""" Module storing the Numpy kernel for conditional abundance matching
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import NumpyRNGContext
from ...utils import inverse_transformation_sampling as its
from ...utils import unsorting_indices
__author__ = ('Andrew Hearin', 'Duncan Campbell')
__all__ = ('conditional_abunmatch_bin_based', 'randomly_resort')
def conditional_abunmatch_bin_based(haloprop, galprop, sigma=0., npts_lookup_table=1000, seed=None):
""" Function used to model a correlation between two variables,
``haloprop`` and ``galprop``, using conditional abundance matching (CAM).
The input ``galprop`` defines a PDF of the desired galaxy property being modeled.
We will use the `~halotools.utils.monte_carlo_from_cdf_lookup` function to generate
Monte Carlo realizations of this input PDF. If there are ``num_halos`` in the input
``haloprop`` array, we will draw ``num_halos`` times from this input PDF,
and we will do so in such a way that larger values of ``galprop`` will be associated
with larger values of ``haloprop``. The returned array will thus be a Monte Carlo realization
of the input ``galprop`` distribution, but a correlation between the halo property and galaxy property
has been introduced. The strength of this correlation can be controlled with the input ``sigma``.
An example application of this technique is age matching, in which it is supposed that
earlier forming halos host earlier forming galaxies
(See `Hearin and Watson 2013 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1304.5557/>`_).
Alternative applications are numerous. For example, conditional abundance matching
could be used to model a correlation between galaxy disk size and halo spin,
or to model intrinsic alignments by introducing a correlation between halo and galaxy orientation.
haloprop : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (num_halos, ) typically storing a halo property
galprop : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (num_gals, ) typically storing a galaxy property
sigma : float, optional
Level of Gaussian noise that will be introduced
to the haloprop--galprop correlation.
Default is 0, for a perfect monotonic relation between haloprop and galprop.
npts_lookup_table : int, optional
Size of the lookup table used to approximate the ``galprop`` distribution.
Default is 1000.
seed : int, optional
Random number seed used to introduce noise in the haloprop--galprop correlation.
Default is None for stochastic results.
model_galprop : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (num_halos, ) storing the modeled galprop-values associated
with each value of the input ``haloprop``.
Suppose we would like to do some CAM-style modeling of a correlation between some
halo property ``haloprop`` and some galaxy property ``galprop``.
The `conditional_abunmatch_bin_based` function
can be used to map values of the galaxy property onto the halos in such a way that the
PDF of ``galprop`` is preserved and a correlation (of variable strength)
between ``haloprop`` and ``galprop`` is introduced.
>>> num_halos_in_mpeak_bin = int(1e4)
>>> mean, size, std = -1.5, num_halos_in_mpeak_bin, 0.3
>>> spin_at_fixed_mpeak = 10**np.random.normal(loc=mean, size=size, scale=std)
>>> num_gals_in_mstar_bin = int(1e3)
>>> some_galprop_at_fixed_mstar = np.random.power(2.5, size=num_gals_in_mstar_bin)
>>> modeled_galprop = conditional_abunmatch_bin_based(spin_at_fixed_mpeak, some_galprop_at_fixed_mstar)
To approximate the input ``galprop`` distribution, the implementation of `conditional_abunmatch_bin_based`
builds a lookup table for the CDF of the input ``galprop`` using a simple call to `numpy.interp`,
which can result in undesired edge case behavior if
a large fraction of model galaxies lie outside the range of the data.
To ensure your results are not impacted by this, make sure that
num_gals >> npts_lookup_table. It is recommended that you always visually check histograms of the
distribution of returned values against the desired distribution defined by ``galprop``.
This function is not really intended for traditional abundance matching applications
involving Schechter-like abundance functions such as the stellar-to-halo mass relation,
where extrapolation at the exponentially decaying high-mass end requires special care.
For code that provides careful treatment of this extrapolation in such cases,
see the `deconvolution abundance matching code <https://bitbucket.org/yymao/abundancematching/>`_
written by Yao-Yuan Mao.
With the release of Halotools v0.7, this function had its name changed.
The previous name given to this function was "conditional_abunmatch".
Halotools v0.7 has a new function `~halotools.empirical_models.conditional_abunmatch`
with this name that largely replaces the functionality here.
See :ref:`cam_tutorial` demonstrating how to use the new
function in galaxy-halo modeling with several worked examples.
haloprop_table, galprop_table = its.build_cdf_lookup(galprop, npts_lookup_table)
haloprop_percentiles = its.rank_order_percentile(haloprop)
noisy_haloprop_percentiles = randomly_resort(haloprop_percentiles, sigma, seed=seed)
return its.monte_carlo_from_cdf_lookup(haloprop_table, galprop_table,
def randomly_resort(x, sigma, seed=None):
""" Function randomizes the entries of ``x``
with an input level of stochasticity ``sigma``.
x : ndarray
Input array of shape (npts, ) that will be randomly reordered
sigma : float
Input level of stochasticity in the randomization
seed : int, optional
Seed used to randomly add noise
noisy_x : ndarray
Array of shape (npts, )
npts = len(x)
idx_sorted = np.argsort(x)
x_sorted = x[idx_sorted]
noisy_indices = noisy_indexing_array(npts, sigma, seed=seed)
noisy_x_sorted = x_sorted[noisy_indices]
idx_unsorted = unsorting_indices(idx_sorted)
return noisy_x_sorted[idx_unsorted]
def noisy_indexing_array(npts, sigma, seed=None):
Function calculates an indexing array that can be used to randomly reorder
elements of a sorted array. The level of stochasticity in this random reordering
is set by the input ``sigma``.
npts : int
Number of points in the sample
sigma : float or ndarray
Level of Gaussian noise to add to the rank-ordering.
When passing a float, noise will be constant. Otherwise,
must pass an array of shape (npts, ).
seed : int, optional
Seed used to randomly draw from a Gaussian
indices_with_noise : ndarray
Numpy integer array of shape (npts, ) storing the integers
0, 1, 2, ..., npts-1 in a noisy order
sigma = np.atleast_1d(sigma)
if len(sigma) == 1:
sigma = np.zeros(npts) + sigma[0]
if np.any(sigma) < 0:
msg = "Input ``sigma`` must be non-negative"
raise ValueError(msg)
elif np.all(sigma) == 0:
return np.arange(npts)
sigma = np.maximum(sigma, 1e-3)
with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma, size=npts)
sorted_ranks = np.arange(1, npts+1)
sorted_percentiles = sorted_ranks/float(npts+1)
noisy_percentiles = sorted_percentiles + noise
# rescale to the unit interval
noisy_percentiles -= np.min(noisy_percentiles)
noisy_percentiles /= np.max(noisy_percentiles)
# Now transform noisy_percentiles into an array of noisy indices
noisy_indices = np.array(noisy_percentiles*npts).astype(int)
# At this point, noisy_indices has the appropriate stochasticity but may have repeated entries
# Our goal is to return a length-npts array with no repeated entries
# that may be treated as a fancy indexing array to introduce a noisy ordering
# of some other length-npts array storing our galaxy property.
# So what we do next is address the issue of repeated entries,
# replacing them with their rank-order in sequence of their appearance
placeholder_negatives = np.zeros_like(noisy_indices) - 1.
rescaled_noisy_percentile = np.insert(placeholder_negatives, noisy_indices, sorted_ranks-1)
mask_out_placeholder_negatives = rescaled_noisy_percentile != -1
indices_with_noise = rescaled_noisy_percentile[mask_out_placeholder_negatives]
return indices_with_noise.astype(int)