central_occupation_model.mean_log_halo_mass( log_stellar_mass_h1p0=self.threshold ) log_halo_mass_threshold_h0p72 = log_halo_mass_threshold_h1p0 - L11_LGH knee_threshold_h0p72 = 10.0**log_halo_mass_threshold_h0p72 # 1e12 is the numerical value used in Leauthaud+11 and so assumes h=0.72 knee_mass_h0p72 = 1.0e12 self._msat = ( knee_mass_h0p72 * self.param_dict["bsat"] * (knee_threshold_h0p72 / knee_mass_h0p72) ** self.param_dict["betasat"] ) self._mcut = ( knee_mass_h0p72 * self.param_dict["bcut"] * (knee_threshold_h0p72 / knee_mass_h0p72) ** self.param_dict["betacut"] )
[docs] class AssembiasLeauthaud11Cens(Leauthaud11Cens, HeavisideAssembias): """Assembly-biased modulation of `Leauthaud11Cens`.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Stellar mass threshold of the mock galaxy sample in h=1 solar mass units. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. Values in the Leauthaud11 parameter dictionary are quoted assuming h=0.72, so that a direct comparison can be made to the best-fitting values quoted in Leauthaud+11. However, the threshold of the sample in halotools is defined assuming h=1. This means that in order to compare your parameter dictionary to the best-fitting parameters in Leauthaud+11, you will need to compare to the appropriately scaled threshold. For example, in Figure 2 of arXiv:1103.2077, the most massive sample is labeled logsm>11.4. In Halotools, this corresponds to threshold=11.115. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. sec_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the secondary halo property governing the assembly bias. Must be a key in the table passed to the methods of `HeavisideAssembiasComponent`. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Default is set in the `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults` module. split : float or list, optional Fraction or list of fractions between 0 and 1 defining how we split halos into two groupings based on their conditional secondary percentiles. Default is 0.5 for a constant 50/50 split. split_abscissa : list, optional Values of the primary halo property at which the halos are split as described above in the ``split`` argument. If ``loginterp`` is set to True (the default behavior), the interpolation will be done in the logarithm of the primary halo property. Default is to assume a constant 50/50 split. assembias_strength : float or list, optional Fraction or sequence of fractions between -1 and 1 defining the assembly bias correlation strength. Default is 0.5. assembias_strength_abscissa : list, optional Values of the primary halo property at which the assembly bias strength is specified. Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5. If passing a list, the strength will interpreted at the input ``assembias_strength_abscissa``. Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5. """ Leauthaud11Cens.__init__(self, **kwargs) HeavisideAssembias.__init__( self, lower_assembias_bound=self._lower_occupation_bound, upper_assembias_bound=self._upper_occupation_bound, method_name_to_decorate="mean_occupation", **kwargs )
[docs] class AssembiasLeauthaud11Sats(Leauthaud11Sats, HeavisideAssembias): """Assembly-biased modulation of `Leauthaud11Sats`.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Stellar mass threshold of the mock galaxy sample in h=1 solar mass units. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. Values in the Leauthaud11 parameter dictionary are quoted assuming h=0.72, so that a direct comparison can be made to the best-fitting values quoted in Leauthaud+11. However, the threshold of the sample in halotools is defined assuming h=1. This means that in order to compare your parameter dictionary to the best-fitting parameters in Leauthaud+11, you will need to compare to the appropriately scaled threshold. For example, in Figure 2 of arXiv:1103.2077, the most massive sample is labeled logsm>11.4. In Halotools, this corresponds to threshold=11.115. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. sec_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the secondary halo property governing the assembly bias. Must be a key in the table passed to the methods of `HeavisideAssembiasComponent`. Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. split : float or list, optional Fraction or list of fractions between 0 and 1 defining how we split halos into two groupings based on their conditional secondary percentiles. Default is 0.5 for a constant 50/50 split. split_abscissa : list, optional Values of the primary halo property at which the halos are split as described above in the ``split`` argument. If ``loginterp`` is set to True (the default behavior), the interpolation will be done in the logarithm of the primary halo property. Default is to assume a constant 50/50 split. assembias_strength : float or list, optional Fraction or sequence of fractions between -1 and 1 defining the assembly bias correlation strength. Default is 0.5. assembias_strength_abscissa : list, optional Values of the primary halo property at which the assembly bias strength is specified. Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5. If passing a list, the strength will interpreted at the input ``assembias_strength_abscissa``. Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5. """ Leauthaud11Sats.__init__(self, **kwargs) HeavisideAssembias.__init__( self, lower_assembias_bound=self._lower_occupation_bound, upper_assembias_bound=self._upper_occupation_bound, method_name_to_decorate="mean_occupation", **kwargs )
class Leauthaud11SmHm(PrimGalpropModel): """Stellar-to-halo-mass relation based on `Behroozi et al 2010 <>`_ and adapted in Leauthaud+11. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing stellar mass. Default is set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. scatter_model : object, optional Class governing stochasticity of stellar mass. Default scatter is log-normal, implemented by the `~halotools.empirical_models.LogNormalScatterModel` class. scatter_abscissa : array_like, optional Array of values giving the abscissa at which the level of scatter will be specified by the input ordinates. Default behavior will result in constant scatter at a level set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. scatter_ordinates : array_like, optional Array of values defining the level of scatter at the input abscissa. Default behavior will result in constant scatter at a level set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module. redshift : float, optional Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation. Recommended default behavior is to leave this argument unspecified. If no ``redshift`` argument is given to the constructor, you will be free to use the analytical relations bound to `Leauthaud11SmHm` to study the redshift-dependence of the SMHM by passing in a ``redshift`` argument to the `mean_log_halo_mass` and `mean_stellar_mass` methods. If you do pass a ``redshift`` argument to the constructor, the instance of the `Leauthaud11SmHm` will only return results for this redshift, and will raise an exception if you attempt to pass in a redshift to these methods. See the Notes below to understand the motivation for this behavior. Notes ------ Note that the `Leauthaud11SmHm` class is a nearly identical copy of the distinct from the `Behroozi10` model, except for the treatment of little h. """ super(Leauthaud11SmHm, self).__init__(galprop_name="stellar_mass", **kwargs) self._methods_to_inherit.extend(["mean_log_halo_mass"]) self.publications = ["arXiv:1001.0015"] def retrieve_default_param_dict(self): """Method returns a dictionary of all model parameters set to the column 2 values in Table 2 of Behroozi et al. (2010). Returns ------- d : dict Dictionary containing parameter values. """ # All calculations are done internally using the same h=0.72 units # as in Leauthaud et al. (2011), so the parameter values here are # the same as in Table 2, even though the mean_log_halo_mass and # mean_stellar_mass methods use accept and return arguments in h=1 units. d = { "smhm_m0_0": 10.72, "smhm_m0_a": 0.59, "smhm_m1_0": 12.35, "smhm_m1_a": 0.3, "smhm_beta_0": 0.43, "smhm_beta_a": 0.18, "smhm_delta_0": 0.56, "smhm_delta_a": 0.18, "smhm_gamma_0": 1.54, "smhm_gamma_a": 2.52, } return d def mean_log_halo_mass(self, log_stellar_mass_h1p0, **kwargs): """Return the halo mass of a central galaxy as a function of the stellar mass. Parameters ---------- log_stellar_mass_h1p0 : array Array of base-10 logarithm of stellar masses in h=1 solar mass units. Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: logsm_h0p72 = logsm_h1p0 - 2*log10(0.72) So that logsm_h0p72 is larger than logsm_h1p0 redshift : float or array, optional Redshift of the halo hosting the galaxy. If passing an array, must be of the same length as the input ``log_stellar_mass``. Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. Returns ------- log_halo_mass_h1p0 : array_like Array containing 10-base logarithm of halo mass in h=1 solar mass units. Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: log_halo_mass_h0p72 = log_halo_mass_h1p0 - log10(0.72) So that log_halo_mass_h0p72 is larger than log_halo_mass_h1p0 Notes ------ The parameter values in Behroozi+10 were fit to data assuming h=0.7, but all halotools inputs are in h=1 units. Thus we will transform our input stellar mass to h=0.7 units, evaluate using the behroozi parameters, and then transform back to h=1 units before returning the result. """ redshift = safely_retrieve_redshift(self, "mean_log_halo_mass", **kwargs) # convert mass from h=1 to h=0.72 stellar_mass_h1p0 = 10.0**log_stellar_mass_h1p0 stellar_mass_h0p72 = stellar_mass_h1p0 / (L11_LITTLEH**2) a = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift) logm0 = self.param_dict["smhm_m0_0"] + self.param_dict["smhm_m0_a"] * (a - 1) m0 = 10.0**logm0 logm1 = self.param_dict["smhm_m1_0"] + self.param_dict["smhm_m1_a"] * (a - 1) beta = self.param_dict["smhm_beta_0"] + self.param_dict["smhm_beta_a"] * (a - 1) delta = self.param_dict["smhm_delta_0"] + self.param_dict["smhm_delta_a"] * ( a - 1 ) gamma = self.param_dict["smhm_gamma_0"] + self.param_dict["smhm_gamma_a"] * ( a - 1 ) stellar_mass_by_m0 = stellar_mass_h0p72 / m0 term3_numerator = (stellar_mass_by_m0) ** delta term3_denominator = 1 + (stellar_mass_by_m0) ** (-gamma) log_halo_mass_h0p72 = ( logm1 + beta * np.log10(stellar_mass_by_m0) + (term3_numerator / term3_denominator) - 0.5 ) # convert from h=0.72 back to h=1 and return the result log_halo_mass_h1p0 = log_halo_mass_h0p72 + L11_LGH return log_halo_mass_h1p0 def mean_stellar_mass(self, **kwargs): """Return the stellar mass of a central galaxy as a function of the input table. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. redshift : float or array, optional Redshift of the halo hosting the galaxy. If passing an array, must be of the same length as the input ``stellar_mass``. Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`. Returns ------- mstar_h1p0 : array_like Array containing stellar masses in units of h=1 Note that throughout Leauthaud+11 it is assumed that h=0.72. As a sanity check on your conversion: mstar_h0p72 = mstar_h1p0/0.5184 So that mstar_h0p72 is larger than mstar_h1p0 """ redshift = safely_retrieve_redshift(self, "mean_stellar_mass", **kwargs) # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): halo_mass_h1p0 = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): halo_mass_h1p0 = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: raise KeyError( "Must pass one of the following keyword arguments " "to mean_occupation:\n``table`` or ``prim_haloprop``" ) log_stellar_mass_table_h1p0 = np.linspace(8.5, 12.5, 100) log_halo_mass_table_h1p0 = self.mean_log_halo_mass( log_stellar_mass_table_h1p0, redshift=redshift ) if not np.all(np.isfinite(log_halo_mass_table_h1p0)): msg = ( "The value of the mean_stellar_mass function in the Leauthuad+11 model \n" "is calculated by numerically inverting results " "from the mean_log_halo_mass function.\nThese lookup tables " "have infinite-valued entries, which may lead to incorrect results.\n" "This is likely caused by the values of one or more of the model parameters " "being set to unphysically large/small values." ) warnings.warn(msg) interpol_func_h1p0 = model_helpers.custom_spline( log_halo_mass_table_h1p0, log_stellar_mass_table_h1p0 ) log_stellar_mass_h1p0 = interpol_func_h1p0(np.log10(halo_mass_h1p0)) mstar_h1p0 = 10.0**log_stellar_mass_h1p0 return mstar_h1p0