Source code for halotools.empirical_models.occupation_models.cacciato09_components

This module contains occupation components used by the cacciato09 composite

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfc, erfcinv
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext

from .occupation_model_template import OccupationComponent
from .engines import cacciato09_sats_mc_prim_galprop_engine

from .. import custom_incomplete_gamma

from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

__all__ = ("Cacciato09Cens", "Cacciato09Sats")

[docs] class Cacciato09Cens(OccupationComponent): r"""CLF-style model for the central galaxy occupation. Since it is a CLF model, it also assigns a primary galaxy property to galaxies in addition to effectively being an HOD model. The primary galaxy property can for example be luminosity or stellar mass. See :ref:`cacciato09_composite_model` for a tutorial on this model. """ def __init__( self, threshold=10.0, prim_haloprop_key="halo_m180b", prim_galprop_key="luminosity", **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Logarithm of the primary galaxy property threshold. If the primary galaxy property is luminosity, it is given in h=1 solar luminosity units. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of central galaxies. prim_galprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary galaxy property that is assigned. Examples -------- >>> cen_model = Cacciato09Cens() >>> cen_model = Cacciato09Cens(threshold = 11.25) >>> cen_model = Cacciato09Cens(prim_haloprop_key = 'halo_mvir') """ super(Cacciato09Cens, self).__init__( gal_type="centrals", threshold=threshold, upper_occupation_bound=1.0, prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, **kwargs ) self._mock_generation_calling_sequence = ["mc_occupation", "mc_prim_galprop"] self.prim_galprop_key = prim_galprop_key self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate = np.dtype([(prim_galprop_key, "f8")]) self.param_dict = self.get_published_parameters() self._methods_to_inherit = [ "mc_occupation", "median_prim_galprop", "mean_occupation", "mc_prim_galprop", "clf", ] self.publications = ["arXiv:0807.4932"]
[docs] def get_published_parameters(self): r"""Return the values of ``self.param_dict`` according to the best-fit values of the WMAP3 model in Table 3 of arXiv:0807.4932. In this analysis, halo masses have been defined using an overdensity of 180 times the background density of the Universe. """ param_dict = { "log_L_0": 9.935, "log_M_1": 11.07, "gamma_1": 3.273, "gamma_2": 0.255, "sigma": 0.143, } return param_dict
[docs] def median_prim_galprop(self, **kwargs): r"""Return the median primary galaxy property of a central galaxy as a function of the input table. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- prim_galprop : array_like Array containing the median primary galaxy property of the halos specified. """ # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``median_prim_galprop`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Cens`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) gamma_1 = self.param_dict["gamma_1"] gamma_2 = self.param_dict["gamma_2"] mass_c = 10 ** self.param_dict["log_M_1"] prim_galprop_c = 10 ** self.param_dict["log_L_0"] r = mass / mass_c return prim_galprop_c * (r / (1 + r)) ** gamma_1 * (1 + r) ** gamma_2
[docs] def clf(self, prim_galprop=1e10, prim_haloprop=1e12): r"""Return the CLF in units of dn/dlogL for the primary halo property and galaxy property L. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array_like, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. prim_galprop : array_like, optional Array of luminosity-like variable of the galaxy upon which the calculation is based. Returns ------- clf : array_like Array containing the CLF in units of dN/dlogL. If ``prim_haloprop`` has only one element or is a scalar, the same primary halo property is assumed for all CLF values. Similarly, if ``prim_galprop`` has only one element or is a scalar, the same primary galaxy property is assumed throughout. """ prim_galprop = np.atleast_1d(prim_galprop) prim_haloprop = np.atleast_1d(prim_haloprop) if (len(prim_haloprop) > 1) & (len(prim_galprop) > 1): msg = ( "If both ``prim_galprop`` and ``prim_haloprop`` are arrays" "with multiple elements, they must have the same length.\n" ) assert len(prim_galprop) == len(prim_haloprop), msg med_prim_galprop = self.median_prim_galprop(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) return (1.0 / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * self.param_dict["sigma"])) * np.exp( -((np.log10(prim_galprop / med_prim_galprop)) ** 2) / (2.0 * self.param_dict["sigma"] ** 2) )
