Module containing some commonly used composite HOD models.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from ... import model_defaults
from ...occupation_models import tinker13_components
from ...phase_space_models import NFWPhaseSpace, TrivialPhaseSpace
__all__ = ["tinker13_model_dictionary"]
def tinker13_model_dictionary(
threshold=model_defaults.default_stellar_mass_threshold, **kwargs
"""Dictionary to build an HOD-style based on Tinker et al. (2013), arXiv:1308.2974.
See :ref:`tinker13_composite_model` for a tutorial on this model.
threshold : float, optional
Stellar mass threshold of the mock galaxy sample in h=1 solar mass units.
Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
prim_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing
the occupation statistics of gal_type galaxies.
Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
redshift : float, optional
Redshift of the stellar-to-halo-mass relation.
Default is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.sim_defaults`.
quiescent_fraction_abscissa : array, optional
Values of the primary halo property at which the quiescent fraction is specified.
Default is [10**12, 10**13.5, 10**15].
quiescent_fraction_ordinates : array, optional
Values of the quiescent fraction when evaluated at the input abscissa.
Default is [0.25, 0.7, 0.95]
The simplest way to instantiate the tinker13 model is
using the `~halotools.empirical_models.PrebuiltHodModelFactory` class:
>>> from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltHodModelFactory
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('tinker13')
Alternatively, you can pass the returned values of `tinker13_model_dictionary` to
`~halotools.empirical_models.HodModelFactory`. The calling signature is slightly
more complicated relative to, for example,
`~halotools.empirical_models.leauthaud11_model_dictionary` because
`tinker13_model_dictionary` also returns a supplementary_dictionary specifying
the `model_feature_calling_sequence` (see :ref:`model_feature_calling_sequence_mechanism`).
>>> model_dictionary, supplementary_dictionary = tinker13_model_dictionary()
>>> constructor_kwargs = model_dictionary
>>> for key in supplementary_dictionary: constructor_kwargs[key] = supplementary_dictionary[key]
>>> from halotools.empirical_models import HodModelFactory
>>> model_instance = HodModelFactory(**constructor_kwargs)
To load a model based on a different threshold and redshift:
>>> model_instance = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('tinker13', threshold = 11, redshift = 2)
Or, equivalently,
>>> model_dictionary, supplementary_dictionary = tinker13_model_dictionary(threshold = 11, redshift = 2)
>>> constructor_kwargs = model_dictionary
>>> for key in supplementary_dictionary: constructor_kwargs[key] = supplementary_dictionary[key]
>>> model_instance = HodModelFactory(**constructor_kwargs)
As with all instances of the `~halotools.empirical_models.PrebuiltHodModelFactory`,
you can populate a mock by passing the model a halo catalog:
>>> from halotools.sim_manager import FakeSim
>>> halocat = FakeSim(redshift = model_instance.redshift)
>>> model_instance.populate_mock(halocat)
# Build the occupation model
centrals_occupation = tinker13_components.Tinker13Cens(
threshold=threshold, **kwargs
centrals_occupation._suppress_repeated_param_warning = True
# Build the profile model
centrals_profile = TrivialPhaseSpace(**kwargs)
# Build the occupation model
quiescent_satellites_occupation = tinker13_components.Tinker13QuiescentSats(
threshold=threshold, **kwargs
# Build the profile model
quiescent_satellites_profile = NFWPhaseSpace(
concentration_binning=(1, 35, 1), **kwargs
# Build the occupation model
active_satellites_occupation = tinker13_components.Tinker13ActiveSats(
threshold=threshold, **kwargs
# Build the profile model
active_satellites_profile = NFWPhaseSpace(
concentration_binning=(1, 35, 1), **kwargs
model_dictionary = {
"centrals_occupation": centrals_occupation,
"centrals_profile": centrals_profile,
"quiescent_satellites_profile": quiescent_satellites_profile,
"quiescent_satellites_occupation": quiescent_satellites_occupation,
"active_satellites_profile": active_satellites_profile,
"active_satellites_occupation": active_satellites_occupation,
gal_type_list = ["centrals", "active_satellites", "quiescent_satellites"]
model_feature_calling_sequence = (
supplementary_dictionary = {
"gal_type_list": gal_type_list,
"model_feature_calling_sequence": model_feature_calling_sequence,
return model_dictionary, supplementary_dictionary