This module contains general purpose helper functions
used by many of the Halotools models.
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline
from scipy.special import gammaincc, gamma, expi
from ..utils.array_utils import custom_len
from ..custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
__all__ = ('solve_for_polynomial_coefficients', 'polynomial_from_table',
'enforce_periodicity_of_box', 'custom_spline', 'create_composite_dtype',
'bind_default_kwarg_mixin_safe', 'custom_incomplete_gamma')
__author__ = ['Andrew Hearin', 'Surhud More', 'Johannes Ulf Lange']
def solve_for_polynomial_coefficients(abscissa, ordinates):
r""" Solves for coefficients of the unique,
minimum-degree polynomial that passes through
the input abscissa and attains values equal the input ordinates.
abscissa : array
Elements are the abscissa at which the desired values of the polynomial
have been tabulated.
ordinates : array
Elements are the desired values of the polynomial when evaluated at the abscissa.
polynomial_coefficients : array
Elements are the coefficients determining the polynomial.
Element i of polynomial_coefficients gives the degree i polynomial coefficient.
Input arrays abscissa and ordinates can in principle be of any dimension Ndim,
and there will be Ndim output coefficients.
The input ordinates specify the desired values of the polynomial
when evaluated at the Ndim inputs specified by the input abscissa.
There exists a unique, order Ndim polynomial that returns the input
ordinates when the polynomial is evaluated at the input abscissa.
The coefficients of that unique polynomial are the output of the function.
As an example, suppose that a model in which the quenched fraction is
:math:`F_{q}(logM_{\mathrm{halo}} = 12) = 0.25` and :math:`F_{q}(logM_{\mathrm{halo}} = 15) = 0.9`.
Then this function takes [12, 15] as the input abscissa,
[0.25, 0.9] as the input ordinates,
and returns the array :math:`[c_{0}, c_{1}]`.
The unique polynomial linear in :math:`log_{10}M`
that passes through the input ordinates and abscissa is given by
:math:`F(logM) = c_{0} + c_{1}*log_{10}logM`.
>>> abscissa = [0, 2]
>>> ordinates = [0, 2]
>>> coeff = solve_for_polynomial_coefficients(abscissa, ordinates)
>>> assert np.allclose(coeff, (0, 1))
abscissa = np.atleast_1d(abscissa)
ordinates = np.atleast_1d(ordinates)
columns = np.ones(len(abscissa))
for i in np.arange(len(abscissa)-1):
columns = np.append(columns, [abscissa**(i+1)])
quenching_model_matrix = columns.reshape(
len(abscissa), len(abscissa)).transpose()
polynomial_coefficients = np.linalg.solve(
quenching_model_matrix, ordinates)
return np.array(polynomial_coefficients)
def polynomial_from_table(table_abscissa, table_ordinates, input_abscissa):
r""" Method to evaluate an input polynomial at the input_abscissa.
The input polynomial is determined by `solve_for_polynomial_coefficients`
from table_abscissa and table_ordinates.
table_abscissa : array
Elements are the abscissa determining the input polynomial.
table_ordinates : array
Elements are the desired values of the input polynomial
when evaluated at table_abscissa
input_abscissa : array
Points at which to evaluate the input polynomial.
output_ordinates : array
Values of the input polynomial when evaluated at input_abscissa.
>>> table_abscissa = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> table_ordinates = [0, 2, 4, 6]
>>> input_abscissa = 0.5
>>> result = polynomial_from_table(table_abscissa, table_ordinates, input_abscissa)
>>> assert np.allclose(result, 1.0)
input_abscissa = np.atleast_1d(input_abscissa)
coefficient_array = solve_for_polynomial_coefficients(
table_abscissa, table_ordinates)
output_ordinates = np.zeros(custom_len(input_abscissa))
# Use coefficients to compute values of the inflection function polynomial
for n, coeff in enumerate(coefficient_array):
output_ordinates += coeff*input_abscissa**n
return output_ordinates
def enforce_periodicity_of_box(coords, box_length,
check_multiple_box_lengths=False, **kwargs):
r""" Function used to apply periodic boundary conditions
of the simulation, so that mock galaxies all lie in the range [0, Lbox].