[docs] def mean_occupation(self, prim_galprop_min=None, prim_galprop_max=None, **kwargs): r"""Expected number of central galaxies in a halo. Derived from integrating the CLF from the primary galaxy property threshold to infinity. Parameters ---------- prim_galprop_min : float, optional Lower limit of the CLF integration used to calculate the expected number of central galaxies. If not specified, the lower limit is the threshold. prim_galprop_max : float, optional Upper limit of the CLF integration used to calculate the expected number of central galaxies. If not specified, the upper limit is infinity. prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- mean_ncen : array Mean number of central galaxies in halos of the input mass. """ if prim_galprop_min is not None: prim_galprop_min = prim_galprop_min else: prim_galprop_min = 10**self.threshold if prim_galprop_max is not None: if prim_galprop_max <= prim_galprop_min: msg = ( "\nFor the ``mean_occupation`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Cens`` class the ``prim_galprop_max`` " "keyword must be bigger than 10^threshold or " "``prim_galprop_min`` if provided.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) log_prim_galprop = np.log10(self.median_prim_galprop(**kwargs)) result = 0.5 * erfc( (np.log10(prim_galprop_min) - log_prim_galprop) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * self.param_dict["sigma"]) ) if prim_galprop_max is not None: result = result - 0.5 * erfc( (np.log10(prim_galprop_max) - log_prim_galprop) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * self.param_dict["sigma"]) ) return result
[docs] def mc_prim_galprop(self, **kwargs): r"""Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the primary galaxy property of galaxies under the constraint that the primary galaxy property is above the primary galaxy property threshold. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the primary galaxy properties are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. seed : int, optional Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None. Returns ------- mc_prim_galprop : array Float array giving the Monte Carlo realization of primary galaxy properties of centrals in halos of the given mass. All primary galaxy properties returned are above the threshold. """ # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop``" "argument to the ``mc_prim_galprop`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Cens`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) log_median_prim_galprop = np.log10(self.median_prim_galprop(**kwargs)) mean_occupation = self.mean_occupation(**kwargs) if np.any(mean_occupation <= 0): msg = ( "\nOne of the input halos to the ``mc_prim_galprop`` function " "of the ``Cacciato09Cens`` class has (virtually) no expected " "galaxy.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) prim_galprop = np.zeros(len(mean_occupation)) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): # Draw cumulative distribution function (CDF) values for the # primary galaxy properties in [0, 1). x = np.random.random(len(mass)) # Take into account that the occupation with one central sets a # lower limit on the CDF values. We also compute 1 - CDF because # for low expected occupations CDF ~ 1 which can lead to numerical # problems. cdf = mean_occupation * x + (1 - mean_occupation) cdfc = mean_occupation * (1 - x) # 1 - cdf # Draw primary galaxy properties. mask = cdf <= 0.5 prim_galprop[mask] = 10 ** ( -erfcinv(2 * cdf[mask]) * np.sqrt(2 * self.param_dict["sigma"] ** 2) + log_median_prim_galprop[mask] ) mask = np.logical_not(mask) # cdf > 0.5 prim_galprop[mask] = 10 ** ( erfcinv(2 * cdfc[mask]) * np.sqrt(2 * self.param_dict["sigma"] ** 2) + log_median_prim_galprop[mask] ) if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs["table"][self.prim_galprop_key][:] = prim_galprop return prim_galprop
[docs] class Cacciato09Sats(OccupationComponent): r"""CLF-style model for the satellite galaxy occupation. Since it is a CLF model, it also assigns a primary galaxy property to galaxies in addition to effectively being an HOD model. The primary galaxy property can for example be luminosity or stellar mass. See :ref:`cacciato09_composite_model` for a tutorial on this model. """ def __init__( self, threshold=10.0, prim_haloprop_key="halo_m180b", prim_galprop_key="luminosity", **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- Logarithm of the primary galaxy property threshold. If the primary galaxy property is luminosity, it is given in h=1 solar luminosity units. prim_haloprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing the occupation statistics of satellite galaxies. prim_galprop_key : string, optional String giving the column name of the primary galaxy property that is assigned. Examples -------- >>> sat_model = Cacciato09Sats() >>> sat_model = Cacciato09Sats(threshold = 11.25) >>> sat_model = Cacciato09Sats(prim_haloprop_key = 'halo_mvir') """ super(Cacciato09Sats, self).