Module containing the `~halotools.empirical_models.BinaryGalpropModel` class
used to map a binary-valued galaxy property to a halo catalog.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
from .. import model_defaults
from .. import model_helpers
from ...utils.array_utils import custom_len
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
__all__ = ("BinaryGalpropModel", "BinaryGalpropInterpolModel")
__author__ = ("Andrew Hearin",)
class BinaryGalpropModel(object):
Container class for any component model of a binary-valued galaxy property.
def __init__(
self, prim_haloprop_key=model_defaults.default_binary_galprop_haloprop, **kwargs
galprop_name : string, keyword argument
Name of the galaxy property being assigned.
prim_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing
the galaxy propery being modeled.
Default is set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
required_kwargs = ["galprop_name"]
model_helpers.bind_required_kwargs(required_kwargs, self, **kwargs)
self.prim_haloprop_key = prim_haloprop_key
if "sec_haloprop_key" in list(kwargs.keys()):
self.sec_haloprop_key = kwargs["sec_haloprop_key"]
# Enforce the requirement that sub-classes have been configured properly
required_method_name = "mean_" + self.galprop_name + "_fraction"
if not hasattr(self, required_method_name):
raise HalotoolsError(
"Any sub-class of BinaryGalpropModel must "
"implement a method named %s " % required_method_name
setattr(self, "mc_" + self.galprop_name, self._mc_galprop)
self._mock_generation_calling_sequence = ["mc_" + self.galprop_name]
self._methods_to_inherit = [
"mean_" + self.galprop_name + "_fraction",
"mc_" + self.galprop_name,
self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate = np.dtype([(self.galprop_name, bool)])
def _mc_galprop(self, seed=None, **kwargs):
r"""Return a Monte Carlo realization of the galaxy property
based on draws from a nearest-integer distribution.
prim_haloprop : array, optional
Array of mass-like variable governing the galaxy property.
If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then either ``halos`` or ``galaxy_table``
keyword arguments must be passed.
halos : object, optional
Data table storing halo catalog.
If ``halos`` is not passed, then either ``prim_haloprop`` or ``galaxy_table``
keyword arguments must be passed.
galaxy_table : object, optional
Data table storing galaxy catalog.
If ``galaxy_table`` is not passed, then either ``prim_haloprop`` or ``halos``
keyword arguments must be passed.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to generate the Monte Carlo realization.
Default is None.
mc_galprop : array_like
Array storing the values of the primary galaxy property
of the galaxies living in the input halos.
mean_func = getattr(self, "mean_" + self.galprop_name + "_fraction")
mean_galprop_fraction = mean_func(**kwargs)
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
mc_generator = np.random.random(custom_len(mean_galprop_fraction))
result = np.where(mc_generator < mean_galprop_fraction, True, False)
if "table" in kwargs:
kwargs["table"][self.galprop_name][:] = result
return result
class BinaryGalpropInterpolModel(BinaryGalpropModel):
Component model for any binary-valued galaxy property
whose assignment is determined by interpolating between points on a grid.
One example of a model of this class could be used to help build is
Tinker et al. (2013), arXiv:1308.2974.
In this model, a galaxy is either active or quiescent,
and the quiescent fraction is purely a function of halo mass, with
separate parameters for centrals and satellites. The value of the quiescent
fraction is computed by interpolating between a grid of values of mass.
`BinaryGalpropInterpolModel` is quite flexible, and can be used as a template for
any binary-valued galaxy property whatsoever. See the examples below for usage instructions.
def __init__(
galprop_name : array, keyword argument
String giving the name of galaxy property being assigned a binary value.
gal_type : string, optional
Name of the galaxy population.
Default is None, in which case the model instance will not have
the ``gal_type`` attribute.
prim_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the primary halo property governing
stellar mass.
Default is set in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
galprop_abscissa : array, optional
Values of the primary halo property at which the galprop fraction is specified.
galprop_ordinates : array, optional
Values of the galprop fraction when evaluated at the input abscissa.
logparam : bool, optional
If set to True, the interpolation will be done
in the base-10 logarithm of the primary halo property,
rather than linearly. Default is True.
interpol_method : string, optional
Keyword specifying how `mean_galprop_fraction`
evaluates input values of the primary halo property.
The default spline option interpolates the
model's abscissa and ordinates.
The polynomial option uses the unique, degree N polynomial
passing through the ordinates, where N is the number of supplied ordinates.
input_spline_degree : int, optional
Degree of the spline interpolation for the case of interpol_method='spline'.
If there are k abscissa values specifying the model, input_spline_degree
is ensured to never exceed k-1, nor exceed 5. Default is 3.
Suppose we wish to construct a model for whether a central galaxy is
star-forming or quiescent. We want to set the quiescent fraction to 1/3
for Milky Way-type centrals (:math:`M_{\mathrm{vir}}=10^{12}M_{\odot}`),
and 90% for massive cluster centrals (:math:`M_{\mathrm{vir}}=10^{15}M_{\odot}`).
