Source code for halotools.custom_exceptions
Classes for all Halotools-specific exceptions.
__all__ = ('HalotoolsError', 'InvalidCacheLogEntry')
class InvalidCacheLogEntry(Exception):
""" Base class of all Halotools-specific exceptions.
def __init__(self, message):
super(InvalidCacheLogEntry, self).__init__(message)
class AmurricaError(HalotoolsError):
""" Built-in mechanism to prevent ridiculous spelling-choice contributions to the repository.
def __init__(self, basename, linenum, correct_spelling, offending_spelling):
message = ("\nOn line number "+str(linenum)+" of the source code file ``"+basename+"``,\n"
"you have incorrectly spelled the word ``"+correct_spelling+"`` "
"as ``"+offending_spelling+"``.\n"
"Contributions to Halotools that support King George are strictly forbidden.\n")
super(AmurricaError, self).__init__(message)
class SpellingError(HalotoolsError):
""" Built-in mechanism to common misspellings contributed by certain repo contributors
who need not be named.
def __init__(self, basename, linenum, correct_spelling, offending_spelling):
message = ("\nOn line number "+str(linenum)+" of the source code file ``"+basename+"``,\n"
"you have incorrectly spelled the word ``"+correct_spelling+"`` "
"as ``"+offending_spelling+"``.\n")
super(SpellingError, self).__init__(message)