coords : array_like
float or ndarray containing a set of points with values ranging between
[-box_length, 2*box_length]
box_length : float
the size of simulation box (currently hard-coded to be Mpc/h units)
velocity : array_like, optional
velocity in the same dimension as the input coords.
check_multiple_box_lengths : bool, optional
If True, an exception will be raised if the points span a range
of more than 2Lbox. Default is False.
periodic_coords : array_like
array with values and shape equal to input coords,
but with periodic boundary conditions enforced
if check_multiple_box_lengths is True:
xmin = np.min(coords)
if xmin < -box_length:
msg = ("\nThere is at least one input point with a coordinate less than -Lbox\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
xmax = np.max(coords)
if xmax > 2*box_length:
msg = ("\nThere is at least one input point with a coordinate greater than 2*Lbox\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
velocity = kwargs['velocity']
newcoords = coords % box_length
return newcoords, velocity
return coords % box_length
def custom_spline(table_abscissa, table_ordinates, **kwargs):
r""" Convenience wrapper around `~scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline`,
written specifically to handle the edge case of a spline table being
built from a single point.
table_abscissa : array_like
abscissa values defining the interpolation
table_ordinates : array_like
ordinate values defining the interpolation
k : int, optional
Degree of the desired spline interpolation.
Default is 1.
output : object
Function object to use to evaluate the interpolation of
the input table_abscissa & table_ordinates
Only differs from `~scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline` in two respects.
First, the degree of the spline interpolation is automatically chosen to
be the maximum allowable degree permitted by the number of abscissa points.
Second, the behavior differs for the case where the input tables
have only a single element. In this case, the default behavior
of the scipy function is to raise an exception.
The `custom_spline` instead returns a constant-valued function
where the returned value is simply the scalar value of the input ordinates.
if custom_len(table_abscissa) != custom_len(table_ordinates):
len_abscissa = custom_len(table_abscissa)
len_ordinates = custom_len(table_ordinates)
raise HalotoolsError("table_abscissa and table_ordinates must have the same length \n"
" len(table_abscissa) = %i and len(table_ordinates) = %i" % (len_abscissa, len_ordinates))
max_scipy_spline_degree = 5
if 'k' in kwargs:
k = np.min([custom_len(table_abscissa)-1, kwargs['k'], max_scipy_spline_degree])
k = 1
if k < 0:
raise HalotoolsError("Spline degree must be non-negative")
elif k == 0:
if custom_len(table_ordinates) != 1:
raise HalotoolsError("In spline_degree=0 edge case, "
"table_abscissa and table_abscissa must be 1-element arrays")
return lambda x: np.zeros(custom_len(x)) + table_ordinates[0]
spline_function = spline(table_abscissa, table_ordinates, k=k)
return spline_function
def call_func_table(func_table, abscissa, func_indices):
r""" Returns the output of an array of functions evaluated at a set of input points
if the indices of required functions is known.
func_table : array_like
Length k array of function objects
abscissa : array_like
Length Npts array of points at which to evaluate the functions.
func_indices : array_like
Length Npts array providing the indices to use to choose which function
operates on each abscissa element. Thus func_indices is an array of integers
ranging between 0 and k-1.
out : array_like
Length Npts array giving the evaluation of the appropriate function on each
abscissa element.
func_table = np.atleast_1d(func_table)
shape_error_msg = "Input ``func_table must be one-dimensional, but has shape = {0}"
assert len(np.shape(func_table)) == 1, shape_error_msg.format(func_table.shape)
abscissa = np.atleast_1d(abscissa)
func_indices = np.atleast_1d(func_indices)
func_argsort = func_indices.argsort()
func_ranges = list(np.searchsorted(func_indices[func_argsort], list(range(len(func_table)))))
out = np.zeros_like(abscissa)
for f, start, end in zip(func_table, func_ranges[:-1], func_ranges[1:]):
ix = func_argsort[start:end]
out[ix] = f(abscissa[ix])
return out
def bind_required_kwargs(required_kwargs, obj, **kwargs):
r""" Method binds each element of ``required_kwargs`` to
the input object ``obj``, or raises and exception for cases
where a mandatory keyword argument was not passed to the
``obj`` constructor.