__init__( gal_type="satellites", threshold=threshold, upper_occupation_bound=float("inf"), prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, **kwargs ) self._mock_generation_calling_sequence = ["mc_occupation", "mc_prim_galprop"] self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate = np.dtype([(prim_galprop_key, "f8")]) self.prim_galprop_key = prim_galprop_key self.param_dict = self.get_default_parameters() self.central_occupation_model = Cacciato09Cens( threshold=threshold, prim_haloprop_key=prim_haloprop_key, prim_galprop_key=prim_galprop_key, **kwargs ) self._methods_to_inherit = [ "mc_occupation", "mean_occupation", "mc_prim_galprop", "clf", "phi_sat", "alpha_sat", "prim_galprop_cut", ] self.publications = ["arXiv:0807.4932"]
[docs] def get_default_parameters(self): r"""Return the values of ``self.param_dict`` according to the best-fit values of the WMAP3 model in Table 3 of arXiv:0807.4932. In this analysis, halo masses have been defined using an overdensity of 180 times the background density of the Universe. """ param_dict = { "a_1": 0.501, "a_2": 2.106, "log_M_2": 14.28, "b_0": -0.766, "b_1": 1.008, "b_2": -0.094, "delta_1": 0.0, "delta_2": 0.0, "log_L_0": 9.935, "log_M_1": 11.07, "gamma_1": 3.273, "gamma_2": 0.255, } return param_dict
def _update_central_params(self): r""" Private method to update the model parameters. """ for key, value in self.param_dict.items(): if key in self.central_occupation_model.param_dict: self.central_occupation_model.param_dict[key] = value
[docs] def phi_sat(self, **kwargs): r"""Return the normalization for the CLF as a function of the input table. See equation (36) in Cacciato et al. (2009) for details. The normalization refers to $\phi_s^\star$. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- phi_sat : array_like Array containing the CLF normalization values of the halos specified. """ # Retrieve the array storing the primary galaxy property. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): prim_haloprop = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): prim_haloprop = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``alpha_sat`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) b_0 = self.param_dict["b_0"] b_1 = self.param_dict["b_1"] b_2 = self.param_dict["b_2"] log_prim_haloprop = np.log10(prim_haloprop) return 10 ** ( b_0 + b_1 * (log_prim_haloprop - 12.0) + b_2 * (log_prim_haloprop - 12.0) ** 2 )
[docs] def alpha_sat(self, **kwargs): r"""Return the power-law slope of the CLF as a function of the input table. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- alpha_sat : array_like Array containing the CLF power-law slopes of the halos specified. """ # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``alpha_sat`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) a_1 = self.param_dict["a_1"] a_2 = self.param_dict["a_2"] log_m_2 = self.param_dict["log_M_2"] return -2.0 + a_1 * ( 1.0 - 2.0 / np.pi * np.arctan(a_2 * (np.log10(mass) - log_m_2)) )
[docs] def prim_galprop_cut(self, **kwargs): r"""Return the cut-off primary galaxy properties of the CLF as a function of the input table. See equation (38) in Cacciato et al. (2009) for details. The cut-off primary galaxy property refers to $\L_s^\star$. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- prim_galprop_cut : array_like Array containing the cut-off primary galaxy property of the halos specified. """ if not ( "table" in list(kwargs.keys()) or "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()) ): msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``prim_galprop_cut`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) self._update_central_params() med_prim_galprop = self.central_occupation_model.median_prim_galprop(**kwargs) return med_prim_galprop * 0.562
[docs] def mean_occupation(self, prim_galprop_min=None, prim_galprop_max=None, **kwargs): r"""Expected number of satellite galaxies in a halo. Derived from integrating the CLF from the luminosity threshold to infinity. Parameters ---------- prim_galprop_min : float, optional Lower limit of the CLF integration used to calculate the expected number of satellite galaxies. If not specified, the lower limit is the threshold. prim_galprop_max : float, optional Upper limit of the CLF integration used to calculate the expected number of satellite galaxies. If not specified, the upper limit is infinity. prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. Returns ------- mean_nsat : array Mean number of satellite galaxies in the halo of the input mass. """ # Retrieve the array storing the primary halo property. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): prim_haloprop = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): prim_haloprop = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``mean_occupation`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) if prim_galprop_min is not None: prim_galprop_min = prim_galprop_min else: prim_galprop_min = 10**self.threshold if prim_galprop_max is not None: if prim_galprop_max <= prim_galprop_min: msg = ( "\nFor the ``mean_occupation`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class the ``prim_galprop_max`` " "keyword must be bigger than 10^threshold or " "``prim_galprop_min`` if provided.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) alpha_sat = self.alpha_sat(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) prim_galprop_cut = self.prim_galprop_cut(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) phi_sat = self.phi_sat(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) delta = 10 ** ( self.param_dict["delta_1"] + self.param_dict["delta_2"] * (np.log10(prim_haloprop) - 12) ) result = custom_incomplete_gamma( alpha_sat / 2.0 + 0.5, delta * (prim_galprop_min / prim_galprop_cut) ** 2 ) if prim_galprop_max is not None: result = result - custom_incomplete_gamma( alpha_sat / 2.0 + 0.5, delta * (prim_galprop_max / prim_galprop_cut) ** 2, ) result = result * (phi_sat / 2.0) * delta ** (-(alpha_sat + 1.0) / 2.0) return result
[docs] def clf(self, prim_galprop=1e10, prim_haloprop=1e12): r"""Return the CLF in units of dn/dlogL for the primary halo property and galaxy property L. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array_like, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the calculation is based. prim_galprop : array_like, optional Array of luminosity-like variable of the galaxy upon which the calculation is based. Returns ------- clf : array_like Array containing the CLF in units of dN/dlogL. If ``prim_haloprop`` has only one element or is a scalar, the same primary halo property is assumed for all CLF values. Similarly, if ``prim_galprop`` has only one element or is a scalar, the same primary galaxy property is assumed throughout. """ prim_galprop = np.atleast_1d(prim_galprop) prim_haloprop = np.atleast_1d(prim_haloprop) try: assert ( (len(prim_haloprop) == 1) or (len(prim_galprop) == 1) or (len(prim_haloprop) == (len(prim_galprop))) ) except AssertionError: msg = ( "If both ``prim_galprop`` and ``prim_haloprop`` are arrays" " with multiple elements, they must have the same length.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) phi_sat = self.phi_sat(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) alpha_sat = self.alpha_sat(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) prim_galprop_cut = self.prim_galprop_cut(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop) delta = 10 ** ( self.param_dict["delta_1"] + self.param_dict["delta_2"] * (np.log10(prim_haloprop) - 12) ) return ( phi_sat * (prim_galprop / prim_galprop_cut) ** (alpha_sat + 1) * np.exp(-delta * (prim_galprop / prim_galprop_cut) ** 2) * np.log(10) )
[docs] def mc_prim_galprop(self, **kwargs): r"""Method to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the primary galaxy property of galaxies under the constraint that the primary galaxy property is above the primary galaxy property threshold. Parameters ---------- prim_haloprop : array, optional Array of mass-like variable upon which the primary galaxy properties are based. If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed. table : object, optional Data table storing halo catalog. If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed. seed : int, optional Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization. Default is None. Returns ------- mc_prim_galprop : array Float array giving the Monte Carlo realization of primary galaxy properties of satellites in halos of the given mass. All primary galaxy properties returned are above the threshold. """ # Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable. if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key] elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()): mass = kwargs["prim_haloprop"] else: msg = ( "\nYou must pass either a ``table`` or ``prim_haloprop`` " "argument to the ``mc_prim_galprop`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) alpha_sat = self.alpha_sat(**kwargs) prim_galprop_cut = self.prim_galprop_cut(**kwargs) prim_galprop = np.zeros(len(mass)) if np.any(alpha_sat > 10): msg = ( "\nThe ``mc_prim_galprop`` function of the " "``Cacciato09Sats`` class does not support models where " "alpha_sat is bigger than 10.\n" ) raise HalotoolsError(msg) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) with NumpyRNGContext(seed): while np.any(prim_galprop == 0): randoms = np.random.random(size=len(mass) * 2) prim_galprop = cacciato09_sats_mc_prim_galprop_engine( prim_galprop, randoms, alpha_sat, prim_galprop_cut, 10**self.threshold, ) if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs["table"][self.prim_galprop_key][:] = prim_galprop return prim_galprop