This module contains the `~halotools.empirical_models.HeavisideAssembias` class.
The purpose of this class is to introduce step function-type assembly bias into
any method of any component model, as in
`Hearin et al 2015 decorated HODs <http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03050>`_.
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
from .. import model_defaults, model_helpers
from ...utils.array_utils import custom_len
from ...custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError
from ...utils.table_utils import compute_conditional_percentiles
import collections
__all__ = ('HeavisideAssembias', 'PreservingNgalHeavisideAssembias')
__author__ = ('Andrew Hearin', )
class HeavisideAssembias(object):
""" Class used as an orthogonal mix-in to introduce step function-style
assembly-biased behavior into any component model.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
No positional arguments accepted; all argument are strictly keyword arguments.
method_name_to_decorate : string
Name of the method in the primary class whose behavior is being decorated
lower_assembias_bound : float
lower bound on the method being decorated with assembly bias
upper_assembias_bound : float
upper bound on the method being decorated with assembly bias
sec_haloprop_key : string, optional
String giving the column name of the secondary halo property
governing the assembly bias. Must be a key in the table
passed to the methods of `HeavisideAssembiasComponent`.
Default value is specified in the `~halotools.empirical_models.model_defaults` module.
split : float or list, optional
Fraction or list of fractions between 0 and 1 defining how
we split halos into two groupings based on
their conditional secondary percentiles.
Default is 0.5 for a constant 50/50 split.
split_abscissa : list, optional
Values of the primary halo property at which the halos are split as described above in
the ``split`` argument. If ``loginterp`` is set to True (the default behavior),
the interpolation will be done in the logarithm of the primary halo property.
Default is to assume a constant 50/50 split.
splitting_model : object, optional
Model instance with a method called ``splitting_method_name``
used to split the input halos into two types.
splitting_method_name : string, optional
Name of method bound to ``splitting_model`` used to split the input halos into
two types.
halo_type_tuple : tuple, optional
Tuple providing the information about how elements of the input ``table``
have been pre-divided into types. The first tuple entry must be a
string giving the column name of the input ``table`` that provides the halo-typing.
The second entry gives the value that will be stored in this column for halos
that are above the percentile split, the third entry gives the value for halos
below the split.
If provided, you must ensure that the splitting of the ``table``
was self-consistently performed with the
input ``split``, or ``split_abscissa`` and ``split_ordinates``, or
``split_func`` keyword arguments.
assembias_strength : float or list, optional
Fraction or sequence of fractions between -1 and 1
defining the assembly bias correlation strength.
Default is 0.5.
assembias_strength_abscissa : list, optional
Values of the primary halo property at which the assembly bias strength is specified.
Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5. If passing a list, the strength
will interpreted at the input ``assembias_strength_abscissa``.
Default is to assume a constant strength of 0.5.
loginterp : bool, optional
If set to True, the interpolation will be done
in the logarithm of the primary halo property,
rather than linearly. Default is True.
self.publications = ['arXiv:1512.03050']
def _interpret_constructor_inputs(self, loginterp=True,
sec_haloprop_key=model_defaults.sec_haloprop_key, **kwargs):
self._loginterp = loginterp
self.sec_haloprop_key = sec_haloprop_key
required_attr_list = ['prim_haloprop_key', 'gal_type']
for attr in required_attr_list:
if not hasattr(self, attr):
msg = ("In order to use the HeavisideAssembias class "
"to decorate your model component with assembly bias, \n"
"the component instance must have a %s attribute")
raise HalotoolsError(msg % attr)
self._method_name_to_decorate = kwargs['method_name_to_decorate']
except KeyError:
msg = ("The constructor to the HeavisideAssembiasComponent class "
"must be called with the following keyword arguments:\n"
raise HalotoolsError(msg % ('_method_name_to_decorate'))
lower_bound = float(kwargs['lower_assembias_bound'])
lower_bound_key = 'lower_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
setattr(self, lower_bound_key, lower_bound)
upper_bound = float(kwargs['upper_assembias_bound'])
upper_bound_key = 'upper_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
setattr(self, upper_bound_key, upper_bound)
except KeyError:
msg = ("The constructor to the HeavisideAssembiasComponent class "
"must be called with the following keyword arguments:\n"
"``%s``, ``%s``")
raise HalotoolsError(msg % ('lower_assembias_bound', 'upper_assembias_bound'))
if 'halo_type_tuple' in kwargs:
self.halo_type_tuple = kwargs['halo_type_tuple']
def _set_percentile_splitting(self, split=0.5, **kwargs):
Method interprets the arguments passed to the constructor
and sets up the interpolation scheme for how halos will be
divided into two types as a function of the primary halo property.
