import numpy as np
from ...utils import unsorting_indices
from ...utils.conditional_percentile import _check_xyn_bounds, rank_order_function
from .engines import cython_bin_free_cam_kernel, get_value_at_rank
from .tests.naive_python_cam import sample2_window_indices
def conditional_abunmatch(x, y, x2, y2, nwin, add_subgrid_noise=True,
assume_x_is_sorted=False, assume_x2_is_sorted=False, return_indexes=False):
Given a set of input points with primary property `x` and secondary property `y`,
and a mapping between that primary property and another secondary property
(`y2 | x2`), assign values of the `y2` property to the input points.
The `y2` that is assigned (`ynew`) is in monotonic correspondence with `y` at
fixed `x`. Therefore, :math:`P(<y_{\rm new} | x) = P(<y | x)`.
See :ref:`cam_tutorial` demonstrating how to use this function in galaxy-halo
modeling with several worked examples.
x : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (n1, ) storing the primary property of the input points.
y : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (n1, ) storing the secondary property of the input points.
x2 : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (n2, ) storing the primary property of the desired distribution. This should be the same physical property (e.g. halo mass) as x.
y2 : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (n2, ) storing the secondary property of the desired distribution. This is a different physical property to y.
nwin : int
Odd integer specifying the size of the window
used to estimate :math:`P(<y | x)`. See Notes.
add_subgrid_noise : bool, optional
Flag determines whether random uniform noise will be added to fill in
the gaps at the sub-grid level determined by `nwin`. This argument
can be important for eliminating artificial discreteness effects.
Default is True.
assume_x_is_sorted : bool, optional
Performance enhancement flag that can be used for cases where input `x` and `y`
have been pre-sorted so that `x` is monotonically increasing. Default is False.
assume_x2_is_sorted : bool, optional
Performance enhancement flag that can be used for cases where input `x2` and `y2`
have been pre-sorted so that `x2` is monotonically increasing. Default is False.
return_indexes : bool, optional
Return the indexes in y2 of where to find the new values, rather than the values.
`add_subgrid_noise` must be set to False is this is set.
Default is False.
ynew : ndarray
Numpy array of shape (n1, ) storing the new values (or indexes if return_indexes is True) of
the secondary property for the input points.
>>> npts1, npts2 = 5000, 3000
>>> x = np.linspace(0, 1, npts1)
>>> y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, npts1)
>>> x2 = np.linspace(0.5, 0.6, npts2)
>>> y2 = np.random.uniform(-5, 3, npts2)
>>> nwin = 51
>>> new_y = conditional_abunmatch(x, y, x2, y2, nwin)
The ``nwin`` argument controls the precision of the calculation,
and also the performance. For estimations of Prob(< y | x) with sub-percent accuracy,
values of ``window_length`` must exceed 100. Values more tha a few hundred are
likely overkill when using the (recommended) sub-grid noise option.
With the release of Halotools v0.7, this function replaced a previous function
of the same name. The old function is now called
if return_indexes:
add_subgrid_noise = False
x, y, nwin = _check_xyn_bounds(x, y, nwin)
x2, y2, nwin = _check_xyn_bounds(x2, y2, nwin)
nhalfwin = int(nwin/2)
npts1 = len(x)
if assume_x_is_sorted:
x_sorted = x
y_sorted = y
idx_x_sorted = np.argsort(x)
x_sorted = x[idx_x_sorted]
y_sorted = y[idx_x_sorted]
if assume_x2_is_sorted:
x2_sorted = x2
y2_sorted = y2
idx_x2_sorted = np.argsort(x2)
x2_sorted = x2[idx_x2_sorted]
y2_sorted = y2[idx_x2_sorted]
i2_matched = np.searchsorted(x2_sorted, x_sorted).astype('i4')
result = np.array(cython_bin_free_cam_kernel(
y_sorted, y2_sorted, i2_matched, nwin, int(add_subgrid_noise), int(return_indexes)))
# Finish the leftmost points in pure python
iw = 0
leftmost_window_ranks = rank_order_function(y_sorted[:nwin])
for ix1 in range(0, nhalfwin):
iy2_low, iy2_high = sample2_window_indices(ix1, x_sorted, x2_sorted, nwin)
if return_indexes:
leftmost_window_sorting_indexes = np.argsort(y2_sorted[iy2_low:iy2_high])
result[ix1] = iy2_low + leftmost_window_sorting_indexes[
leftmost_sorted_window_y2 = np.sort(y2_sorted[iy2_low:iy2_high])
result[ix1] = get_value_at_rank(leftmost_sorted_window_y2, leftmost_window_ranks[iw], nwin, int(add_subgrid_noise))
iw += 1
# Finish the rightmost points in pure python
iw = nhalfwin + 1
rightmost_window_ranks = rank_order_function(y_sorted[-nwin:])
for ix1 in range(npts1-nhalfwin, npts1):
iy2_low, iy2_high = sample2_window_indices(ix1, x_sorted, x2_sorted, nwin)
if return_indexes:
rightmost_window_sorting_indexes = np.argsort(y2_sorted[iy2_low:iy2_high])
result[ix1] = iy2_low + rightmost_window_sorting_indexes[
rightmost_sorted_window_y2 = np.sort(y2_sorted[iy2_low:iy2_high])
result[ix1] = get_value_at_rank(rightmost_sorted_window_y2, rightmost_window_ranks[iw], nwin, int(add_subgrid_noise))
iw += 1
if return_indexes:
# The result indexes point to the location in y2_sorted. Undo that if required
result = result if assume_x2_is_sorted else idx_x2_sorted[result]
# The result indexes are ordered like y_sorted. Undo that if required
result = result if assume_x_is_sorted else result[unsorting_indices(idx_x_sorted)]
return result
# The result values are ordered like y_sorted, Undo that if required
return result if assume_x_is_sorted else result[unsorting_indices(idx_x_sorted)]