Used throughout the package when a required keyword argument
has no obvious default value.
required_kwargs : list
List of strings of the keyword arguments that are required
when instantiating the input ``obj``.
obj : object
The object being instantiated.
The `bind_required_kwargs` method assumes that each
required keyword argument should be bound to ``obj``
as attribute with the same name as the keyword.
for key in required_kwargs:
if key in list(kwargs.keys()):
setattr(obj, key, kwargs[key])
class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
msg = (
key + ' is a required keyword argument ' +
'to instantiate the '+class_name+' class'
raise KeyError(msg)
def create_composite_dtype(dtype_list):
r""" Find the union of the dtypes in the input list, and return a composite
dtype after verifying consistency of typing of possibly repeated fields.
dtype_list : list
List of dtypes with possibly repeated field names.
composite_dtype : dtype
Numpy dtype object composed of the union of the input dtypes.
Basically an awkward workaround to the fact
that numpy dtype objects are not iterable.
name_list = list(set([name for d in dtype_list for name in d.names]))
composite_list = []
for name in name_list:
for dt in dtype_list:
if name in dt.names:
tmp = np.dtype(composite_list)
if name in tmp.names:
if tmp[name].type == dt[name].type:
msg = ("Inconsistent dtypes for name = ``%s``.\n"
" dtype1 = %s\n dtype2 = %s\n" %
(name, tmp[name].type, dt[name].type))
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
composite_list.append((name, dt[name].type))
composite_dtype = np.dtype(composite_list)
return composite_dtype
def bind_default_kwarg_mixin_safe(obj, keyword_argument, constructor_kwargs, default_value):
r""" Function used to ensure that a keyword argument passed to the constructor
of an orthogonal mix-in class is not already an attribute bound to self.
If it is safe to bind the keyword_argument to the object,
`bind_default_kwarg_mixin_safe` will do so.
obj : class instance
Instance of the class to which we want to bind the input ``keyword_argument``.
keyword_argument : string
name of the attribute that will be bound to the object if the action is deemed mix-in safe.
constructor_kwargs : dict
keyword argument dictionary passed to the constructor of the input ``obj``.
default_value : object
Whatever the default value for the attribute should be if ``keyword_argument`` does not
appear in kwargs nor is it already bound to the ``obj``.
if hasattr(obj, keyword_argument):
if keyword_argument in constructor_kwargs:
clname = obj.__class__.__name__
msg = ("Do not pass the ``%s`` keyword argument "
"to the constructor of the %s class \nwhen using the %s class "
"as an orthogonal mix-in" % (keyword_argument, clname, clname))
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
if keyword_argument in constructor_kwargs:
setattr(obj, keyword_argument, constructor_kwargs[keyword_argument])
setattr(obj, keyword_argument, default_value)
def custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x):
r""" Incomplete gamma function.
For the case covered by scipy, a > 0, scipy is called. Otherwise the gamma function
recurrence relations are called, extending the scipy behavior.
a : array_like
x : array_like
gamma : array_like
>>> a, x = 1, np.linspace(1, 10, 100)
>>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
>>> a = 0
>>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
>>> a = -1
>>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
x = np.repeat(x, len(a))
if len(a) != len(x):
msg = ("The ``a`` and ``x`` arguments of the "
"``custom_incomplete_gamma`` function must have the same"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
result = np.zeros(len(a))
mask = (a < 0)
if np.any(mask):
result[mask] = ((custom_incomplete_gamma(a[mask]+1, x[mask]) -
x[mask]**a[mask] * np.exp(-x[mask])) / a[mask])
mask = (a == 0)
if np.any(mask):
result[mask] = -expi(-x[mask])
mask = a > 0
if np.any(mask):
result[mask] = gammaincc(a[mask], x[mask]) * gamma(a[mask])
return result
if a < 0:
return (custom_incomplete_gamma(a+1, x) - x**a * np.exp(-x))/a
elif a == 0:
return -expi(-x)
return gammaincc(a, x) * gamma(a)
custom_incomplete_gamma.__author__ = ['Surhud More', 'Johannes Ulf Lange']