if 'splitting_model' in kwargs:
self.splitting_model = kwargs['splitting_model']
func = getattr(self.splitting_model, kwargs['splitting_method_name'])
if isinstance(func, collections.abc.Callable):
self._input_split_func = func
raise HalotoolsError("Input ``splitting_model`` must have a callable function "
"named ``%s``" % kwargs['splitting_method_name'])
elif 'split_abscissa' in list(kwargs.keys()):
if custom_len(kwargs['split_abscissa']) != custom_len(split):
raise HalotoolsError("``split`` and ``split_abscissa`` must have the same length")
self._split_abscissa = kwargs['split_abscissa']
self._split_ordinates = split
self._split_abscissa = [2]
self._split_ordinates = [split]
except KeyError:
msg = ("The _set_percentile_splitting method must at least be called with a ``split``"
"keyword argument, or alternatively ``split`` and ``split_abscissa`` arguments.")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
def _initialize_assembias_param_dict(self, assembias_strength=0.5, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(self, 'param_dict'):
self.param_dict = {}
# Make sure the code behaves properly whether or not we were passed an iterable
strength = assembias_strength
iterator = iter(strength)
strength = list(strength)
except TypeError:
strength = [strength]
if 'assembias_strength_abscissa' in kwargs:
abscissa = kwargs['assembias_strength_abscissa']
iterator = iter(abscissa)
abscissa = list(abscissa)
except TypeError:
abscissa = [abscissa]
abscissa = [2]
if custom_len(abscissa) != custom_len(strength):
raise HalotoolsError("``assembias_strength`` and ``assembias_strength_abscissa`` "
"must have the same length")
self._assembias_strength_abscissa = abscissa
for ipar, val in enumerate(strength):
self.param_dict[self._get_assembias_param_dict_key(ipar)] = val
def _decorate_baseline_method(self):
baseline_method = getattr(self, self._method_name_to_decorate)
setattr(self, 'baseline_'+self._method_name_to_decorate,
decorated_method = self.assembias_decorator(baseline_method)
setattr(self, self._method_name_to_decorate, decorated_method)
except AttributeError:
msg = ("The baseline model constructor must be called before "
"calling the HeavisideAssembias constructor, \n"
"and the baseline model must have a method named ``%s``")
raise HalotoolsError(msg % self._method_name_to_decorate)
def percentile_splitting_function(self, prim_haloprop):
Method returns the fraction of halos that are ``type-2``
as a function of the input primary halo property.
prim_haloprop : array_like
Array storing the primary halo property.
split : float
Fraction of ``type2`` halos at the input primary halo property.
if hasattr(self, '_input_split_func'):
result = self._input_split_func(prim_haloprop=prim_haloprop)
if np.any(result < 0):
msg = ("The input split_func passed to the HeavisideAssembias class"
"must not return negative values")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
if np.any(result > 1):
msg = ("The input split_func passed to the HeavisideAssembias class"
"must not return values exceeding unity")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
return result
elif self._loginterp is True:
spline_function = model_helpers.custom_spline(
np.log10(self._split_abscissa), self._split_ordinates, k=3)
result = spline_function(np.log10(prim_haloprop))
spline_function = model_helpers.custom_spline(
self._split_abscissa, self._split_ordinates, k=3)
result = spline_function(prim_haloprop)
result = np.where(result < 0, 0., result)
result = np.where(result > 1, 1., result)
return result
def assembias_strength(self, prim_haloprop):
Method returns the strength of assembly bias as a function of the primary halo property.
prim_haloprop : array_like
Array storing the primary halo property.
strength : array_like
Strength of assembly bias as a function of the input halo property.