We can use the `BinaryGalpropInterpolModel` to implement this as follows:
>>> abscissa, ordinates = [12, 15], [1/3., 0.9]
>>> cen_quiescent_model = BinaryGalpropInterpolModel(galprop_name='quiescent', galprop_abscissa=abscissa, galprop_ordinates=ordinates, prim_haloprop_key='mvir')
The ``cen_quiescent_model`` has a built-in method that computes the quiescent fraction
as a function of mass:
>>> quiescent_frac = cen_quiescent_model.mean_quiescent_fraction(prim_haloprop =1e12)
There is also a built-in method to return a Monte Carlo realization of quiescent/star-forming galaxies:
>>> masses = np.logspace(10, 15, num=100)
>>> quiescent_realization = cen_quiescent_model.mc_quiescent(prim_haloprop = masses)
Now ``quiescent_realization`` is a boolean-valued array of the same length as ``masses``.
Entries of ``quiescent_realization`` that are ``True`` correspond to central galaxies that are quiescent.
Here is another example of how you could use `BinaryGalpropInterpolModel`
to construct a simple model for satellite morphology, where the early- vs. late-type
of the satellite depends on :math:`V_{\mathrm{peak}}` value of the host halo
>>> sat_morphology_model = BinaryGalpropInterpolModel(galprop_name='late_type', galprop_abscissa=abscissa, galprop_ordinates=ordinates, prim_haloprop_key='vpeak_host')
>>> vmax_array = np.logspace(2, 3, num=100)
>>> morphology_realization = sat_morphology_model.mc_late_type(prim_haloprop =vmax_array)
.. automethod:: _mean_galprop_fraction
galprop_name = kwargs["galprop_name"]
except KeyError:
raise HalotoolsError(
"\nAll sub-classes of BinaryGalpropInterpolModel must pass "
"a ``galprop_name`` keyword argument to the constructor\n"
setattr(self, "mean_" + galprop_name + "_fraction", self._mean_galprop_fraction)
super(BinaryGalpropInterpolModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._interpol_method = interpol_method
self._logparam = logparam
galprop_abscissa = np.atleast_1d(galprop_abscissa)
galprop_ordinates = np.atleast_1d(galprop_ordinates)
self._test_abscissa_ordinates(galprop_abscissa, galprop_ordinates)
self._abscissa = galprop_abscissa
self._ordinates = galprop_ordinates
self.gal_type = kwargs["gal_type"]
except KeyError:
if self._interpol_method == "spline":
if "input_spline_degree" in list(kwargs.keys()):
self._input_spine_degree = kwargs["input_spline_degree"]
self._input_spline_degree = 3
scipy_maxdegree = 5
self._spline_degree = np.min(
custom_len(self._abscissa) - 1,
self._abscissa_key = self.galprop_name + "_abscissa"
self._ordinates_key_prefix = (
self.gal_type + "_" + self.galprop_name + "_ordinates"
except AttributeError:
self._ordinates_key_prefix = self.galprop_name + "_ordinates"
setattr(self, self.galprop_name + "_abscissa", self._abscissa)
def _test_abscissa_ordinates(self, galprop_abscissa, galprop_ordinates):
assert len(galprop_abscissa) == len(galprop_ordinates)
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nInput ``galprop_abscissa`` and ``galprop_ordinates`` must have the same length\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
assert len(set(galprop_abscissa)) == len(galprop_abscissa)
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nYour input ``galprop_abscissa`` cannot have any repeated values\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
assert np.all(galprop_abscissa >= 0)
assert np.all(galprop_ordinates <= 1)
except AssertionError:
msg = "\nAll values of the input ``galprop_ordinates`` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive."
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
def _build_param_dict(self):
self._ordinates_keys = [
self._ordinates_key_prefix + "_param" + str(i + 1)
for i in range(custom_len(self._abscissa))
self.param_dict = {
key: value for key, value in zip(self._ordinates_keys, self._ordinates)
def _mean_galprop_fraction(self, **kwargs):
Expectation value of the galprop for galaxies living in the input halos.
prim_haloprop : array, optional
Array of mass-like variable upon which occupation statistics are based.
If ``prim_haloprop`` is not passed, then ``table`` keyword argument must be passed.
table : object, optional
Data table storing halo catalog.
If ``table`` is not passed, then ``prim_haloprop`` keyword argument must be passed.
mean_galprop_fraction : array_like
Values of the galprop fraction evaluated at the input primary halo properties.
# Retrieve the array storing the mass-like variable
if "table" in list(kwargs.keys()):
prim_haloprop = kwargs["table"][self.prim_haloprop_key]
elif "prim_haloprop" in list(kwargs.keys()):
prim_haloprop = kwargs["prim_haloprop"]
raise KeyError(
"Must pass one of the following keyword arguments to mean_occupation:\n"
"``table`` or ``prim_haloprop``"
if self._logparam is True:
prim_haloprop = np.log10(prim_haloprop)
# Update self._abscissa, in case the user has changed it
self._abscissa = getattr(self, self.galprop_name + "_abscissa")
model_ordinates = [
self.param_dict[ordinate_key] for ordinate_key in self._ordinates_keys
if self._interpol_method == "polynomial":
mean_galprop_fraction = model_helpers.polynomial_from_table(
self._abscissa, model_ordinates, prim_haloprop
elif self._interpol_method == "spline":
spline_function = model_helpers.custom_spline(
self._abscissa, model_ordinates, k=self._spline_degree
mean_galprop_fraction = spline_function(prim_haloprop)
raise HalotoolsError(
"Input interpol_method must be 'polynomial' or 'spline'."
# Enforce boundary conditions
mean_galprop_fraction[mean_galprop_fraction < 0] = 0
mean_galprop_fraction[mean_galprop_fraction > 1] = 1
return mean_galprop_fraction