model_ordinates = (self.param_dict[self._get_assembias_param_dict_key(ipar)]
for ipar in range(len(self._assembias_strength_abscissa)))
spline_function = model_helpers.custom_spline(
self._assembias_strength_abscissa, list(model_ordinates), k=3)
if self._loginterp is True:
result = spline_function(np.log10(prim_haloprop))
result = spline_function(prim_haloprop)
result = np.where(result < -1, -1., result)
result = np.where(result > 1, 1., result)
return result
def _get_assembias_param_dict_key(self, ipar):
return self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type + '_assembias_param' + str(ipar+1)
def _galprop_perturbation(self, **kwargs):
Method determines how much to boost the baseline function
according to the strength of assembly bias and the min/max
boost allowable by the requirement that the all-halo baseline
function be preserved. The returned perturbation applies to type-1 halos.
lower_bound_key = 'lower_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
baseline_lower_bound = getattr(self, lower_bound_key)
upper_bound_key = 'upper_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
baseline_upper_bound = getattr(self, upper_bound_key)
baseline_result = kwargs['baseline_result']
prim_haloprop = kwargs['prim_haloprop']
splitting_result = kwargs['splitting_result']
except KeyError:
msg = ("Must call _galprop_perturbation method of the"
"HeavisideAssembias class with the following keyword arguments:\n"
"``baseline_result``, ``splitting_result`` and ``prim_haloprop``")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
result = np.zeros(len(prim_haloprop))
strength = self.assembias_strength(prim_haloprop)
positive_strength_idx = strength > 0
negative_strength_idx = strength < 0
if len(baseline_result[positive_strength_idx]) > 0:
base_pos = baseline_result[positive_strength_idx]
split_pos = splitting_result[positive_strength_idx]
type1_frac_pos = 1 - split_pos
strength_pos = strength[positive_strength_idx]
upper_bound1 = baseline_upper_bound - base_pos
upper_bound2 = ((1 - type1_frac_pos)/type1_frac_pos)*(base_pos - baseline_lower_bound)
upper_bound = np.minimum(upper_bound1, upper_bound2)
result[positive_strength_idx] = strength_pos*upper_bound
if len(baseline_result[negative_strength_idx]) > 0:
base_neg = baseline_result[negative_strength_idx]
split_neg = splitting_result[negative_strength_idx]
type1_frac_neg = 1 - split_neg
strength_neg = strength[negative_strength_idx]
lower_bound1 = baseline_lower_bound - base_neg
lower_bound2 = (1 - type1_frac_neg)/type1_frac_neg*(base_neg - baseline_upper_bound)
lower_bound = np.maximum(lower_bound1, lower_bound2)
result[negative_strength_idx] = np.abs(strength_neg)*lower_bound
return result
def assembias_decorator(self, func):
""" Primary behavior of the `HeavisideAssembias` class.
This method is used to introduce a boost/decrement of the baseline
function in a manner that preserves the all-halo result.
Any function with a semi-bounded range can be decorated with
`assembias_decorator`. The baseline behavior can be anything
whatsoever, such as mean star formation rate or
mean halo occupation, provided it has a semi-bounded range.
func : function object
Baseline function whose behavior is being decorated with assembly bias.
wrapper : function object
Decorated function that includes assembly bias effects.
lower_bound_key = 'lower_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
baseline_lower_bound = getattr(self, lower_bound_key)
upper_bound_key = 'upper_bound_' + self._method_name_to_decorate + '_' + self.gal_type
baseline_upper_bound = getattr(self, upper_bound_key)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Retrieve the arrays storing prim_haloprop and sec_haloprop
# The control flow below is what permits accepting an input
# table or a directly inputting prim_haloprop and sec_haloprop arrays
_HAS_table = False
if 'table' in kwargs:
table = kwargs['table']
prim_haloprop = table[self.prim_haloprop_key]
sec_haloprop = table[self.sec_haloprop_key]
_HAS_table = True
except KeyError:
msg = ("When passing an input ``table`` to the "
" ``assembias_decorator`` method,\n"
"the input table must have a column with name ``%s``"
"and a column with name ``%s``.\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg % (self.prim_haloprop_key), self.sec_haloprop_key)
prim_haloprop = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['prim_haloprop'])
except KeyError:
msg = ("\nIf not passing an input ``table`` to the "
"``assembias_decorator`` method,\n"
"you must pass ``prim_haloprop`` argument.\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
sec_haloprop = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['sec_haloprop'])
except KeyError:
if 'sec_haloprop_percentile' not in kwargs:
msg = ("\nIf not passing an input ``table`` to the "
"``assembias_decorator`` method,\n"
"you must pass either a ``sec_haloprop`` or "
"``sec_haloprop_percentile`` argument.\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
# Compute the fraction of type-2 halos as a function of the input prim_haloprop
split = self.percentile_splitting_function(prim_haloprop)
# Compute the baseline, undecorated result
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
# We will only decorate values that are not edge cases,
# so first compute the mask for non-edge cases
no_edge_mask = (
(split > 0) & (split < 1) &
(result > baseline_lower_bound) & (result < baseline_upper_bound)
# Now create convenient references to the non-edge-case sub-arrays
no_edge_result = result[no_edge_mask]
no_edge_split = split[no_edge_mask]
# Compute the array type1_mask
# This array will serve as a boolean mask that divides the halo sample into two subsamples
# There are several possible ways that the type1_mask can be computed, depending on
# what the decorator was passed as input
if _HAS_table is True:
# we were passed halo_type_tuple:
if hasattr(self, 'halo_type_tuple'):
halo_type_key = self.halo_type_tuple[0]
halo_type1_val = self.halo_type_tuple[1]
type1_mask = table[halo_type_key][no_edge_mask] == halo_type1_val
# the value of sec_haloprop_percentile is already stored as a column of the table
elif self.sec_haloprop_key + '_percentile' in list(table.keys()):
no_edge_percentiles = table[self.sec_haloprop_key + '_percentile'][no_edge_mask]
type1_mask = no_edge_percentiles > no_edge_split
# the value of sec_haloprop_percentile will be computed from scratch
percentiles = compute_conditional_percentiles(
no_edge_percentiles = percentiles[no_edge_mask]
type1_mask = no_edge_percentiles > no_edge_split
percentiles = kwargs['sec_haloprop_percentile']
if custom_len(percentiles) == 1:
percentiles = np.zeros(custom_len(prim_haloprop)) + percentiles
except KeyError:
percentiles = compute_conditional_percentiles(
no_edge_percentiles = percentiles[no_edge_mask]
type1_mask = no_edge_percentiles > no_edge_split
# type1_mask has now been computed for all possible branchings
perturbation = self._galprop_perturbation(
frac_type1 = 1 - no_edge_split
frac_type2 = 1 - frac_type1
perturbation[~type1_mask] *= (-frac_type1[~type1_mask] /
no_edge_result += perturbation
result[no_edge_mask] = no_edge_result
return result
return wrapper
class PreservingNgalHeavisideAssembias(HeavisideAssembias):
def assembias_mc_occupation(self, seed=None, **kwargs):
first_occupation_moment_orig = self.mean_occupation_orig(**kwargs)
first_occupation_moment = self.mean_occupation(**kwargs)
if self._upper_occupation_bound == 1:
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
score = np.random.rand(custom_len(first_occupation_moment_orig))
total = np.count_nonzero(first_occupation_moment_orig > score)
result = np.where(first_occupation_moment > score, 1, 0)
diff = result.sum() - total
if diff < 0:
x = (first_occupation_moment / score)
result[x.argsort()[-total:]] = 1
elif diff > 0:
x = (1.0-first_occupation_moment) / (1.0-score)
result[x.argsort()[:total]] = 1
elif self._upper_occupation_bound == float("inf"):
total = self._poisson_distribution(first_occupation_moment_orig.sum(), seed=seed)
if seed is not None:
seed += 1
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
score = np.random.rand(total)
x = first_occupation_moment.cumsum(dtype=np.float64)
x /= x[-1]
result = np.ediff1d(np.insert(np.searchsorted(score, x), 0, 0))
msg = ("\nYou have chosen to set ``_upper_occupation_bound`` to some value \n"
"besides 1 or infinity. In such cases, you must also \n"
"write your own ``mc_occupation`` method that overrides the method in the \n"
"OccupationComponent super-class\n")
raise HalotoolsError(msg)
if 'table' in kwargs:
kwargs['table']['halo_num_'+self.gal_type] = result
return result
def _decorate_baseline_method(self):
self.mean_occupation_orig = self.mean_occupation
self.mc_occupation = self.assembias_mc_occupation
super(PreservingNgalHeavisideAssembias, self)._decorate_baseline_method()